About the Egyptian Pillar of God

One Cellar Creatures, Bacteria, have no need for a central system, a Central Nervous System. Their only need is to find Food (Chemicals).

To find food they Move Around in the Chemical Soup with their Flagellum in a Chaotic Pattern (Creativity, Exploration) until they are Attracted by (Fall in Love with) a Source they Like.

When the Bacteria are Attracted by the Food, their Creative Behavior stops. The Chaotic Pattern changes into a Stable Cyclic Pattern.

The Movement of the Flagellum of the Bacterium is comparable with the Emotional System of the Human Being.

The Creative and the Emotional System are the Basic Systems of Nature. Conscioussness, the Feed Back Cycle, was there from the Beginning. Conscioussness, Creativity and Compassion are also the Basic Systems of the Human Being.

They are independent of Time and Place. In the first step of Evolution the Organisms where Connected and in the Now.

In the next step of Evolution two new Protective Systems came into existence, the Predictive System (Thinking) and the Sensory System.

They are related to the Multi-Cellar Organisms, the Organisms with a Brain and a Spine. The Protective Systems came into existence because the Organisms became Disconnected (Specialized) and started a Competition.

Viruses Mediate Interactions Between Bacteria and Sponges: Study

Although they may look plant-like, Sponges are the simplest and the oldest (635 million yrs) of the multi-cellular animals. Sponges evolved in shallow ocean basins, because the deeper seas did not yet contain oxygen, a necessity for almost all life.

At that time the Sponzes could live an Easy Life because there was no Competition from more complicated animals.

Sea sponges are not moving at all. They attach themselves to the sea bed and filter nutrients from the water that they force through their porous bodies with flagella.

Because of the Life-Style they lead sea sponges do not need, and therefore lack, nerve cells, muscle cells and internal organs of any kind.

The first step in the development of the Central Nervous System (CNS) is the Community. The Cells are coordinated by specialized interconnected nerve cells, the Nerve Net.

Although the Nerve Net allows the animal to respond to its environment, it has trouble alerting the animal from Where the Stimulus is Coming.

For this reason, simple animals with Nerve Nets always Respond in the Same way to Contact with an Object, regardless of where the contact occurs. The organisms coordinated by a Nerve Net are able to move in a Plane.

The next step is the development of organisms happened about 590 million years ago. At that moment the Central Coordinating System, the Brain, appeared.

Image of Marshmallow starfish

Sea stars have a nerve net in each arm, connected by a Central Radial Nerve Ring at the center.

This is better suited to controlling more complex movements than a Diffuse Nerve Net.

The organisms with a CNS, the Bilateria, are able to Act and React to a Possible Harmful Stimulus.

They Move in the 3rd Dimension, endowing them with not only a top and a bottom, but a left and a right, and a front and a back. Therefore they are comparable to a Sphere.

The 3-Dimensional Bilateria make use of Five fluid filled Cavities (Spheres) to Protect the Organs and a Digestive Tube with a Mouth and an Anus.

The Bilateria (including the Humans) have Five Body Cavities: (1) the Brain; (2) the Spinal Cord; (3) the Heart and Lungs; (4) the Digestive Organs and Kidneys; (5) the Bladder and Reproductive organs.

The Five Spheres are incorporated in one Super Protective Sphere, the Coelum (Skin).

In the Human Embryo the First step of Division of the Cells is between the Coelum (the Multi-Cellar Body) and the Brain (CNS, Coordinating the Multi Cellar Body).

The CNS shows the greatest development in Vertebrates. In the vertebrates the CNS is protected by the Skeletal System.

The CNS is connected to the rest of the body through a peripheral nervous system that includes the nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord with Receptors such as the Ears and Eyes and Effectors such as the Muscles in the Body.

In the evolution of Vertebrates from Fish to Mammals, the most significant changes have occurred in the Structure of the Brain.

Even in the earliest vertebrates, the brain had three divisions: the Hindbrain, Midbrain, and Forebrain.

The Hindbrain is concerned with Motor Reflexes, the Effectors, the Muscles (the 2nd Dimension).

The Midbrain coordinates the Receptors (Eyes, 3rd Dimension). In the progression from Fish to Mammals, the Forebrain becomes more prominent.

