About Meta Models

A model of a model is called a meta-model. Meta-models are made to increase the efficiency of the software-development process. You can go on with the creation of models-of-models (a meta-meta-model).

If there is nothing to stop you to model the model there is something wrong with the modeling approach.

When you are modeling you are compressing data. When you compress data the amount of data is reduced. A compression of a compression amounts to less data so there must be an end to the process of meta-modeling.

The counterpart of Compression is Expansion. When you have used a valid meta-modeling approach the meta-model has to expand to the original model without losing data.

When you want to make a meta-model you can model a static (a database) or a dynamic model (a process). Most of the meta-models of dynamic models are static models. They are stored in a database (dictionary, repository). The process of meta-modeling has the tendency to freeze the dynamics of a dynamic model.

A database is a combination of a storage-system and a software-program that stores and retrieves the data at the right place. A storage-system is also a software-program connected to a rotating device, a disk-drive, which is also managed by a software-program.

In reality every thing moves. Meta-Modeling splits a Dynamic System in a Database (a Datamodel) and Software (a Process) to Apply the Meta-Model. The Software is used to Expand the Compression of the Dynamic Model.

If you want to evaluate the efficiency of a meta-modeling approach you have look at the efficiency of the compression and the expansion of the data and the process.

When everything is a process, a method is a dynamic meta-model of a process. The meta-model of a method, a meta-meta-process, is a summary of the method. If you are not able to use the summary something is wrong with the method. If the summary is sufficient the real method is too complex.

The only way to create an efficient and reliable meta-model of a process is to find the self-similarity of the process. A self-reference, a fractal, of a process always contains less data and it is possible to enfold the fractal to a lower level without losing data.

If you use the fractal approach meta-meta-meta-….modeling is not needed because a fractal meta-model contains two parts, the fractal and the program to expand or compress the fractal to a lower or higher level.

Fractal compression and expansion is very successful in the area of image processing and textual summaries.

Is it possible to find the meta-model fractal?

The big problem is language. We express our reality in language and our current language is heavily distorted. It contains many interrelated overlapping layers.

If we use the language that is produced to describe processes we will perhaps be able to summarize, find the essence of the text, but we are never sure the text contains the real processes.

The solution to this problem is to observe processes and make a picture. If we Observe processes, look with the Eyes, we are producing Images. Fractal compression is able to compress these images.

How about the Ancient Scientists?

The ancient scientists were aware of the divine fractal. In my blog “About the Whole and the Parts” I use the Ternary Numbers or the Trinity to define a Meta-Model. The model starts with the Dynamic Whole and is expanded until it has replicated itself.

Interesting enough the theory behind fractal compression uses iterated functions based on the so called Sierpinski Gasket to detect fractals. The Sierpinski Gasket is an expansion of Triangles in Triangles. It is used to simulate DNA, a Biological Meta-Model and other “natural” structures

What happened?

The first expansion: Ø → 0. The Void, the Infinite Potential, transformed into the Nothing.

The second expansion: 0 →(-1,0,1). The nothing expanded in a negative and a positive part. The sum of the expansion is still zero. This is the principle of voiding. Every part that is created needs a counter-part that is it’s opposite (Part ∩ Counterpart = Ø). Every Expansion is compensated with the same Compression. When we divide a Whole we always have to make a “clear” cut (no overlap).

The third expansion: (-1,0,1) → (-2,-1,0),(0), (0,1,2). This is the creation of the Four Forces with the Void, the Zero (now the Fifth, Quintessence), in the Middle. Two of the Four Forces are the Same Forces that were formed in the Second Expansion. They could be called Expanding Expansion (Desire) and Compressing Compression (Control). The other two combinations are Expanding Compression and Compressing Expansion. Most of the time they are called Spirit (Creating) and Soul (Connecting). In the third expansion the Divine Fractal has expanded in Itself. That’s why we, the Humans, are created in the Image of God, the Creator.

Is it possible to transform the “divine” metamodel into a “normal” metamodel?

The whole problem comes down to language again. Are we able to translate the numbers into the Right Words? Let’s have a try.

