There is only the Dance

Shiva the Hindu god of destruction is also known as Nataraja, the Lord of the Dance. Like yoga, dance induces trance, ecstasy and the experience of the divine.

The most common figures depict a four-armed Nataraja. These multiple arms represent the four cardinal directions. Each hand either holds an object or makes a specific mudra (gesture).

The upper right hand holds a hour-glass drum which is a symbol of creation. It is beating the pulse of the universe. The drum also provides the music that accompanies Nataraja’s dance.

The opposite hand, the upper left, bears on its palm a tongue of flames. Fire is the element of destruction of the world. It is also the symbol of passion.

The second right hand is held in the abhaya pose (without fear) and so a gesture of protection. It depicts the god as a protector.

The left leg is raised towards the right leg and reaches across it; the lower left hand is stretched across the body and points to the upraised left foot which represents release from the cycle of birth and death.

The hand pointing to the uplifted foot is held in a pose imitative of the outstretched trunk of an elephant. In Sanskrit this is known as the ’gaja-hasta-mudra’ (the posture of the elephant trunk), and is symbolic of Ganesha, Shiva’s son, the Remover of Obstacles.

Nataraja dances on the body of a dwarf apasmara-purusha, the man of forgetfulness, who embodies indifference, ignorance and laziness.

Creation is possible only when the weight of inertia is overcome and suppressed. The Nataraja image thus addresses each individual to overcome complacency and get his or her own act together.

The ring of fire and light, which circumscribes the entire image, identifies the field of the dance with the entire universe. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or consciousness of each person.

The hands of Shiva represent the Human Faculties of the Imagination (Creation, Spirit, Vishnu), Control (Destruction, Thinking, Compression, Shiva), Desire (Agni, Fire, Sensing &Acting, Expansion) and the Emotions (Soul, Ganesha, Motivation, Removing Obstacles).


Humans need the “Illusion of Control” to sustain their Identity. Deep within they don’t want to believe that Other Human Beings or the Forces of Nature (“the Acts of God“) are also Active Agents.

The Imagination creates the Identity, the believe that I Am What I Am.

When we are in Deep Meditation, the Observer, the Consciousness, is able to watch the constant popping up of  Images (Ideas) out of the Nothing. 

If we are not able to keep the Observer-state, we move into the Sleep of the Darkness or our Senses are attracted by one of the Images  and move into the Dream State.

According to Buddist belief the Dream State, (Maya, Not-That) is Not the Real Word.  This world is hidden behind a veil. Behind the veil lies the Void.

The Void is not empty. It is comparable to the Zero-Point-Field, the state of the Universe before the Big Bang. In this state everything,  even the impossible,  is possible.

In the Void, Ideas of the First Creator (Brahman) Pop-Up, Move into Existence for a while and finally disappear. 

For a very long time Brahman was in deep meditation until one of the Ideas of Brahman created a Huge Excitement. This was the Idea to become Aware of Itself.

To make this happen Brahman had to spit itself into two parts, the Observer (Being, Consciousness) and the Actor (Becoming, Desire, Acting).  

Maya, the Material World,  the Expanding Universe, was created when the Desire to become Aware generated the first Split of the Universe, the split between the Void and the Not-Void, the Whole.

At this moment the Left Brain and the Right Brain of Brahman are fusing and soon we all will experience the Whole which is not the Void. The Void will stay a Mystery for Ever and Ever.


Ganesha rides a mouse, the symbol of mankind’s ignorance, his hidden fears and insecurities and his deep attachment to petty worldly objects.

By riding on the mouse, Ganesha shows that one can and must control and overcome all negative feelings. One can be the master of oneself and need not be a slave.

The head of Ganesha, the Elephant,  symbolizes the Atman, the Soul  and his human body signifies Maya.

Our “Head” or better our Soul is connected to the Void,  but our Body is an Expression of the Non-Void.

Our Body is part of the Material World and has to obey the Rules of the Material World.

Ganesha represents the Emotions, the Motivation, the Rotation, that started when Maya started to expand. When an Elephant is In Motion it is able to remove all obstacles.  

An Elephant is Part of a Herd that needs a Shephard (Vishnu, the Imagination) to find Its Way.

