About the Triple Goddess

Triple Goddess Summoning The Earth Dragon Card by Briar – Happy Glastonbury

The Ancient Greek in the person of the famous philosopher Aristotle viewed Women as Imperfect Men. Women were inferior in Strength and the Powers of the Mind. Last but not least women were Without Soul.

Therefore Women had to submit to the Rule of the Male Sex. The views of Aristotle became the basis of Western Science and were codified in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

To stop the destructive effect of female dominance the old myths were rewritten. The Positive qualities of Female Deities were simply transformed into a Negative quality.

The Female Goddess became a wicked, old female, a Witch or a Whore. She became a stealer of children and a seductress of men. She was so frightful that humans turned into Stone when they saw here.

The Wicked Witch and the Whore has many names. Examples are Lilith, Istahar, Isis, Hekate, Astarte, Medusa, Morgan Le Fay and of course the White Virgin Mary and Mary Magdelena, the Black Madonna also known as Isis or Ishtar (the Planet Venus).

One of the Oldest Version of the Destructive Wicked Whore is Lilith. Lilith first appears around 3000 B.C.E. as a class of spirits, the Lilitu or the Ardat Lili. The lilitu are associated with the owl, the eagle, the lion, water, violent sand storms (the South Wind), disease and the destructive powers of nature. The Ardat Lili, winged night spirits, female vampires, seduce men at night and steal their sperm to create demonic children.

The destructive South Wind was known as Ninlil (Nin Lil = Lady Wind) she was the wife of Enlil (En Lil= Lord Wind). Enlil is the sun of An(u) and Ki and holds possession of the Tablets of Destiny which gives him the power over the entire cosmos and the affairs of man.

He is sometimes friendly towards mankind, but can also be a stern and even cruel god who punishes man and sends forth disasters, such as the great Flood which wiped out humanity with the exception of Atrahasis (Noah). Enlil is portrayed wearing a Crown with Horns (the Devil), symbol of his power. When Enlil rapes Ninlil he has to leave Heaven and is send by Anu to the Underworld (Earth). Ninlil follows him to take revenge.

Enlil and Ninlil are the Babylonian origin of Adam and Eve and their banishment out of Heaven is comparative to Adam and Eve’s banishment from the Garden of Eden.

Eve is very different from Lilith. Lilith is a magically beautiful woman. She shares paradise with Adam. She is a female made by God in a manner similar to how the Lord made the first male.

After leaving both the first male and paradise she is replaced by a less independent and less equal Eve, a woman not made from the Earth but from a rib of the man Adam. Lilith is mentioned in the Death Sea Rolls, the Zohar and the Talmud.

If we look at the “original” story of Adam and Eve we can see that Eve (Lilith) had a good reason to leave the “first male”, Enlil. He raped her. Later we will see that Enlil (with different names) is playing the same game all the time.

Ishtar is the goddess of fertility, love, war and the planet Venus. Ishtar is like Lilith (and Isis) associated with sexuality and sexual mystic rituals (Invoking the Kundalini).The Kundalini (“The Serpent Power”) is a spiral pattern in the body. It connects the main energy-points (chakra’s).

When the energy points are connected to Mother Earth (Gaya, Sophia), spiritual awakening starts. The Kundalini is normally symbolized as a serpent coiled into three and a half circles, with its tail in its mouth, and spiraling around the central axis at the base of the spine.

In the Gnostic version of the Fall from Paradise, there is no sin on the part of our ancestral parents. The Serpent in Eden is Kundalini, a sublime ally to humanity, not a tempter.

In these texts, the Serpent Power is called “the instructor.” Eve (Lilith), the ancestral representative of the human species, acquires from the Serpent all the secret knowledge of the Mysteries.

One of the most famous myths about Ishtar describes her descent to the underworld. After Ishtar descends to the underworld, all sexual activity ceases on earth. She is begged to come back. She can only return from the underworld if she sends someone back in her place.

Each time when she runs into someone, she finds him to be a friend and lets him go free. When she finally reaches her home, she finds her husband (Enlil, Adam) seated on his throne, not mourning her at all. In anger, Ishtar has the demons take her husband back to the underworld as her replacement. When this happens sexual activity starts again.