The Forebrain is used for Receiving and Integrating Information to create a 4-Dimensional Picture of the Space/Time. This System is used to Predict the Causal Path of the Future. The Predictive System is fed by the experiences of the Past and tries to avoid Pain and Destruction. Its Basic Emotion is the Fear to lose Control.

At this moment the most advanced creatures on Earth, the Humans are able to operate in the Fourth Dimension. The Blueprint of the Organisms, the DNA, contains enough Junk DNA to reach into higher Dimensions. The next step is the Fifth Dimension. In this Dimension Space & Time Travel are possible.

Scientists recently discovered that the DNA of one of the most primitive and ancient Multi-Cellular creatures on Earth, the Sea Sponge, contains almost the Same Blueprint as the Central Nervous System of the Human Being.

Many people still believe the Evolution Theory of Darwin is Right. This theory states that the evolution of the species is governed by Random Mutation and Natural Selection. The discovery of the DNA of the Sponge shows a completely different view, the view of the much despised Lamarck.

Behind the seemingly Random Pattern of Evolution a highly stable (geometric fractal) structure, The Trinity Pattern, emerges. The DNA is not adapting to Evolution. It is the other way around. Evolution is an Enfolding of a Highly Stable Self Referencial (Fractal) Multi Dimensional Blueprint. This Blueprint was already there when the Universe was created. The Trinity Pattern shows that the basic structure of the Universe is an enfolding of Trinities in Trinities.

The Sequence of the Enfolding is controlled by a pattern called the Bronze Mean (1,1,4,13,43). The pattern is visible in the ancient Sri Yantra.

We are now in the 42th step of enfolding. The 43th step will create a completely new Universe.

In this step the Seven Seperate Multi-Verses of our Universes will Merge into One Structure that is connected to the Rotating Primal Void, the Sekhem.

If this step will occur we will be able to move out of the 4th dimension into the 5th, Space/Time.

The good thing is that many scientists especially the Physicists and the Mathematicians believe the Eternal Blueprint is there and will be found.

Many of them also believe that this Blueprint was already discovered a long time ago. In the next part of this blog I will continue with my discovery of the Old Egyptian Physics. We will see that the Old Egyptian Scientists were aware of the Patterns behind the Patterns.

What is Happening?

In the Beginning, 3.8 billion years ago, the Self Reproducing Central Coordination Sphere called Earth, moving in 4-dimensional Space/Time, was a “chemical soup“. When the Earth cooled down the Soup transformed itself into Self-Reproducing Cells, the Bacteria.

The Cells clustered into Self Reproducing Central Coordination Systems called Humans. In every step of the Evolution from Chemical Soup to Human a new Dimension of Space/Time was discovered. The next step must be a step into the 5th Dimension.

Let us move back to Ancient Egypt.

In current Physics a Singularity is called a Black Hole or Wormhole. In the Old Egyptian Science the Void was called the Sekhem.

In the next step of the story Isis and Osiris give birth to a child called Horus.

Horus is the Symbol of the Human Body. Isis is represented in Catholic Tradition by Mary, the Black Madonna. In most representations she is depicted with her Child (Horus, Jezus).

The Four Suns of Horus are the symbols of the Four Organs situated in the Four Cavities of the Human Body.

The last Fifth Cavity of the Human Body, The Brain and the Spinal Cord protected by the Backbone is represented by a symbol called the Djed Pillar. The Djed Pillar was one of the most Magical Symbols in Egypt.

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Djed Pillar
The Four Sons of Horus were traditionally the guardians of the internal organs of the deceased. Each was associated with a particular organ, and also with a different cardinal point on the compass.
The sons of horus are the organs.

The Five Cavaties correspond with the Five Organs in Acupuncture. Acupunture is an Ancient Chinese Medical Treatment to cure and stabilize the Electro Magnetic Body of the Human. The Cavities now called Cells also exist in the Universe. They are the Birth Places of Star Clusters.

Why is the Djed Pillar such an Important Concept?

The name Djed contains the term DJ meaning Serpent. Dj comes back in Dj-huti (Thoth/Hermes), Dj-inn (a Magical Serpent Ghost) and Djedi (An Egyptian Magician).

The name Djedi was used in the famous Movie Star Wars. The Djedi are called the Skywalkers because they are able use the Power of the Serpent to move in Space/Time, the Fifth Dimension.

In other cultures the Serpent Power is called the Kundalini.