When an Idea pops up in the Imagination it moves the Wheel of the Emotions and the Body want to realize the Idea in the Material World.


Agni brings about growth, expansion, ascension, and transformation. It is the fire hidden in earthly things which rises out of them to heaven beyond.

Fire is the symbol of agni. The quality of fire is to spread itself. Because it spreads itself in every direction, it is present everywhere. Even though it spreads in all directions its motion is always upwards. It carries everything that it consumes and purifies, upwards.

If the motivation to realize the idea is there,  the Fire of Agni is lighted and the Human becomes passionated.

If you are  not able to control your passions you will become Addicted to the idea and the idea will never be realized.


Shiva is the Destroyer. He wants to bring everything back to the void.  The Fire of Agni is able to expand the orginal idea to exceptional proportions.

At a certain moment Shiva stops the Fire and takes over Control. The idea is simplified,  put into a plan and is finally on its way to the Material World.

The Cycle Moves On

But the Creative Energy is already busy to generate new Ideas. If this happens,  the orginal plan is adapted and adapted (“scope creap“) and will never be realized.


About Emptyness

About the Fusion of the two Minds of Brahman

About Ma’át, the Egyptian Shiva

About Good and Evil

About the Illusion of Control

About Addiction

Why you need an Obstacle to become Excited

About Scope Creap

About the Logic of Creation

The Way the Universe was Created has generated an ongoing discussion for more than 6000 years. In this Blog I give you a way to solve this problem with the use of Logic.

When we use Logic you will see that the concept of Creation out of Nothing leads to a Strange Contradiction.

This Contradiction looks a lot like the Zero-Point-Field of Quantum Mechanics.

The theory of Quantum Mechanics is a Statistical Theory. Statistical Theories are an approximation of a Theory.

Behind this approximation lies a hidden structure called the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is an expansion of the first Creation, the split of the Void.

Perhaps the most important conclusion of this blog is that what most people call the Spiritual World is really the Material World which can be explained by Mathematics and Physics.

The only part of our Universe that is truly Spiritual and is without any Duality lies outside our Universe. This Part, The Void,  prevents Our Universe for Total Annihilation.

To describe the process of Creation out of Nothing we have to define the Void (Ø) and the Whole (○). The Void is the Empty Set. The Empty Set is a Set with Zero Members. An example is the Set of months with more than 31 days. In this case the Empty Set is the result of an impossible selection.

The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.

It is hidden but always present.
I don’t know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God.

The empty set is not the same thing as nothing. It is a set with nothing inside it. In Logic there is no concept that describes “nothing”. We have to assume that there was something in the Beginning and that something is the Empty Set.

The Empty Set contains everything that is impossible.

In the Beginning an impossible selection was not possible because there was nothing to select from. This means that in the Beginning the Empty Set was the only Set in the Universe.

In the beginning the only thing that was possible was the impossible.

The Void is the Opposite of the Whole. To define the Void and the Whole we have to make use of a Distinction.

A Distinction is something that divides a Set into Two parts, X and its Opposite not-X (Yin/Yang).

A Set  that is divided into Two Parts Suddenly contains Four parts A, not-A, the Division and the Set itself (the Whole): Yin, Yang, Yin AND Yang (Division), Yin OR Yang (Whole).

The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 42).

X and not-X have only the Void in common. When we bring the two sets together they become Nothing just like the combination of Matter and Anti-Matter results in the Annihilation of Both Parts and the production of a Photon (“Light”) and Kinetic Energy (Movement). To avoid annihilation Matter and Anti-Matter have to Stay Apart.

When you Fuse the two parts X and not-X the Whole appears again. In the Beginning there was Nothing to Fuse and the commonality of the Empty Set with its Opposite, the Not-Empty Set, the Whole, was the Empty Set. In the Beginning the Whole was the Empty Set because there was only the Empty Set.

All is possible when emptiness is possible.
Nothing is possible when emptiness is impossible.

Nagarjuna, Chapter 24 verse 14 of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā

In Logic the commonality of two sets is represented by the term “and”. The fusion of two sets is represented by the term “or”. The not is represented by the symbol “~”. Using these Symbols we can write down the “laws of Logic” as follows:

Ø = ~○

X and ~X = Ø

X or ~X = ○

At the beginning of the beginning, even nothing did not exist (Chuang-tse)

At the Beginning the Universe was the Void and the Void was the Whole.