You have to understand that Enlil lived in Heaven (or Paradise) and the Underworld is the next level below Paradise. This level is called Earth. So Ishtar (Lilith) sends her “husband”, The Devil, back to Earth.

The little stories in this blog are part of a much bigger story called the Gilgamesh Epos. This story is used by many comtemporary scientists to prove that Earth was visited by members of an old Civilization (The Anunaki, The Archons, The Serpents) that was situated in the Constellation Sirius.

The Annunaki engineered the Humans (called the Lu-lu) to work for them. They also interbred with their own creation (Demi-Gods). If this story is true Paradise could be Sirius.

Medusa means “sovereign female wisdom,” in Sanskrit Medha, Greek Metis, Egyptian Met or Ma’at . In Egypt she was the Goddess of Justice. Medusa/Ma’at destroys and purifies in order to recreate Balance.

In ancient history Medusa was symbolized by a female figure positioned in holy postures with the presence of animals, primarily birds and snakes whom she is intimately connected with. Medusas symbol of female wisdom is her ceremonial mask.

It has wide unblinking eyes that reflect her immense wisdom. The mask was used to guard and protect women and the secret knowledge of the Divine Feminine. It was erected in stone, corresponding to her look of stone, on caves and gateways at sacred sites dedicated to the Goddess.

The myths about the Female Goddesses are a very complicated mix of deliberated distortion by the “female haters” (Anunnaki, Archons), historical accounts, hermetic (secret, encryped) knowledge and fantasy. One thing is for sure, everybody wanted to hide the Power of and the Knowlegde about the Feminine Energy, the Kundalini.

If we look more closely we are able to detect Four Perspectives on the Female Goddess. Three of them are related to the Female Stages of Life, Maiden, Mother, and Crone (Grandmother). These stages are United in one Concept, the Triple Goddess, the Female Trinity.

The Triple Goddess, the Unity of the three stages of the Female is the Dark Goddess called Medusa or Kali. She is associated with Total Chaos and Rebirth, the Unconsciousness, Horror, Terror, Evil, the Dark Moon, Winter, Night, Darkness and Death itself. She is the Regent of the Underworld, seen in those times as a place where souls went to rest between incarnations, before coming back to the earthly plane.

The Ancient Underworld is now called Heaven. The Regent of the Underworld and Heaven is the Triple Goddess Itself, The Whole, the Creator, The One, The Goddess who has no Name, the Unknown. The three parts of the Triple Goddess Unite in Her. She is Three and One which makes Four.

The Maiden (The Fool, Seductress, Spring, Birth, Waxing Moon) represents enchantment, innocence, lack of worries, the joy of living, inception, youth, discovery and excitement.

The Mother (Warrior, The High Priestess, Dove, Dolphin, Summer, Life, Full Moon) represents ripeness, fertility, fulfilment, stability, and power.

The Grandmother (Autumn, Death (Old Age), Fate, Waning moon) represents wisdom, repose, and compassion.

The Concept of the Triple Goddess is probably of Celtic Origin. The Celts believed that all important things come in three phases. The Triple Goddess is represented by the triple spiral or triskele.

This symbol is found in the Newgrange site from the Bronze Age (3300 BC) in Ireland. The Triple Spiral has a lot in common with the triple spiral of the “Serpent Power”. With this Power the “Feminine Energy” (The Kundalini) is awakened.

The Triple Goddess in Celtic Mythology is represented by the Morrigan (Death), Cerridwen (Grandmother), Dana/Danu/Anu (Mother) and Brigid (Maiden).

The Morrigan (“Great Queen”, “Phantom Queen,”) appears as a beautiful woman, a crow, a raven or a wolf. She is associated with fate, war, strife and death. In one of the many stories Morrigan appears to the hero Cu Chulainn and offers him her love.

When he fails to recognize her and rejects her, she tells him that she will hinder him when he is in battle. When Cu Chulainn is eventually killed, she transforms in a crow and sits on his shoulder. The Morrigan in the person of Morgan Le Fay plays an important role in the Legends of King Arthur.

