Is the State an Ecology?

This blog is an Extension of the last chapter of my blog about the Future of the State.

In this blog I come to the conclusion that the State makes The Rich Richer and the Poor poorer.

The main reason is that the State is an Aristocracy that looks like a Democracy.

The State is a Contradictio in terminis: It accomplishes the Opposite it wants to accomplish.

The main reason is that the managers of the state believe in controlling everything instead of Self-Organization (P-Anarchy).

As you will later see in this blog this effect is the result of Dualism which is the foundation of Current Science. This problem is solved in Complexity Science, the Subject of this Blog.

I have transformed the last chapter of this blog into a new blog. called The Geometry of Change.

This blog is not a scientific article but a collage that contains many intellectual surprises.

Four Cycles that are Agents prepare you for Chapter 1: Cycles where I show you that Life is a Cyclic process and that many other processes are cyclic.

This has to do with the many Rotating systems there are. The four colors represent the many static views on cyclic processes. Agents are the object of Complexity Theory.
When Agents are seen as the cause of an effect on another Agent they are called an Event or seen as a living being.

Observe that the agents are rotating With and Against the Clock. A combination of both is a Moebius Ring (looks like 8).

A good example of a Rotating System is the Weather System. This system rotates because the Earth and the Moon Rotate . In this picture you can see the Potential, the Sum of the entering Radiation Energy of the Sun and the Reflection on Earth. Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the Sun, Earth’s rotation is slowing slightly with time; This is due to the tidal effects the rotating Moon has on Earth’s rotation.

The climate of the earth fluctuates because of the many stages the cycles are in. We are now in a local warming period but it looks like we are moving to a new ice-age.

this Blog discusses a Design for an Alternative of he City and/or the State based on the idea that they are an Ecology. An Ecology Dies when there is not enough Diversity. The same applies to a City or a State. You are diverse when you are Different.

For more info about what an Ecology is see Chapter 3. Below you can see the Design.

The Monitor (the Observer, the X in the Middle of the Cross) takes care of the Balance in the City/ or State.Its task is to prevent that one of the Views on the World becomes Dominant. This view is probably the “Management Control View” (Blue, Smart City) ). The Control View is the view of Reductionism. Reductionism is the paradigm behind current Science.

The monitor represents the Whole which is the subject of Complexity Science. Complexity theory, emphasizes adaptation, self‐organization and embraces the idea that there is no central control or master plan.

As you can see the Monitor shares the same Structure with the Whole. This is called a Fractal. The Fractal pattern never stops . It could stop when the structure is too Small.

The Set-Point is the desired value for an essential variable that represents the Homeostasis of the City/State.

About Rotating Rotations

Cycles are everywhere. They are the result of Rotating systems.
The Kubler Ross Transition Curve. The Kubler Ross model shows how people react after a major calamity (Like the COVID Pandemia) after Denial people get Angry , move into a Depression and get an Insight after the situation moves back to the Set Point. Observe that this model is the same model as Paths of Change.
This is a Rotating Cycle Generator based on the model of PoC (Paths of Change ( see Chapter.4. In this picture you can See that every Step in the Cycle represents another State of the 5-pointed Model that represents possible Points of View. Every combination of Points of View (PoV) represents an Action. Every rotation represents an E-motion. The 5-pointed model is based on the Chinese Sheng-Cycle hat was based om the Lo-Shu a 3×3 Magic Square that has the 5 in the Middle and a sum of 15=1+2+3+4+5=3×5 .

Observe that the Wheel of Time is propagating itself by exploding at the right moment just like a motor . This explosion is the Fusion of the Aha-erlebnis, the Feeling of Discovery.

Observe that the 5th view is called Whole (white). It is the center of the system (Monitor) put into the System itself. Putting a whole in a whole is called a fractal.

The Spiritual Cycle of Walter Russell. In the middle the Singularity.
The Sheng Cycle with an inner- and outer cycle showing the fractal pattern of the five in the middle . The 5 states are related to the Sun Cycle with a special Season in the Middle of the 5 sometimes called Late Summer, Indian Summer or the Autumn of the Geese. Observe that the five seasons are not only connected in a Mother->Childchain(1>2->3->4->5->1->) but are also connected with a delay of (2) called the Mother->Grandmother-chain (1>3>5>2>4->1->).

About Ancient Civilizations

In this short introduction I show you the very rich knowledge of Ancient Civilizations that already existed > 620.00 BC. They contain the roots of the concept of the state but also of the many conflicts we are totally not aware of that are now hidden behind the walls of Religion.