This implies the following:

Ø and ~ Ø = Ø

Ø or ~ Ø = ○

Ø = ~ Ø

Form is no other than emptiness; emptiness no other than form (Diamond Sutra)

The First Distinction in the Universe is the Choice between Distinction (~ Ø) or Non-Distinction (Ø). The Choice between the two is the Whole (Ø or ~ Ø = ○). Non-distinction is the state of Union of Every Thing in the Universe. The Union of Every Thing is No Thing at all.

There is in reality neither truth nor error, neither yes nor no, nor any distinction whatsoever, since all — including contraries — is One (Chuang-tse)

The One. . .is there before every oneness amid multiplicity, before every part and whole, before the definite and indefinite, before the limited and the unlimited. It is there defining all things that have being, defining being itself. . .It is there beyond the one itself, defining this one. (Dionysius)

The One transcends all antithesis, rises above all relation, is pure from all duality (Proclus)

Everything is of the nature of no thing (Parmenides)

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery (Lao Tzu)

In the Beginning when the Laws of Logic, the Logos, came into existence two Empty Sets were produced, the Empty Set and its Opposite, the Not-Empty Set. In the Beginning the Void was not the Void.

In the Beginning the Void has Negated Itself. This Negation started the Proces of Creation out of Nothing.

By Negation itself the Void created a deep Passionate longing to move back to the Sea of the Nothing.

The One is a Negation of Negations (Meister Eckhart)

The not-Void has a choice (Ø or ~ Ø). One choice is to merge with the Void (Ø and ~ Ø) and return back into Emptiness. The other choice is to avoid Annihilation. In this case the not-Void, ~ Ø, has to stay apart from the Void, Ø. Therefore the Not-Void, ~Ø, has to Move Away from the Void, Ø.

When this happened The Not-Void transformed from the State of Being into the state of Becoming and started to Rotate and Expand in a Spiraling motion. The Moving Void, the Second Distinction, Expanding Space, was created. When the Second Distinction was created the Void came to Rest but to keep the Balance of the Void, Not-Expanding, Compressing Space, Ø and ~ Ø, came into Existence too.

Expansion (The Strong Force) has to be compensated by Compression (Gravity) to bring the Universe back to the Void. The amount of Time this will take is dependent on the Power, the Potential, of the not-Void when it was disconnected from the Void. When the Potential of the disconnection is small, the Void and the Non-Void will merge soon and start a new process of disconnection to solve their Eternal Contradiction.

Expanding Space (Ø or ~ Ø ) and ~ Expanding Space(Ø or ~ Ø) = Ø

Gravity and The Strong Force  = Ø

Gravity or The Strong Force = ~ Ø

The whole process of logical reasoning from the Void to Space/Time is based on a Contradiction that occurs when we define what happens when Logic (Consciousness, the Two, the Self and the Observer of the Self) came into existence (“In the beginning was the Logos“) and the Void was the Whole.

When we look at the current theory of creation called the Big Bang Theory we find the same contradiction formulated in a different way.

In the theory of the Big Bang the Void that is the Whole is called a Gravitational Singularity (GS). A GS is a situation where the current laws of Physics break down because one of the variables moves to Infinity. When such a contradiction happens scientists know there is something wrong with their theory.

In the Big Bang Theory, the Universe is compressed (moved back in Time) into an extremely small space, a point, a singularity, and is therefore infinitely hot.

The Void that was the Whole, Empty Space, is extremely cold (0 degrees Kelvin). This condition is called the Zero-Point-Field. It is the State of the Universe that was there before the Big Bang.

According to Quantum Mechanics, the Zero-Point-Field, the Vacuum State, is not truly empty. It contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. It is not strange to define this popping up of No-Thing by the statement: ~ Ø = Ø (Sometimes there is nothing and sometimes there is not nothing).

The only thing we have to look for is the reason why the State of Rest of the Zero Point Field was disturbed. The answer of this question is simple: “It just happens“. A statistical fluctuation can be very small or very big.