Cerridwen is the keeper of the Magic Cauldron. She is the mother of very ugly son, Afagdu. To give her sun the ultimate insight she uses a magical formula, known as the “greal”.

For a year and a day, she keeps six herbs simmering in her magical cauldron, known as “Amen”, under the constant care of a boy named Gwion. One day a few drops of the bubbling liquid spatter on his hand.

Unthinkingly Gwion, sucks his burned hand, and, suddenly, he is able to hear everything in the world, and understands all the secrets of the past and future. He runs away, but Cerridwen pursues him.

After a long chase she eats him and, nine months later, gives birth to an infant son, whom she, in disgust, throws into the water of a rushing stream. He is rescued by a Prince, and becomes the great Celtic bard, Taliesin.

This is a special version of a very old story where a Child is Born without the intervention of a Male. The origins of this story go back to the time of Zoroaster and the Magi.

The Magi are called the Druids in the Celtic Mythology. The Magic Caudron is the symbol of Life (something is Cooking) and the Magical Formula is of course the Grale. The Grale stands for the Heart. If You live out of the Heart a New Child (“The Inner Child”) will be born. This Inner Child is highly creative (a Bard) which relates it to the Holy Spirit also the symbol of (Divine) Creativity. When the Inner Child is born you will understand the secrets of past and future. You will be able to read the Tablets of Destiny of Enlil.

The Mother Goddess is represented by Danu, Don or Anu. The Name Dana means Wisdom or Teacher. She is the mother of the Tuatha De Danann, the Faery-People. Anu was the Father of Isthar.

The original territory of the Celts is close to the sources of the Danube. The Greeks referred to Danube as Ister. The link between the river Danube and Celtic culture is particularly intimate and the sacredness of rivers and lakes as an expression of the sacredness of life and death was built into the whole structure of Celtic culture.

The Maiden Goddess is named Brigid but has many other names like Bloudewedd, Blodewedd, Blodwin, and Blancheflor. Her name means flowerface or White Lily. The White Lily represents the Innocent White Soul. In the old story of Blancheflor and Flor, Flor, the Red Rose, symbolises  the Red Impulse of the Passions of the Ego to become Self-conscious.

Besides a Female Trinity Celtic Mythology also contains a Male Trinity (the Dagda (“The Good God”, Lugh (“Light”) and Herne (the handsome and playful young Satyr)).

It is now possible to map the much older Female Trinity back unto the Christian Male Trinity. If we do this it is easy to see that the Holy Spirit is the Feminine Energy, the Force of Creativity, Inspiration and Joy, the Maiden. The Father must be the Grandfather (“The Good God“). He (or She) restores the Balance and creates Harmony. This leaves us with the Sun as the Father (“The Light“).

The Druids believed in three worlds and in transmigration from one to the other: in a world above this one, in which happiness predominated; a world below, of misery; and this present state in which good and evil are so exactly balanced that man has the utmost freedom and is able to choose or reject either.

In This World we have to Unite into the Soul the Properties of All Beings, to Acquire a Knowledge of All Things, to get the Power to Conquer all Evil and to Face the Face behind the Mask of Death. To accomplish this we need the Open Mind of the Maiden, the Power of the Mother and the Wisdom of the Grandmother. In every step we take on Our Path from Birth to Death we will acquire more Light to See what is Wrong and what is Right until we Accept the Love of The Great Mother who is Three and One.

I end this blog with a poem of the Sufi mystic Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) about the Triple Goddess:

I follow the religion of Love,

Now I am sometimes called

A Shepherd of gazelles

And now a Christian monk,

And now a Persian sage.

My beloved is three-

Three yet only one;

Many things appear as three,

Which are no more than one.

Give Her no name,

As if to limit one

At sight of Whom

All limitation is confounded.


About Moon-tattoos

About the Life of Ibn Arabi

About the Gnostic Teachings and Kundalini

About the Annunaki

About the Divine Feminine in Sufism