The Geometrie of Creation. The geometries are used as frames to draw the letters of the Alphabet..
Rudolf Laban Space Harmony -The letters are represented by (geometric) pPatterns movements and sounds. They are the Foundation of the old Cultures on earth. The old cultures give us insight in the ways the State and the cities were Organized. In their organization the Ancient patterns play an important role.
A briljant Librarian Kim Veltman researched all the Symbol-Sytems on earth starting 620.000 BC. Sadly he died 1-4-2020.

This blog starts with a few pictures and links to related articles about Urban Ecologies and some quotes and interesting video’s about Complexity Science which is the Toolset I try to Use in this blog.

About Urban Ecologies

The models of Urban Ecologies are Control/Cybernetic Systems.

After the models I explain what Complexity Science is about using two PDF’s, 2 citations and a video of Stuart Kaufman, Nassim Taleb and Robert Sapolski.

After the video’s I present a List of Chapters with a short description of the content of the chapters and Chapter 0: Introduction which is the “real” beginning of this blog .

If you are in a hurry move to Chapter 16.

Article about PLE: The concept of production–living–ecological (PLE) space was first proposed in the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It stressed that “the space for production should be intensive and highly efficient, the living space should be moderately liveable, and the ecological space should be unspoiled and beautiful.
the Article investigates the Principles of Sustainable Urban Ecosystems and pillars for sustainability, from the Micro-level to the Global level.
The system of Urban Metabolism.

About Complexity Science:

Complexity Science is not about the Parts but about the Whole. The Notes are not the Music played with the notes. The Meal is not the recipe. The City is not its Citizens

The basic components of a complex adaptive systems are called agents. They are typically conceived as ‘black box’ systems, meaning that we know the rules that govern their individual behaviour, but we do not care about their internal structure.

Stuart Kaufmann: Reinventing the Sacred: The science of complexity moves beyond reductionism to something new: a unified culture where we see God in the creativity of the universe, biosphere, and humanity – changing the way we all think about the evolution of humanity, the universe, faith, and reason.

Nassim Taleb:“We have the illusion that the world functions thanks to programmed design, university research, and bureaucratic funding, but there is compelling — very compelling — evidence to show that this is an illusion.  Technology is the result of antifragility, exploited by risk-takers in the form of tinkering and trial and error.  Engineers and tinkerers develop things while history books are written by academics; we will have to refine historical interpretations of growth, innovation, and many such things. … The error of naive rationalism leads to overestimating the role and necessity of … academic knowledge, in human affairs — and degrading the uncodifiable, more Complex, intuitive, or experience-based type”.

This is an example of the PoC-cycle (see chapter 4 ) where you can see what Nassim Taleb means.He believes in Intuition, Active Experimentation and Cocncrete Experience both a Kolb Learning Style.
About Stuart Kaufmann: Intuition (Insight, Yellow) is related to Creativity and the Holy Spirit different from God the Father.

A Poc-Cycle is a Fourfold Cycle with or without a Center in the Cross in de Middle.

This picture contains a summary of all the chapters of this blog until 27 10 2020 in a Path of Change (A fractal 4-fold-Cycle). It shows that Anti-Fragility Fuses Differences and jumps to a Higher Level of the Ecology (also a 4-fold cycle (within the Circles) with a new Rythm until the Ecology relapses and stores its Seeds in a new Territory where Cooperation is possible.
Observe that the Greek word for Power is Cratos being a part of DemoCracy, Power to the People (Green, Social, Cooperation).
In this picture the arrow is from People(Social, Green) to Power (Ranking) meaning “Priority to the People“. The arrow is part of a cycle that contains >16 steps.

About Panarchy

Below you can find a picture that tries to explain Panarchy (see chapter 3). The colors are a link to PoC (chapter 4). A pandemic is the result of a jump (Revolt) from a Virus part of the Human Body-Ecology to a Social Network (and further a City).

A model of the Panarchy Cycle (See Chapter 3).The cycle contains 3 layers. Each layers contains 2 connected cycles that are 4fold (see Poc chapter 4) with a center (Total 4+1=5).Every cycle is a nirror of the other. The total cycle (Path of Change (PoC) in this picture contains (6 x 5=) 30 steps.
A Briljant talk of Robert Sapolsky about Western thinking about Complex Systems from the Fall of Rome until Today. Why extreme reductionalism leads to a Paradox.