In the Beginning the Quantum Fluctuations of the Zero Point Field, the Phoenix,  generated a huge Fluctuation represented by a “Cosmic Orgasm (Shiva and Shakti made Love)” and a real particle, a Photon (“In the Beginning was the Light“), came into existence. This Single Photon, One Wave of Light, bouncing against the expanding walls of the Universe, was enough to Create the Whole Universe.

Quantum Fluctuation is a Statistical Theory. Statistal Theories don’t explain the Universe. They are an approximation of a deeper structure we still don’t know. The ancient scientists used a metaphor out of Nature to explain this deeper structure. This metaphor was called the Tree of Life.

When we use Logic, the first step in Creation generates a Trinity. This Trinity consists of Gravitation (Expansion), the Strong Force (Compression) and the Void, the Empty Set. The concept of the Trinity with different names comes back in every Ancient Religion.

The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 42).

The first Trinity is the Top of a structure called the Tree of Life. This structure can be found in almost every Ancient Culture.

The Tree of Life consists of Nine Concepts with the Void (10=0)  at the top. The Nine Concepts of the Tree of Life are created by Multiplying the Trinity by the Trinity (3×3 =9 + the Void = 10 = 0).

The duality (-1,1) is represented by two Trinities (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3) with the Void in the Middle. In this case the Pattern of Seven appears.

The real enfolding  is created when we apply the Trinity to the Trinity. In this case the sequence becomes 1, 1, 4 (1+ 3×1), 13 (1+3×4), 43 (4+3×13), the Bronze Mean.

Every number in this sequence represents an important Stage in the enfolding of our Universe and has its own Mystical Meaning (The Void, The Duality, the Four Forces, The Zodiac (with the Sun in the Center), The Sri Yantra (The Kingdom)).

The fractal patterns moves deeper and deeper into the Material World, father away from the Beginning, the Void. At this moment our Universe contains fourty-two levels.

At some point (43) the pattern of enfolding will finally reach the Kingdom and the pattern will reverse and moves back to the Void. From that moment  we will move backwards in Time.

When you apply the Trinity to the Trinity you use a principle that is called Self-Reference. In modern mathematics this principle is called a Fractal and the theory associated with Fractals is called Chaos Theory. Fractals play a very important role in the new String Theories of the Universe.

It is possible to generate the many levels of the Universe out of one Fractal Pattern, the Trinity. In modern Physics one of the candidates for the Fractal Pattern of the Universe is the Sierpinski Triangel. This fractal pattern generates the well known Mystical Geometries and is based on Trinities.

Physics and Mystics show that Our Universe and every part of it (including the Human Being) are part of the first Trinity that came out of the non-Void, the negation of the Empty Set that came into Being.

If the Void and the Trinity are concepts that represents the concept of God, we are all part of the enfolding structure, God, the Not-Void.

One part of God, the “Real Void“, the Mystery (Brahman), is not part of our Universe. It stays outside to prevent total annihilation of Every Thing.

We cannot understand The Mystery because we cannot Reason, don’t have a Distinction, about the Beginning of the Beginning. It lies Outside our System of Understanding called Logic. The only thing that is left for us is to Experience and Keep Silent.

Gravity is the root of lightness; stillness, the ruler of movement (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 26).

The Void is also the power that Attracts every part of our Universe. The farther away we expand from the Void the stronger the Strong Force becomes. At a certain point in Time this force will force us to Move Back. When this happens the Compression of the Universe, back to the Void, cannot be stopped. When we move Back, Time will be Reversed.

In the End the Spiral of Enfolding will be Closed in Itself and the not-Void will merge with the Void. At that moment the State of Stillness of the Zero Point Field will be restored waiting for a new Fluctuation to occur. The Universe is Breathing. It is recreated time after time until the Void and the Non-Void finally fuse into the Nothing, the Mystery.

“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; then will ye enter into the kingdom.”

(Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).

When we look at the Logic of Creation we can see that the only part of Our Universe that is Truly Spiritual is the Void. The Not-Void and all its expansions are part of the Material World (Maya) that can be explained by Mathematics and Physics.

