About the Productivity of Knowledge Workers

In the 19th Century The Blue Collar Workers were replaced by Machines operated by White Collar Workers.

When the White Collar Workers were replaced by the Software of the Programmers a new Type of Work was created, called Knowledge Work.

It is very difficult to measure the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker.

In this Blog I will show you that the Problem of the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker can be solved when you Realize that the Business Cycle is a Self-Referring Object (A Fractal).

Work is a Process and is part of a Business Cycle. Work has a Result and it uses Resources.

When the Result of the Process is accomplished somebody has to Use the Results. The process of Use is called Consuming.

When a Requirement is Transformed into a Result and the Result is Sold (Sales) and Used somebody starts to Think, gets Ideas, about Adapting the Requirements and the Cycle of Work is Closed.

When the Requirements are Satisfied we call the process Effective. The process is Efficient when Waste is minimized.

In the Business Cycle the Four “Organs” of the Human, Control, Desire (Consume), the Emotions (E-value-ate) and the Imagination (Create) are Dominating a Phase. The task of the fifth Organ, Conscioussness, The Monitor, is to Balance the Four Organs to make sure that one Human Faculty is not dominating the Cycle. The Business Cycle is Self-Referring.

This means that we are able to apply the Business Cycle in every part of the Business Cycle. A Salesman makes the Requirements of a Sales Plan, Executes a Sales Plan and Improves his Sales Cycle when he gets new Ideas about the effect of his efforts.

What we see is the process of Specialization resulting in the Division of Labour.

Every time when a new specialization of the Business Cycle is created the Level of the Process changes and the Speed of the Movement of the Cycle, the Periodicity, changes. Every Time when a new Division of Labour occurs the Business Cycle Speeds Up.

The Division of Labour not only Accelerates the Business Cycle. The New Roles in the Cycle behave like an Independent Unit. They want to Dominate Cycles on other Levels and most of all they want to expand their Activities.

The Personal Assistant who was helping the Manager to Hire and Fire Personnel transforms into a Human Resource Management Department.

At some point in time the specialized Units disconnect from the Whole and start a Life of their Own. Designers start Design Bureaus. Teachers unite in a School. Scientists cluster in Universities.

All of them are still payed by the Primary Processes in Society (Agriculture (Food), Industry, ..) but the Secundary (or higher order) processes don’t want to hear that. They think they are the Most Important Processes in Society.

When the new Wholes are created they start to Divide again and again. The Result of the Split of the Work Cycles, the endless Division of Labour, is an Incomprehensible, not Effective, Inefficient Network of Competing Work Processes Clustered in many Institutions.

The Business Cycle is Breathing.

When the process of Splitting has gone too far, the process of Union and Integration starts.

Splitting, Expansion, occurs when the Economic Cycle is going Up.

Integration, starts when the Economic Cycle is going Down.

We are now again in an Integration Phase which means that many secundary and higher order processes will be destroyed until the Essence of Society is visible again.

What is a Knowledge Worker?

A Blue Collar Worker works in a Factory and is doing Manual Labour. The people who are part of the Staff Departments of the Factory (Sales, Planning, Design,) are called White Collar Workers. White Collar Workers are more Educated as the Blue Collar Workers. They Earn more money and are doing Intellectual Work. The Knowledge Worker Uses and produce Knowledge. Examples are: Programmers, Systems Analysts, Lawyers, Teachers and Scientists. Examples of processes are: planning, acquiring, searching, analyzing, organizing, storing, programming, distributing and marketing.

What is Productivity?

The Concept of Productivity implies that an organization works as a Physical System with variables and their inter-relationships amenable to precise definitions. The basic reliance is on the acceptance of a Stimulus-Response model of Causality that an Input causes an Output.

Productivity is the ratio of Outputs (Goods and Services) divided by one or more Inputs (Labor hours, FTEs, Capital, Expenses). Using money as a measure of value makes it possible to compare dissimilar inputs and outputs.

Productivity is only applicable in the Production Phase of the Business Cycle. In the other Phases other Measures are used like Customer Satisfaction in the Consuming Phase. Customer Satisfaction is a measure of the Effectiveness of a Production phase.

The Business Cycle is a Self-Referencial Object. Every Phase of the Business Cycle can be divided in the Phases of the Business Cycle. This means that the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker can be Measured when he is Producing Something (A Design, A Research Document, A Plan).

If the Knowledge Worker is not Producing anything there is nothing to Consume in the next Phase. In this case the Knowledge Worker is not Effective. If this happens the  Knowledge Worker has to Reflect, Use his Consciousness, to detect his Added Value to the Whole he is part of.

To Define the Productivity of a Blue or White Collar Worker, the Process has to be Standardized. To standardize a process you have to define the Flow of the Components (Bill of Materials) and of course the Product, the Result.