0 or 5 are mostly called consciousness or the observer. In the terminology of IT 0 or 5 could be called a Monitor. The Monitor has to take care that every part has a counter-part.

1 and -1 are called Control and Desire. In terms of IT they could be called Rules and Sensors. The Sensors and the Rules are opposites. The Facts of the Sensors always fight the Structures (Methods, Systems, Programs) of the Rule-System. The conflict between Facts and Rules (Testing the Model) is the basic conflict behind every Scientific Approach.

-2 and +2 are called the Creator, the Imagination (Ideas) and the Emotions (Social Relationships). They represent the Possibility (in terms of new combinations of the existing Parts) to Enfold the model to a New level and the Role of the Human, the Actor, in the Game (defined by the Rules) that the Controller is playing with the Sensors. The Creator and the Emotions are also opposites. The Creator Splits and the Emotions Merge.

What is the fractal?

The Fractal is a Spiraling Spiral that moves Three Cycles Up and Three Cycles Down and rests in the Middle (the Seventh Day).

In the Cycle the Controller, the Sensors, Spirit and Soul are connected in Twelve possible ways.

Sometimes Spirit & Soul and Control & Desire void each other. It this case the Spiral moves back to the Void.

When Soul, Spirit and Desire (The Mother), the Female Trinity, are connected the Spiral Expands.

When Soul, Spirit and Control (The Father), the Male Trinity are connected the Spiral Compresses.

Spirit moves the Spiral Up and starts a new Level of Awareness.

Soul moves the Spiral Down to an existing Level of Communion.

The Divine Rule, the Golden Mean, the principle of Harmony, controls the Trinities of the Golden Spiral, to make sure that the spiraling spiral always voids itself in the end and returns to the Beginning.


A website about Fractal Compression of Images

About the Divine Rule

About Spirit and Soul

Written 1989.

Economic Cycles move Up and Down. We are now in a Down-state, a Recession. To stimulate consumers the Central Banks lower the interest and are pumping a tremendous amount of money into the economy.

Pumping money generates inflation and when inflation happens prices start to rise again. What the economist wants to avoid is deflation.

When prices rise people will buy goods and invest money. When the prices go up you can make a profit. When prices rise you have to buy the goods on the short term because they will be much more expensive in the future. When consumers believe the economy will contract they will start to save money to cope with the problems they believe they will encounter in the future. They will also postpone the buying of (luxury) goods. When they postpone producers will lower their prices and when prices are lowered other prices will be lowered. This is called Deflation and Economists are terribly afraid Deflation will happen.

A state of contraction is just like a state of expansion highly related to Expectations and Expectations are a Self-Fulfilling Prophesy.  If the self-fulfilling prophesy of a down-fall is not broken the economy will shrink until eternity. To motivate consumers to believe in an Expanding Economy Economists tell scientific fairy-tales hoping people will start to believe things are going the right way again.

Social scientists know for a long time that the majority of the people are not rational at all. Humans act on impulse and explain their behavior later. Humans believe others who believe others who believe others. Most of the things that are happening in the Economy are very complex and we need a simple explanation of a trusted expert. At this moment there is one thing everybody believes. Things are going in the wrong direction and One Thing is for Sure.

Bad news travel very fast.

The current state of technology has speeded up the transport of bad news to almost the speed of light. The contraction of the current economy moves much faster than the comparable contraction during the Great Depression.

The economy is controlled by two variables, Production and Consumption.

In a balanced economy the two variables are voided. The consumer destroys (consumes, eats) the products of the producer. The destruction of the product starts a new production-cycle. When the production is not voided producers have to create an inventory and take stock or speed up production. Producers don’t like to take stock. Stock costs a lot of Money.

Producers are just like Consumers highly controlled by their Expectation of the Future. The big difference between the two is the reaction-time. Consumers are able to Act on Impulse. It takes a lot of time and coordination to produce. Producers have to control their impulsive emotions but to sell their products they have to stimulate the impulses of their customers.

In the current economy the time between production and destruction is extremely shortened.  To keep the customer satisfied new versions of products are produced almost on-demand (on impulse). To organize a demand-driven production-line the producer needs highly advanced logistic systems. One of the most important concepts of logistics is to optimize the Inventory. Inventory costs money and space. To produce a product the chains of suppliers are heavily integrated.