List of Chapters:

0: Introduction.

  1. About the many Fourfold Cycles there are.

2: Latour and the Parliament of Things.

3: Is a State an Ecology?

What is an Ecology: About Panarchy.

4: Why an Ecology is a Path of Change (PoC) and the many Paths of Change (comparable Procesmodels) that are already there.

5: About the Roots of Panarchy: Cultural Theory which is a PoC.

6: The Relational Model of Alan Fiske (Which is a PoC) and its links to Geometry.

7: Combine Panarchy & PoC & Fiske and discover how Anti-Fragility works.

8: About Thermodynamics and discover why everything flows .

9: About Flow States.

10: About States and Harbours. Why connecting diversity stimulates Innovation.

11: About Entrainment. and why we go to a Church and a Soccermatch severy week to collect Emotional Energy.

12: A New (PoC-)Model for the State.

13: How to Design a State.

14: What Human Rights and Maslows Pyramid have in common.

15: Why The US is a Market Society where everything has a Price.

16: The State as the Monitor of the Political Ecology.

17: About the Acupuncture of the State. About the History of the Chinese State (until today) the Cycle (Mandate of Heaven) that controls the state and the many applications of the cycle in China including Acupuncture.

18: The End. Summary and the introduction of a new blog I will write probably about the Geometry of the State.

0. Introduction

How spontaneous synchronization works.

In this blog I am trying to find out if it is possible to use Complexity Theory to design a Fair Self Organizing Structure to replace the State.

To do that I reuse a blog about Anti-Fragility and the theory of Panarchy that is made to explain an Ecology.

In the end of this blog I will use all the acquired knowledge to design a new model for a State and a City.

1. About Cycles:

A Cycle is a Selforganizing System. We experience many Cyclic processes like Day and Night and the Seasons.

virtually everything that happens on Earth runs in cycles—our climate, the markets, political systems, societies, wars, financial ups-and-downs, etc. Our ancestors have known this for centuries.

Practically all living processes are organised in cycles. The organism is thick with biological rhythms ranging from periods of split seconds for electrical activities of brain cells to seconds such as the heart-beat and respiration, to periods which are circadian and circannual. But no one has ever been able to explain why that should be.

The answer is provided by thermodynamics. It turns out that symmetrically coupled cycles are the key to both the conservation of coherent energy and compensation (or cancelling out) of entropy within the system so that living organisation is maintained.

As one cycle of activity is running down, it is charging up a second cycle, so that the role can be reversed later. Similarly, as disorder is created in some part of the system, a kind of superorder appears in elsewhere, which can restore order to the first part” (Mae Wan Ho).

Observe that MAe Wan Ho uses a theory that explains Anti-Fragility (“Order out of Disorder“) called Thermodynamics. Mae Wan Ho wrote this text long before the concept Anti-fragility was invented. Thermodynamics comes back in Chapter 8.

Figure 2. The life cycle of the organism consists of a self-similar fractal
    structure of cycles turning within cycles
This is a diagram representing the nested cycles that span all space-time scales, the totality of which make up the life cycle of the organism. The life cycle has a self-similar fractal structure, so if you magnify each cycle, you will see that it has smaller cycles within, looking much the same as the whole. Fractal dynamics are the hallmarks of natural processes and are especially fit for the organisation of living systems.
Two Symmetrically Coupled Cycles.

The Life Cycle of the Organism consists of a self-similar fractal structure of cycles.

Jeremy England is a Professor of Physics who uses Thermo Dynamics to explain Life. He detected that a Closed System (Earth, the Ocean) connected to another closed System that produces Energy (Sun) creates random-structures that look like Life. Jeremy is an Orthodox jewish Rabbi.

About Cycles (part 2):

At a certain point in time Humans detected the cyclic processes in the Night Sky that took more than a life-time to return to their beginning. They found he Cycle of the Precession of the Equinox.

observe that a lot of the Cycles Rotate around other Cycles. A rotating rotation is a Spiral.

Prexession Cycle.
Earth's Rotation Around the Sun Through the Seasons
Sun Cycle.
Alles draait om Alles
Sufi’s simulate a rotating rotation (Spiral).

The State and the City, the Mother of the state, are not alone a Boundary in Space but are also a Cyclic System .that synchronizes with all the other Cyclic systems in its environment (Growth Cycle of Agriculture, Sun cycle, Seasons, Moon Cycle/ Menstruation Cycle, Great Cycle of the Precession, ..).