If the Process is Standardized it is very easy to get rid of the Waste in the Process (Process Improvement). When this happens the process becomes more Efficient (now called Sustainable).

Standardization results in a Decrease of the Workers, a Lowering of the Waste (Costs) and an Increase in Rules. The Process Rules are implemented in Machines and Software.

What are Knowledge Workers Really Doing?

The Designers and Implementers of the Rules, the Knowledge Workers, are the people who are Destroying the Work of the Blue and White Collar Workers in a Factory. They are also the Creators of New Factories (Business Development) and connect Old Factories (Value Chain Integration).

How to Measure the Productivity of Knowledge Workers.

Knowledge Workers are part of the Business Cycle. They Analyze Work Processes to minimize Waste, Evaluate the Results of the Consuming of the Result of a Work Process (the Product) , Imagine and Test new Ways to Satisfy the Needs of the Consumer, Design New Work Processes or Change Existent Work Processes.

The Business Cycle is Self-Referring. This means that you can organize the Work Processes of the Knowledge Workers just like the Work processes they Analyze.

If you measure the Productivity of the Work Process of the Blue and White Collar Workers in a certain way, it must be possible to measure the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker in the same way. Knowledge Workers also have to make plans and have to evaluate their own products to Learn and to Improve their Performance.

This approach has a great advantage. If you treat the Knowledge Workers just the way you treat the Blue and White Collar Workers they will understand that some day the Controller will Standardize Knowledge Management, Reduce the Waste, Focus the Process on a Clearly Defined Target, Eliminate the Knowledge Workers and Replace them by a Very Intelligent and Creative Software Program.

These Software-Programs are already there (Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition) and are constantly improving their behavior. One of the most interesting examples is Wolfram Alpha.

When the Fractal Pattern Recognizers are fully operational the Knowledge Workers will Realize that the White and Blue Collar Workers are also Humans. They will know that every Human has the ability and the need to Control his own Process of Life.

They will see that Every Human has Desires, Emotions and Imagination.

They will become Aware (Consciouss) of the Fact that every Human is Able to Improve his Own Work Processes.

About Addiction


When you are highly dependent on something, you are addicted to this something.

You can be addicted to chemical substances like Alcohol, Nicotine and Drugs but it is also possible to Addict to the feeling of Power, a Concept (Dialogues, Cycles), an Activity (Work (Burn-Out), Gambling, Sex, Games), an Emotion (Extacy, Power, Sadness), a Person (Being in Love) or a Group (A Sect).

This Blog shows you what an Addiction really is about and how you can get rid of an Addiction.

In 2000 I became involved in all kinds of projects to Prevent People from Addiction (including Work-addiction, Burn-Out). To prevent addiction you have to start when people are young.

Young people are very dependent on (addicted to) others. When they are very young their parents are dominant but later and certainly when puberty starts young people are heavily influenced by their peers (peer pressure)

To help Young Adults to resist Peer Pressure we developed a Story Based Game that Simulated Real Life Situations. The Real Life Situations were found by interviewing (Depth Interview) Young and Old People that were able to stop their Addictive behavior.

The Whole Idea about this project called, Virtual Enjoyment, was that people Learn from their Mistakes. They share these experiences with others (Friends, Family) by Story-Telling.

The project was aimed at sharing these failures (and their solutions) with everybody. A very good example of this approach is the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). The main feature of the System we developed was an Automated Story-Teller (A Simulator).

Later the same approach was used to help people that were Out-of-Work because of Work-Addiction (Burn-Out).

Children are for 50% determinated by their genes. The genes contain many factors that influence the ability to addict to something. A huge percentage of the human race is unable to use alcohol so they will never get addicted to this chemical substance. The other 50% is related to the Social Context they live in.

According to Judith Harris the Emotions contain three different modules for collecting and responding to information from the Social Environment, the Socialisation System, the Status System and the Relationship System.

The Socialisation system Adapts the child to his or her Culture. This involves acquiring the local language and accent, the appropriate behaviours and customs, and the prevailing attitudes and Belief-Systems.

The purpose of the Status system is to enable children to Compete successfully with their Peers.

The Relationship System motivates us to form new relationships, to maintain existing ones if they’re going well, and to find out as much as we can about new people we meet. It contains the Relationship Patterns of the Parents.

The majority of young adults want to be part of a group (a Tribe). They do almost everything that is necessary to make this happen. Some of these tribes are dominated by a small group, the bullies.

The leaders use all kinds of rituals to make sure that their dominant position is not at stake. When you want to become and to stay part of the tribe you have to show that you are not an asshole.

One of the ways to show is the intake of an excessive amount of alcohol and/or other drugs (Binge drinking).