Nobody is taking stock and one disturbance in the production chain causes a disturbance in the complete chain. When the impulses of the consumers are suddenly stopped a complete chain slows down and production has to stop.

When the Banks are not able to finance a slowdown of the supply-chain the production has to stop even faster. Again the effect of bad news has a huge and fast impact on every producer in the world. At this moment all the interconnected wordwide supply-chains are collapsing

We are living in a time where negative impacts propagate with the Speed of Light. The political institutions are unable to react to the speed of change that is now changing the world in an instant.

People remember negative impacts much better than positive impacts. The expectation of the Human is constructed to avoid big trouble. The constant sequence of bad news lowers the trust in almost everything that was trusted before.

At this moment Advisors, Bankers, Politicians, the Stock exchange, the Banking System, the Political system, the Medical System, Pension Funds, Insurers, the World Economy, the Climate and much more are not Trusted anymore. Everything is interpreted out of a negative perspective. Not only the economy is contracting but also the trust in the now and the future is contracting. Not only the Economy is in a Depression, many people are Depressed.

Production and Consumption are two important variables but there are really five variables at stake.

The cycle of Expansion and Contraction is balanced by two other variable called Spirit and Soul. Soul is related to the Human Emotions. Spirit is related to Human Creativity. The Four variables move around a Center and this Center is moving around other Centers.

Spirit is the Creator of New Ideas. Ideas want to move Down. They want to be realized on Earth. It is very difficult to determine these ideas because Old Ideas want to be Replicated all the time. Old Ideas have to be destroyed to make place for the New ones. The only way to do this is to enforce Stress on the old replication-system. It is very clear that this is happening at this moment. The old solutions don’t work anymore.

Soul contains the Human Potential and this potential is basically unlimited. When the Soul is Stressed it Explodes and new Opportunities become visible. There are two types of Stress. The Stress to create something New, the Stress of the Artist who is desperately trying to Express something that is there but cannot be Grasped. The other type of Stress is caused by the constant pressure of something that is forcing the Human to do what he really don’t wants to do or is not capable of doing. Let us call this type of stress, Negative stress.

Soul and Spirit are connected to the Destructor and the Controller.

When the Negative Stressed Emotions connect to The Destroyer of the Senses the Human becomes Violent. Sadly enough the Destructive force of a World Wide War will certainly generate an Up-state of the Economy.

When the Negative Stressed Emotions connect to the Expectations of the Controller it will generate Fear. Fear is the Destructor of the Senses. It narrows the view of the Human and produces the simple insight of the Common Enemy. They (not we) are the cause of all evil. A long time ago the Jews were the scapegoat. Recently Islamic Terrorists were the most important enemy. At this moment the “Greedy Bankers”, the Capitalists are the cause of the big economic crisis. If we don’t watch out we are moving into a new Struggle of the Classes.

When people are Afraid they simply stop moving. They wait and see and start to look for protection. In this case Big Brother is always there to help them. Extreme fear generates the need for all kinds of weapons to prevent war and to stop or even destroy the Agressive Humans. The Stressed Emotions create Enemies, Protectors, Weapons and finally the perfect reason to Fight a War or start a Revolution. If we don’t watch out a Huge Violent Conflict is unavoidable.

When the Emotions connect to Spirit, Spirit will generate an Insight. When this Insight has appeared Spirit will Transform the Soul and the Human will be lifted to another Center, a new Frame of Reference, a new View on the outside World. In this case Spirit gives the Expectation Hope, a view on a Bright and Exciting Future. The Creative Spirit is the Powerful Force behind Enthusiasm and Motivation.

We are living in an Illusion. Money is an illusion, the Economy is an Illusion, The Banking System is an Illusion, and the Contraction of the Economy is an Illusion. If we keep on believing this Illusion, the Economy, will slowdown, until it finally stops. At that time we have to cooperate to survive.

We See what we want to see and when we See a Contraction, the Contraction will happen. Our Expectation creates the world it wants to see and when the Expectation is without Hope, the outside world becomes Hopeless.