About Heliopolis and the Ben Ben Stone

Heliopolis (Greek, “City of the Sun“), On in Coptic and Lunu (“Pillar“) in the Old Egyptian Language, was the Capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian Nome (a Province). The City was the most important Center of Science in Antiquity.

Heliopolis is now part of Cairo and completely destroyed. The only thing that is left is a lonely Obelisk, the Carrier of the famous Bnbn Stone, the Stone of Destiny.

The city was a Center of Astronomy, Geometry, Medicine, History, Mythology and Philosophy as reflected in the title of its High Priest, “Chief of Observers” or “Greatest of Seers“.

The Priests of Heliopolis were also responsible for the Calendars and therefore the “Keepers of Time“.

The city was largely destroyed in the Persian invasion of 525 BC. After the destruction of Heliopolis the Library and its Priests were moved to Alexandria, the new capital.

Heliopolis was the seat of the Sun-God Atum-Ra who was worshipped in the primary temple, which was known by the names Per-Aat (“Great House“) and Per-Atum (“House of Atum“).

Heliopolis was one of the most famous centers of knowledge in antiquity. It was visited by Solon, Plato’s teacher, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Thales, Democritus, Opheus, Homer, Jesus and his parents and many other Very Important Persons from all over the World.

Herodotus, the Historian, states that the Priests of Heliopolis, were the first to discover the Solar Year. Plato wrote that the Priests of Egypt had observed the stars for more than 10.000 years. They preserved the knowledge of the Sphinx created in the Age of the Lion thousands of years before the Ascension of the first Pharaoh and the Great Deluge.

Plato also wrote about Atlantis. This knowledge was given to Solon when he visited Heliopolis. About 9,000 years before the birth of Solon, the priests said, Atlantis was a rich island whose powerful princes conquered many of the lands of the Mediterranean. The Atlantians eventually became wicked and impious, and their island was swallowed up by the sea as a result of earthquakes.

On also played an important role in the Old and the New Bible. Joseph married a daughter of a Priest (Potipherah) of On (Genesis (41:45)). The Jewish Exodus started at On and Mary and Joseph took their little Child Jesus to Heliopolis for safekeeping when they were fleeing the soldiers of Herod, King of Israel.

The most important temple in Heliopolis was the “Mansion of the Benben“, also known as the “Mansion of the Phoenix“. In the middle of the Temple in an open courtyard, stood an Obelisk, on top of which sat the “Benben Stone“. The Benben stone looked like a small Pyramid.

 The Benben Stone was seen as the solidified Seed of Atum, the Stone of Creation. It was on this stone that the Phoenix or Benu Bird would return every 12.594 years and place its new Egg. At that moment a new Era of Mankind was started. The Benu Bird came from the ‘Isle of Fire’, the mythical place where the gods were born.

The Benben Stone could be the same stone as Jacob slept on in Genesis 28:11 (Jacob’s Pillar) because there is some historical evidence that Abraham was an Egyptian Pharaoh named Djehuty or Djehutymes, Son of Thoth. This explains the important positions of Joseph and Moses.

Another important Artefact of Heliopolis was the sacred Ished (Persea) Tree, The Tree of Life, the Seat of the Benu Bird. The Tree was protected by the great Cat, a Symbol of Ra.

Ancient Egyptian ritual required the names of each pharaoh to be inscribed on the leaves of this tree during the coronation ceremony. The fruit of the Tree of Life gave Eternal Life and the Knowledge of the Cycles.

The Myths and Symbols that were used in Heliopolis are related to the Cycle of Life and the Divine Fractal. The Phoenix represents just like the Ouroboros and the Masturbating Bisexual God Atum the Creator who has Created Itself. The Tree of Life shows the fractal pattern that repeats itself when Atum enfolds itself on many levels of existence.

The Benben Stone is something different. The Benben Stone or the Stone of Destiny was a highly wanted physical attribute. Many Kings and Dictators (Hitler) spend a lot of time and money to acquire it.

According to many legends the Stone enlightened the person who was in its surroundings and produced a tremendous power. The Stone was also highly violent and distorting. It was impossible to be close to the Stone without the protection of magical rituals performed by the Priests.

In Egypt the Stone was put into the King’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Gizeh for an initiation ceremony that transformed the Pharaoh into a Living God.


During the Reign of Pharaoh Akhenaton something went wrong. Akhenaton experimented with the Benben Stone and became Addicted to it. This resulted in many physical deformities and mystical “hallucinations”. Because of this all Akhenaton started a new Monotheistic Religion based on Atum.

The Priests of Ammon revolted and Moses and Akhenaton had to leave Egypt with many followers (The Jews), carrying the Benben Stone with them. The Stone was put into the Arc of the Covenant and helped the Jews to destroy Jericho.

The destruction of Jericho by an Earthquake could explain the Destructive and Transformative Powers of the Stone. Humans are highly influenced by Strong Electro-Magnetic (E/M) Fields. E/M-field produce hallucinations and Influence the Chemistry of the Body.

Upon the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, (2 Maccabees 2: 4-8) Jeremiah takes the Ark, the Tabernacle and the Stone and hides them in a cave on Mount Nebo.

From the times of Jeremiah the whereabouts of the Stone are not clear. Irish legends tell us that the Stone of Destiny was transported to Ireland (Tara) and ended up in the Hands of the English Kings. It is very clear that the Stone which now resides in Scotland is not a powerful stone.

Another Story is about the famous Knights Templar who dug up the Arc in 1127 and took it by ship to Italy. The following year, it was transported to a monastery in France, while its permanent home Chartres Cathedral was being prepared.

It next passed into the hands of the Cathars, due to a security risk, and they took it to a remote fortress in the Pyrenees Mountains. After escaping a nine month siege, it was then transported to Spain and resides in a cave close to Lourdes.

The Ethiopians claim that the Arc of the Covenant and the Ben Ben Stone were transported to Axum during the Reign of King Salomo by his Sun Menelik. Menelik is the Sun of King Salomo and the Queen of Sheba.

Why is the Benben Stone so Important?

When the World was almost Destroyed by the Great Deluge the Survivors detected the Cause of the Cataclysm.

The Deluge was part of a Cyclic Pattern that repeated itself every 12.594 years (half of a the Precession Cycle). They created Myths hoping this Knowledge would survive the coming 12.594 years. The Myth of the Phoenix that came from the Land of Fire was an Important Story. The Phoenix landed on the Benben Stone in Heliopolis.

They did not only create Myths they also deviced Instruments to Balance the E/M-Field of Earth to prevent the giant Earthquakes to happen again. This instrument, a huge Crystal, the Benben Stone, was put into a Pyramid at the Right Place on Earth. Comparable Devices were created at other Strategic Places on the Earth Grid.

A this moment the Balancing Infrastructure of Earth is completely Out of Order. We have to Restore it soon because the Phoenix from the Land of Fire is about to Appear Again.

The Phoenix is looking for the Benben Stone to lay down its New Egg that will trigger a New Era of Mankind, the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer.


About the African Origins of Ancient Egypt

About the Mount Meru and the Triangel of Pascal

About the Djed Pillar, the Tool of the Ancient Egyptian Djedi 

About the Nine Spiritual Bodies in Ancient Egypt

About Menes and the Great Deluge