New Grange , older than Stonehenge, is a Passage Tomb situated in County Meath in Ireland. It is decorated with the Spiral of Life found in many other ancient places. The burial ground is aligned with the Winter Solstice. For more info about the Spiral of Life see chapter 2.
The First Cycle is the Cycle of the Triple Goddess and her Moon-Cycle . The year Cycle of Father the Sun , Nature, is the cycle of the Medicin Wheel. The four Animals come back as symbols of the Four Evangelists.
The Second Cycle is the Cycle of Sumer and Egypt , the Sun ,(Atum) controls the Day and the Seasons. the Stars control the night (Zodiac) and the Moon controls the Magic of Thoth . The Zodiac comes back as the Twelve Apostles. Magic is an example of entrainment.
Around 500 BC The Five Innovators of the Human Inner Space (Yellow) appeared and started the Great Transformation., This started the weekly cycle of Religion, The second transformation came with the creation of Islam, the Religion of the Collective and the Emotions(Green) .The next step is the Religion of the Body and the Senses (Red) (Osho, New Age).
The United Nations and the creation of the Human Rights gave the people at the end of the 2nd world-war hope that we would enter a long period of Peace and Prosperity. They forgot the Great and Cruel Dictator Stalin. At the the end of his empire, with the opening of the Berlin Wall people hoped we would start the Long Boom . Now China is becoming number one. Will this benefit the World?

In this blog I introduce Complexity Theory (CT) to design a new type of State, the Self Organizing State or city. CT shows that when we Stop controlling a system It will Self-organizes.

Humans contain cells, contain molecules contain atoms etc etc. The organizing principle repeats until the deepest level ,the vacuum but it also moves up until Cities States and the Earth.

Neil Theise: About Complexity Theory: A City and a State are an example of a Self-organizing System.untill we Humans start to Organize and create Traffic Jams and Depressions.
This video provides a basic introduction to the science of complex systems, focusing on Patterns in nature. The most simple rule is Copying behavior although copying behavior can be the result of Entrainment which is the result of being the same (alike) and connected to a shared Sensable (by the Brain) connection-infrastructure. A Synchronized Brain produces Theta Waves that are also produced when a Human is in Deep Trance.

This blog contains examples of a new model for the State and the City who was the Mother of the State.


This model is based on the model of Panarchy. Panarchy is a model of an Ecology.

If you are only interested in the model move to Chapter 12.

I hope you already believe that the State is an Ecology. If you believe this please realize that Complexity Theory tells you that you have to Trust the Self-Organizing power of the State. So stop organizing and Remove the Barriers of all the control systems.

There is a special Linkedin-Group created for people who want to discuss the future of the State.

I have started this blog September 9 2020 . It is intended as the last chapter of my already finished blog About the Future of the State.

In my blog About the Future of the State (“the initial blog“) I have given a lot of information about what is going wrong with the Constitutional State and many theories about how states work.

The biggest problem is that the Constitutional State is controlled by an Aristrocratic Elite organized as a Tribe that profits from the Power and the Taxsystem of the State.

A (powerful) Politial party looks like a Tribe.

Many International or local Conflicts are Tribal Conflicts.

The highly needed Redistribution of the Wealth from the Rich to the Poor in the economy does not take place. The rich get Richer and the `Poor get Poorer.

Thomas Piketty is in favor of high taxes for rich people but most of all of free and good Education for Everybody. One of his examples is Theodore Roosevelts New Deal.

2. Latour and the Parliament of Things:

The most interesting link in the initial blog is a Statement called How to Think as a State of the French Philosopher Bruno Latour to the WRR a Scientific advisoryBoard to the King of the Netherlands about the Future of the State.

In this statement he explains the Parliament of Things (PoT) comparable to the IoT.

In the PoT humans organisms, lakes, mountains cars and other things are represented.

PoT is a concept that questions the way we organize our State. It questions also what a representional democracy really represents. Does it represent all things that are born and die including the animals that have no language or is the system of representation a simulator that hides the Games we Play.

3. The State is an Ecology that is part of the World-System:

Latour gave me the idea that the State is an Ecology.

An Ecology is a Complex multi-layered Redistribution System that contains a wide array of interacting levels of organization spanning micro-level (e.g., cells, humans) to a planetary scale (e.g., biosphere).

If you want, replace in this definition the components of the Ecology with the components of the City or the State and see what you get. Do you miss something?.