The Void, the Infinite Potential with Infinite Possibilities, lies Outside our System of Reasoning and is Nameless, Formless and not Dividable. It is truly One.

We are Nothing but a Rare Fluctuation of the One, who is the Void.


About the Mathematics of Distinctions of Spencer Brown

About Boundaries

About Boundary Mathematics

About the Tree of Life

About the Void and Atman

About the Seven (3-1-3) and the Nine (3×3)

About the Holy Trinity in Mathematics

How to create Mathematics out of the Void

Why Quantum Fluctuation could have created the Universe

How the Universe was created out of one Photon

About Celtic Christianity


The tetramorphs are four angelic beings, drawn from Babylonian symbolism in a vision of the Hebrew Prophet Ezekiel:

As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle

The beasts are later described in the Revelation of John: “And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.”

The four Babylonian symbols represent the four fixed signs, the Cross of the Zodiac, Leo, Taurus (Bull), Scorpio (Eagle) and Aquarius (Human).

They are related to the four ancient elements of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire, the four evangelists (Mark/Lion, Luke/Bull, John/Eagle, Matthew/Human), the four Seasons and the four possible Views on the world (Rules (Lion), Senses (Bull), Emotions (Human) and the Imagination (Aquarius) of Will McWhinney.


The Twelve parts of the Zodiac are the twelve (4×3) possible combinations of the Four Tetramorph.

The tetramorph themselves are combinations of the same aspect (the Bull = SensesXSenses).

Will McWhinney calls the twelve combinations “Games” or “Conflicts” because it is impossible to Unite the Four Tetramorphs.

They represent a Tension or a Force. We have to learn to Balance the Four Forces so they are able to Unite in the Center, The One (the Thirteen).

The Zodiac denotes an annual cycle. The constellations also move in a cycle, called the Precession, with a duration of 25,800 years. The Precession is moving retrograde (in the opposite direction) of the movement of the Sun in the yearly Zodiac.

The precession is an indicator of the cultural or religious state of our World. During the phase of the Pisces many Fish- and Water related symbols were used.

It is very interesting to see that the Roman Church is based on the worldview of a very old precessional symbol, the symbol of St Peter and St Mark, the Lion. In the Roman Church the Sins (the Senses) of the Bull have to obey the Moral Rules of the Lion.

Starting about 200 BC, Pisces, The Fish, became the ruler of the cycle of precession. Love thou Neighbor, became the object of Early Christianity. The Roman Church, an extension of the Empire of Rome, was never able to implement the Social Vision of the Fish.

It remained a hierarchical controlled structure with the Pater (Peter), the highest rank in the hierarchy of Mithras (The Killer of the Bull), at the top.

We are now moving from the State of Water into the State of Air (Imagination, Creation). The Social Structures of the Church will be replaced by Connected Individuals who want to Share and Express a Personal Mystic Experience.

The view of John the Evangelist, the view of the Mystic and the Poet, is hidden in the Inner World, the Imagination, of the Human. According to the Mystics the Outer World is an Expression of the Creative Power of this Inner World.

John the Evangelist was a disciple of John the Baptist before he became a disciple of Jesus. John the Baptist used Water when he baptized Jesus. He initiated John the Evangelist and Jezus into the Gnostic Mysteries. Jezus relates John the Baptist to the prophet Elija (Elias). (“there has not been raised of those born of women greater than John the Baptist. … if you are willing to accept it, he is Elias … the one about to come.” (Mt 11:9-14)).

John the Baptist

The symbol of John the Baptist was not the Eagle but its antagonist, the Dove. When we look at the symbolism of the Dove we are able to detect who John the Baptist really was. John the Baptist represents Elija, Vishnu, Oannes, Enki and Ea, the Creator of our Universe, the Lord of the Waves. The Dove is represented in the Zodiac by the Pleiades, the Center of the Cross of the Universe.

In the next part I will give you a very brief introduction into the Believe System of the Mystics.

It is very important to understand that the Mystics believe that the Creator of our Universe is not the creator of the Whole, the creation itself. The process of Creation is an Act of the Imagination of the One, a formless Entity also called The Light or the First Logos, the Word. The One has delegated the process of creation to other creators who are an emanation of the One.

In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God“.