It is very clear that one of the effective ways to avoid addiction is to help young people to resist Dominant Peer Pressure.

To make this happen they have to Learn to Accept Themselves As They Really Are.

The Personal Power to Resist Peer Pressure is highly related to the way parents Raise their Children. Humans are Copiers and one of the most important periods of copying is early childhood. In this period children copy the Relationship-Patterns of the Parents.

When the relation of the parents is a Dominant Relationship (Master/Slave) young adults are easily manipulated by others or manipulate others. A Dominant Relationship-pattern is sadly enough propagated from the Parents to the Children. Dominant Fathers breed Dominant Suns who Marry Dependent Females.

Addictions are highly Cultural Dependent. When you live in a state dominated by Muslim Culture, drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden. Binge Drinking is a normal activity in the Northern Countries (Sweden, Norway).

Moderate drinking of alcohol (mostly Wine) occurs in the Southern Countries of Europe (France, Spain, Italy,). In this case the drinking of alcohol is part of a Social Activity.

When you are Addicted you are Repeating a Harmful Pattern. This pattern was started somewhere in your life. It was copied from your Parents or copied when you were part of a Peer Group (A Status Group).

When a Pattern is not Accepted in a Culture it is very difficult to Start the Pattern.

When a Pattern is a Cultural Accepted Habit (a Status) it is very difficult to get rid of this pattern.

When the Body produces Negative Physical Sensations (Withdrawal) it is very difficult to stop a pattern.

What is Happening?

In the Beginning the Universe was just a Rotating Void. Suddenly the Void was Penetrated by the Force of Creativity, The Spirit. The Explosion of Creativity started a phase of Expansion and Desire came into existence.

Soon Desire was compensated by Control (Contraction) to makes sure that the Expansion would stop at a certain moment. That is why Control and Desire are Opponents.

In the last step of the first step of Creation Control (the Father) and Desire (the Mother) were Merged and the Emotions (The Child) were created.

In the First Step of Creation a Stable Pattern, the Trinity, came into existence. The Trinity is the Enfolding of Spirit and contains Desire, Control and the Emotions (Soul). The Trinity is the basic Fractal Pattern of the Universe. With the Help of the Trinity-Fractal, Spirit has enfolded itself into many levels.

The Force of Creativity wants to find out about everything. Especially young adults are therefore highly interested in drugs because they are forbidden and the forbidden has a huge attraction to young people. They want and have to find the Limits in Life.

Control stimulates Desire and Desire stimulates Control. When Others try to Control Desire, Desire is stimulated to the Extreme. Desire and Control can only be balanced by the Emotions. The Emotions, the Child, are looking for Shelter and Love.

When Love (Communion) is not happening or impossible because people are unable to connect, Control and Desire are in Control and and start their Eternal Fight to avoid the Void. When this happens the Contact with Spirit is Lost.

When you are no longer in Control of Desire, and when your Happiness depends on something Outside yourself, you are Addicted. When Desire takes over Control you are caught in a Rotating Addiction Pattern, The Cycle of Destruction.

The Highly Positive Emotions of Desire (Pleasure) are Voided by the Highly Negative Emotions of Control (Pain, Fear). To stop these Negative Emotions you need the Next Shot to Experience the Positive Emotions of Desire. This is called the Opponent Process Theory of Solomon.

The Emotions, are the Balancer of the Body. They always Take Care of the Body and will find a new Equilibrium. They start to compensate the negative effects. In this case the Body becomes Tolerant to the drug and needs more to get the same effect. The Downward Spiral of Addiction is on the Move. This is called the Allostatic Model of Koob.

What to Do?

When you are Addicted to Alcohol, Work or Power you have to find an e-Motivation (an Impuls from the Emotions, the CareTaker) to Stop the Pattern.

You could ask Spirit to help You.

When you Stop it will take a long time before you are Back to Normal. In this time the Downward Spiral is moving Up but the Negative Emotions will come back.The Negative Emotions, the Pain-Body, are the Negative Emotions of Control.

Control Fears the Future and has a very Nice Story to tell. It wants to convince you that the Drug is the Best Solution to Avoid the Pain. Just take a little bit and You will be Happy Again.

At a certain moment the contact with Spirit is established again. When this happens You will feel the Penetrating Power of the Creative Force. You will start to Explore the World and New Opportunities will show themselves every day.

The Emotion of Spirit, The Joy of Life, you Missed so long is back.



Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs For Senior Citizens in the US

About Alcoholics Anonymous

About the National Council on Seniors Drug & Alcohol Rehab

About the Human Social Context, Judith Harris

Why Peer Groups are very important in the Development of Children, by Judith Harris

About the Opponent Process Theory of Addiction of Solomon

About the Allostatic Model of Koob