A Complex System has distinct Properties that arise from its relationships, such as nonlinearity, emergence, spontaneous order, adaptation, and feedback loops, among others.

The Windows of the Cathedral of Chartres shows the Spiral of Time.The spiral is explained by the Glass-in-Lead Windows that contains a Story that describes a Step in the Spiral
The Spiraling Spiral in Chartres Cathedral
The Spiral of Time in Chartres Cathedral now shown as a Maze . The place you stop in the Maze looks at the corresponding Window.

An explaining theory of the State is called World System Theory (WST).In this case the state is a System (a World, the domain of Man), a Boundary in Space/Time that operates at the level of the Earth.

The five Geographic boundaries . with China in the Center.

WST can be combined with the theory of the Long-Time Cycles mostly related to Kondratiev but also to Marx, Polanyi and Schumpeter.

If you look below at the pictures and read this you will see that the kondratiev-wave is in its 5th state with the color White and the subject Whole. The wave will be at its top around 2050.

The technology in this phase is called Global Brain. Gobal Brain has a lot to do with what now is called Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI has a lot to with the Big Brother State that is now created in China.

Global Brain could be the Brain of an Entrained Collective. see chapter 11.

Want to read more (in Dutch) about the Cycles? download the PDF below.

A Cycle contains a cycle (Overtones) and contains 5 Stages (Red (Intensity)->Blue (Order)-> Yellow (Crativity -> (Green (Social)-> White (Whole, Center )-> Red. In the pictures below the colors refer to the same Descriptions of the Stages.The stages can be explained by the theory of Paths of Change (PoC).
In this picture you see the Kondratiev cycle after every iteration of the wave of 50 year starting 1740 ending 2040.Every step can be divided in 5 steps and every step can also be divided in 5 steps creating different Cycles with different names.
The Technology Cycle related to the Kondratiev with a Periodicity of 52 yrs.Starting with the Factory of Taylor ending with the Global Brain in 2050.


The kondratiev Cycle is represented as a Spiral and is related to the Meta-Narrative (Chronotope) of Bahktin and PoC by their colors.

The Chronotope of Bahktin (The place where the knots of narrative are tied)

Blue is the color of the Law of Rome and Red is the color of he Actions of Alexander who conquered almost the complete World at his time. Yellow is the color of Spirit seen in The rise of Art in the Renaissance and the Rise of Christianity.

Green is the color of Social related to Social conflicts like the French Revolution. White is the color of the Center (The Whole) . White is always combined with a New World Religion. It could be related to the return of the Maitrea expected in many Religions.

There have been three kinds of historical systems across human history: “mini-systems” or what anthropologists call bands, tribes, and small chiefdoms, and two types of world-systems, one that is politically unified and the other is not (single state world empires and multi-polity world economies). World-systems are larger, and are ethnically diverse. The modern world-system, a capitalist world-economy, is unique in being the first and only world-system, which emerged around 1450 to 1550, to have geographically expanded across the entire planet, by about 1900.

It is defined, as a world-economy, in having many political units tied together as an interstate system and through its division of labor based on capitalist enterprises.

The Tribes never leave their State even when the states have grown into very big structures.

In the current capitalistic system many “tribes” (for instance the Oligarchs of russia) use the income of the state they control to fight their battles. These battles are now mostly faught using highly intelligent technology and weapons.

About the book the Great Transformation of Poliany. Polanyi explains that the modern market economy and the modern nation-state should be understood not as discrete elements but as the single human invention he calls the “MarketSociety”. See Chapter 4 of PoC and look at the game of the market (Sensory(Red) <->Social (reen).
Prior to the great transformation, people based their economies on Reciprocity and Redistribution (Tax) across Personal and Communal relationships. During the great transformation land, labor and money got a price. look at Chapter 5 About the Worldviews of Alan Fiske at he Market Pricing Social Relationship.

About Panarchy:

Panarchy is a Fractal Model of an Ecology that can be represented by an adaptive cycle of four distinct phases:
growth or exploitation (r)
conservation (K)
collapse or release (omega)
reorganization (alpha).

The Theory of Panarchy is used in many of my blogs. One of them is a Blog about Anti-Fragility called How to Benefit from Disorder and a Dutch version about the same issue. I will reuse these blogs.

Anti-Fragility happens when an Ecology moves Up (Revolt) to a New Fractal level. The opposite (Going Down) is called Remember. In this state the ecology saves some of its state in a place that acts as a Memory out of which o a Copy of the old state can be regenerated. This place is called a Sacred Grove.