The Serpent or the Kundalini is a Tremendous Power that rests in the Spinal Chord at the place of the Sacrum, the first part of the Spine.

At this place the first Chakra, the Muladhara is situated. The Muladhara Chakra is made of the Earth Element and represents the Beginning of Life (the Chemical Soup).

When awakened and nourished, this association with the Earth element manifests itself as a Electro Magnetic Force within that person.

One of the most important secret rituals in the Cult of Osiris was called the Raising of the Djed. When you Raise Your Backbone you are opening the Path of the Serpent to let the Electro Magnetic Field of Mother Earth move you to the Fifth Dimension.

What is the Physical Explanation of the Serpent Energy?

The Earth is a huge magnetic sphere. The E/M field of the Earth varies in strength and consistency through the ages. Our bodies own magnetic frequencies and our bio-field patterns react to this variance of the Earth’s field.

The pineal gland, the Eye of Horus (or the Horn of the Unicorn), is the “clock” that controls biological cycles. The Eye of Horus stands for the sixth chakra.

The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field.

The pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as Melatonin, Dopamine, Serotonin, and others).

Its abnormal functioning may result in a variety of Physical (the Immune System), Neurological (Tremors) and Psychological (Psychosis) Problems including Mystical and Para-Normal Experiences.

Our bone structure Converts Vibrational Energy, such as sound or light, into Magnetic and Electric Energy. When the bone is bent it produces an E/M-field. This E/M-field interacts with the Pineal Gland and creates a Feed-Back Cycle.

The E/M-field of our Body, the Aura, is a combination of all kind of waves. A special type of wave-structure is called a Standing Wave.

When the E/M-field acts as a Standing Wave all the waves are in harmony and conserve structure. The Human body is in harmony when the total field of all the separate E/M-fields of the Body act as a Standing Wave.

The Standing Wave appears when the Spinal Wave of the Vertebrae of the Body is in a special Alignment. This alignment happens when the Djed is Raised.

If this happens the Standing Wave of the Spine Resonates with the Standing Wave of the Earth. At that moment the Kundalini Rises and the Pineal Gland reacts with a Huge Mystical Experience.

What was the Aim of the Djedi?

The E/M-field of the Earth is different at every place on Earth. It also changes every day because of the influence of the Moon, the Sun and other powerful fields in the Universe.

At a certain moment in Time, at a certain place on Earth and with the help of special instruments (The Pyramid of Giza, the BnBn Stone) the old Egyptian Magicians, the Djedi, imagined it would be possible to resonate with the Standing Wave of the Center of our Galaxy situated in the Pleiades.

If this happens it will generate a tremendous, almost deadly, Mystical Experience, a giant influx of the Serpent of the Galaxy (the Black Hole) also called the Phoenix (Greek) or the Bennu Bird (Egyptian).

To endure this experience the Mystical Body, the Sahu, the Resurrection Body of Osiris, the Barque of the Sekhem, has to be available. The Sahu, the Light Body, is activated when the Djedi has balanced his chakras in the middle, the Heart Chakra. To experience a mystical union with the One, the Djedi has to live from the Heart.

At that moment the Skywalker will become Immortal. He will Climb Jacobs Ladder, move through the Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Sekhem, Bindu, Wormhole) into our (Black Matter) Twin Universe, the Underworld, the Nagual, the Duat, the Daad, Heaven, the Place where the Souls Live.

This Special Alignment of the Stars, The Galactic Cross, the Return of the Galactic Serpent, is the Moment the Egyptian Djedi, the Pharaos in their Coffin, the Jews (The Coming of Christ), the Muslims (the Coming of Christ), the Christians (the Return of Christ, the Resurrection), the Mayas (the Return of Quetzalcoatl, the End of the Maya Calendar, 2012), the Hopis (the Fifth World) and many other cultures are waiting for for a very long time.

A Last Remark

The E/M-field of the Earth is at this moment heavily influenced by human activities. Especially the strong fields of the Mobile Infrastructure on Earth have a devastating impact on the harmony of the Human Body. Project yourself!


About the Heart

About the Emotions of Bacteria

About the Pleiades

About Heliopolis and the Ben Ben Stone

About the Sahu, the Egyptian Light Body, the Body you need to Travel Time and Space

About the Logic of Creation

Vincent Bridges and Jay Weiner: Fulcanelli’s Final Revelation: Raising of the Djed at the End of Time

About the Djed Pillar