A creation of a creator is able to create his own reality. One of the creations is Earth and the Humans on Earth are also able to create their own reality with their Imagination which is an expression of the Imagination of the One.

The One splits itself in many parts. The first creation, the Second Logos, is the Two, The Cosmic Father and Mother (Light, Darkness, Yin, Yang). The One, The Cosmic Father and the Mother are the Trinity represented by the Letters I (I am the One), A (The Beginning) and O (the End). (Revelation 1: 8: I am, the Alpha and the Omega). IOA comes back in the name Ioa(ness),the Fish-man, John and the IOROBA of Africa.

The Human is the last step in the creation. He is a five-fold creature, a combination of the Four Forces of the tetramorphs and the Light of the One.

Our Universe is one of the creations of a creator called the Demiurge (Ea, Enki). The Human Soul is in exile in the creation of this Demiurge. There are many universes and Earth is part of one of these universes. Earth is part of the (Dark) Material Universe.

The Soul, the Sparkle of the Light, will eventually return to the One. It is helped to return to the One by other Souls (Angels, Archangels) to reach ‘the Worlds of Light’. One day the world will be saved when Oannes, Enki, Vishnu, Jesus comes back.

Our Reality is governed by a Cyclic Process. This process is created by the Demiurg to keep the Souls in the Black Material Universe. Planets and stars influence fate and are also places of detention after death.

The Book of Destiny, the Book of Revelations, created by the Demiurg and written in the language of ancient Astrology, describes the Cycle. The Souls have to Jump out of the Cycle, through the Hole in the Universe, to reach the World of Light of the One. The Hole in the Universe is in the Centre of the Rose, The Heart.

Mysteries (Rituals, Sacraments) purify the soul, to ensure her rebirth into a spiritual body, and her ascent from the world of matter. The Knowledge of the Mysteries is hidden. The Hidden Mysteries are revealed by the Light, the First Logos, at the time when the Seeker has stopped looking for the Answer to all his Questions. At this moment of complete silence The Light Leads the Way.

John the Evangelist and his mystic woldview can be found in many old and almost extinct religions: Manicians, Coptic, Druze , Alawites, Essenes, Mandaeans, Chaldeans, Valentinians ,Cathars, Sufists and Armenians.

IOnA is a small island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland (Scota) that has an important place in the history of Christianity. Iona formerly named Innis nan Druidhneach (the Island of the Druids) was a primary seat of learning for the pre-Christian Celtic Druid Magi until St. Columba, the Dove, was exiled from his native Ireland (Tara).


St. Columba founded a monastery on Iona with 12 companions. Iona’s fame as a place of learning and Christian mission spread throughout Europe. Iona became a holy island where several kings of Scotland, Ireland and Norway came to be buried.

St. Columba later came back to Kells, close to Tara, and created another Monastery. One of the most important relics that was taken from Iona to Kells is the Book of Kells.

The most important mystical place in Ireland is called Tara. It is, according to legend, the place where the followers of Ioaness, guarded by the prophet Jeremiah (586 BC), accompanied by his scribe Baruch, and the daughters of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah, went in exile when Jerusalem was taken by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar.

One of the daughters (Tea Tepi, Scota) marries Eochaidh the high king of Ireland. Jeremiah brings many important relics to Ireland including Jacob’s Pillow, the cornerstone of the temple of Salomon.

The religion that came out of Kells and Iona was very different from the religion that came out of Rome. It was the religion of the Celtic Druids AND the followers of John the Baptist called Celtic Christianity.

Celtic Christianity was completely destroyed by the English Rulers of Ireland and Scotland. Just like the Roman Church destroyed the Cathars and Islam destroyed the Druze. Celtic Christianity went underground and came back as The Kabbalists, the Alchemists, the Rosicrucian’s and the Free Masons.

We are now entering a new phase in the Zodiac called Aquarius (Imagination). The view of John the Evangelist will become the Spirit of the Time. It is not necessary to create a New System of Rules, a Religion. The Dove is silently waiting in our Inner World to move Outside to bring Peace to the World. The Rose of the Heart will slowly open without any outside pressure.


About Celtic Christianity

About Celtic Mythology

About Celtic History

About the IORABA