A Sacred Grove is often a Sacred Place in a Wood. An example is the Cathedral of Chartres that was a sacred place for the Druids of the Celts.

In the UP-state The Ecology becomes Bigger and Slower in its Cyclic Frequency.

As a consequence of the periodic, but transient phases of Destruction (omega stage) and Reorganization (alpha stage), a system’s Structure and processes can be Reorganized.

This reshuffling allows for the establishment of new system configurations and opportunities for the incorporation of exotic and entirely novel entrants into the system. The adaptive cycle explicitly introduces mutations and rearrangements.

An Ecology is a Fractal Cyclic Adaptive Innovation System.

Example of a Sacred Grove. The Tree where Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons got his vision.
The Climate Cycle is a Fourfold Cycle because of the Cyclic Motion of the Globe of the Earth combined with a cycle around the sun. Water is crucial for Life.This model shows that the Weather or the Climate can be used to understand the State. The State like the Economy is going through all the stages of the weather. Many scientists have used the seasons as analogs for the states of the Economy. When you follow the Arrows in the picture you will see the Panarchy Cycle going around in the Horizontal plane with and against the clock and going Up and Down in the Vertical Plane.

Panarchy is a conceptual framework created by Gunderson and Holling to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systemsstability and change.

Panarchy is a contradictory system. It fuses what cannot be fused .

the 2D version of Panarchy is determinated by Potential (Wealth) and Connectedness.

A highly connected system is very fragile when the system is hit by a calamity The Climate-crisis is an example.
When a A highly connected system fails this is called the Domino-effect. The Domino is modelled by the Self-Orgnized Criticallity theory of Per Bak. This theory shows that the Probability Distribution of a calamity is not a Bell Curve but a Power Law.
Black Swans vs Dragon Kings. Coupling The Same generates Synchronization.
About Powers Laws.

Panarchy is the study of how Economic growth and Human development depend on Biological ecosystems and Social institutions, and how they interact.

It is an integrative framework, bringing together ecological, economic and social models of change and stability, to account for the complex interactions among both these different areas, and different scale levels.

No system can be understood or managed by focusing on it at a single scale. All systems exist and function at multiple scales of space, time and social organization, and the interactions across scales are fundamentally important in determining the dynamics of the system at any particular focal scale. This interacting set of hierarchically structured scales has been termed a “panarchy” (Gunderson and Holling 2003).

Panarchy shows that a Government that wants to optimize the State seen as an ecology will end up with a Decay of this state.

The only thing that helps is not to interfere and follow the cycle, as you can see in the picture below where every step moves between opposites (“tensions, “polarities “).

Want to know more about opposites : read this blog about Logic and Alchemy.

4. About Paths of Change:

Paths of Change (PoC) is a theory and a model about Change.

The model of Paths of Change is a 2D Fourfold pattern of Opposites called a Quaternion by Jung.

In this Chapter you will find many Paths (of Change) related to many Subjects in which PoC is used. Remember the PoC was known by the Hunter Gatherers.

Poc is used to design a Typology of Banks.
The model of Paths of Change (PoC) is a Theory of Change discovered by Will McWhinney. In this blog the 4 colors of PoC called a Worldview are used to make a connection to the theory. It is called PoC because every Change is a combination of a Cyclic Combination of Points of View (Worldviews). Will McWhinney called the Paths Games like the Analytical Game (Sensory/Unity vice/versa). There are 2-step Games but also 5 step Games (for instance the Drama Triangle).
A model of the Human Personality based on PoC. The Human Personality model rotates Against and With the Clock. These Rotations are called Introvert and Extravert. The model also has an Observer-state. When the Points of View repeat the Human has a Mental Ilness.
Paths of Change is a fractal theory which means that the model of PoC can be used on itself . Every Square can be divided in Four Squares that can again be divided in four Squares ad infinitum.
The Pyramid of Maslow as a PoC-Structure.
The Holmes Event Scale as a Trigger for Calamities.
The kubler Ross Transition Curve is a pattern that shows how the Four World Views of the Emotions react to a Calamity. A Calamity triggers a Spring, which is a model of the Emotions. The white line is called the Setpoint. The Setpoint is the Middle of the cycle.
How the Emotions (Social) react to a Calamity. in a cycle that rotates with the clock (generative cycle) This picture shows that the Emotions are a Fractal System.
ALthough the pattern looks like a Causal Chain the parts of the chain can be triggered by a Central Clock that triggers the parts at the same time.To make this possible the Internal Clcok has to synchronize with an external clock.
Every Point of View relates to a special type of social network.

There are old examples of the Games of PoC. For instance Chess, the Tarot, the Elements and the Dance of Shiva.

The Five Elements Map
The Chinese Five Element Cycle contains five Elements and many ways to connect the five elements (Nourishing, Controlling and Reductive). The Five Element cycle is a Four Elements Cycle with the Middle (the Center) included.
The Chinese Five Element Cycle is generated out of a 3×3 Magic Square called the Lo Shu. The World Views are the Classical Elements with the colors of Poc. The Cycle contains two Paths of Change. One in the Center and one on the Outside. There are Five Worldviews (4+1) where the 5th is the Center (called Earth, the middle of the Cross that connects the other four views. , in this pattern a view is connected to two other world views one direct and the other 2 steps further. The middle of the circle is a Pentacle.
Lo shu turtle
Lo Shu on the back of a Turtle. The Turtle is the symbol of the Starsystem Orion. The middle is 5 and the sum is 15 (3×5) = 1+2+3+4+5.
Wheel of Time and Order in the Dream of wolfgang Pauli comparable to the vision of Ezekiel. .The Four Beings look like the Four Animals of the Zodiac and the four animals of the Medicine Wheel all related to the World Views that rotate perpendicular to eachother.
illustration of Sheng/Ke Cycle
The Chinese Sheng Cycle with Five Elements/Worldviews where the 5th worldview is the Center connected to a special Season Late Summer sometimes called Indian Summer. It is the Season in the Middle I have added Communion and Agency that can be transformed into Yang (Agency) and Yin Communion).

Observe that the Center of the Pentacle is a 180 Degrees rotated Pentacle. In this sub-Pentacle the Pattern Repeats until infinity. This shows the fractal nature of this model. Fractal (“Self Reference“) means that a Model repeats itself in the model. This principle was called As Above So Below .
The Ouroboros: Self Reference.
The Sheng Cyc;le as a generator of waves related to the Human Set Point and the directions of the Point of View (called Elements). The Emotions point down. The Senses look at the Outside world looking back. The Imagination looks up. The Mind creates the future by making a Plan or have an Expectation.
In the middle the Triangle of the Creator Stone (Saturm) surrounded by 7 Planets and the Four Animals.
This picture shows that the Moebius Ring of Panarchy is a combination of Games that combines Two Cycles that move With- and Against the Clock. With the Clock is called the generative or Producing cycle the other way araound is destructructive or Consuming Cycle.

5. About the Roots of Panarchy: Cultural Theory:

De vier fasen van de Panarchy Cyclus voorgesteld als een landschap met een rollende bal
The Four Metaphors of Cultural Theory mapped on a Mathematical Model.

The matrix pictured here, adapted from Michiel Schwarz and Michael Thompson (1990), is one presentation of a typology of worldviews called cultural theory.

It plots acceptance of social controls (on the vertical axis) and levels of social commitment (on the horizontal axis). In the quadrants, the worldviews or rationalities depicted are alternatively described as archetypes, ways of life, social solidarities, and myths or caricatures of nature.

“We postulate that these four ways of life are in conflict in every conceivable domain of social life,” write Michael Thompson and Marco Verwell (2004). “Each of the four ways of life consists of a specific way of structuring social relations and a supporting cast of particular beliefs, values, emotions, perceptions, and interests.”

“In the end, every type of social conflict is about types of organization,” writes anthropologist Mary Douglas (2006). “Why do we settle for four types? Because this model is at once parsimonious and it is comprehensive. A hundred, or a million, types of cultural bias may be out there. But for explanatory value three, four or five types of social environment are enough to generate three, four or five distinct cosmologies.”

“Each rationality will generate its own distinctive engineering aesthetic: its own definition of the good, the beautiful and the socially desirable,” write Schwarz and Thompson (1990). “Our concern, therefore, should not be with which one is right (for that would be to insist that just one rationality had access to ‘the truth’) but rather with which is appropriate to the task at hand.”

Below I present a comparable model of Alan Fiske:

6. About the Relational Model of Alan Fiske:

The Relational Models of Fiske look a lot like PoC.

The Four Views of Fiske are Four World-views Viewing at the Social Worldview (also being the Emotions).

(1): Communal Sharing: This is a Social Social group. People live together and Share things. People are treated as equivalent and undifferentiated. “What’s mine is thine; what’s thine is mine”. Fairness is important in such groups and appealing to values may be the best way to persuade. Conflict may be dealt with through mediation and others methods that seek consensus.

The Sensory view on Social Fiske calls a (2): Market=Pricing-relationship. We call this a Company. or a Community of Practice. I have repeated the picture of the Sensory view below.

As you can see a City is an expansion of the Sensory (red) view when we see a City as an Actor or Organism.

Scientists of the Santa Fe institute have found that a city behaves as an organism or a Super-organism.

(3): Equality Matching: Equality matched relationships generally collaborate around Shared goals and help one another. Relationships are reciprocal and have equal value. People treat fairly those who treat them fairly. See Tit-for-Tat as the solution of the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma.

4: Authority RankingSocial groups are arranged with a hierarchy of power. The top of the pyramid protects the lower layers.

Fiske found out that his Relational Models have a lot in common with the Scales used in Measurement Theory. We measure others the same way we measure objects and situations.

Scales are not only instruments to determine a Measurement-strategy. Scales are also ladders that bring you higher to get a better Point-of-View. This view is always blocked by the Horizon, the Point of Infinity.

The scales can be ordered in a cycle that looks like the cycle of Panarchy. The Scales and therefore the Social relations and therefore PoC and Panarchy can be related to four different Geometries.

Fiske and later Bolender found out “that there is a truly fundamental self-organizing physical process (symmetry braking) underlying social relationships that has hitherto been ignored,” They form a descending, nested series with successively fewer degrees of uniqueness (There are fewer ‘admissible’ transformations which preserve the same information).

Another explanation can be found in the spatial structure of the human body. In this context an important reference must be the work by Samuel Todes, especially his dissertation -published in 2001 by MIT Press and titled “Body and World.”.

Another explanation can be found in the Embodiment-theory of the group of George Lackof.

About Body & World.Hubert Dreyfus for a discussion of why machines cannot become human. In their discussion, they talk about the role of philosophy in clarifying what it means to be human. Hubert explains his calling and calling in general.

Humans learn about the other by copying. This faculty has been named mirror-neurons but is stil in discussion.

Another explanation is mutual entrainment, the tendency of coupled oscillators to fall into step that is widely observed in mechanical and biological systems.


The model of Relationship of Fiske contains the Four Worldviews on Social. This picture contains the rotation against the Clock. (Consuming, Creative). The cycle with the clock is called the Productive Cycle. Both cycles are complementary wich means that they annihilate when they are connected (“Social”) . The energy of the fusion (Bisociation) generates the Light of Insight.
The Spiritual Cycle of Walter Russell.
The Cycle of with a rotation with the clock of the Emotions caused by a Calamity. THis model is comparable to the Kubler Ross-model (see Below). Observe that a calamity acts as a Spring.
The Relationshipmodel of Fiske related to PoC.

The development of the Scales follows the proces of Panarchy. About extensive and intensive measures . an intensive quantity is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the system. This is a definition of continuous data.
Examples of Scales.The Ratio Scale uses a Ruler. It measures a Length. an Interval Scale measures a Distance THe Ordinal Scale measures a Rank and the Nominal Scale measures A the names of a List of the same Objects. (Being Part of The cities of the Netherlands). The order of the objects is not important). The list can be permuted (put in a different order).

The mathematical theory of Projective Geometry is a spin-off of the discovery of Perspective Drawing in the Renaissance. Drawing is a combination of Sensing and Action (Sensory-Motor-cortex).

IMAGE: Leonardo's perspectograph
This is The Perspectograph of Leonardo Da Vinci. The painter looks with one Eye through a Hole.
In Euclidian Geometry parallel lines don’t cross . Non-Eulidean Space is Curved. In every space the Sum of the Angles of the Triangel are different.
Writer Fuel: How Non-Euclidean Geometry Turned Me Into a Rebel - DIY MFA
Every Perspective has his own Horizon.

There is much reason to believe that what is called Revolt in Panarchy and Design in PoC is called Anti-Fragility (AF) by Nassim Taleb

AF is the art of directing an enormous frustrated diversity (mythic, yellow) towards a common Goal (unitary, blue). This happens in revolutions in which the frustrated disadvantaged popular masses (green) want to conquer the position of the rulers (blue).

AF causes a transition between two (eco) systems in which a new higher order arises. The new order has a slower rhythm, slower, because it has lost the flexibility of the lower order and has a greater range.

The revolution has filled the bureaucracy of the old structures with those who were out of order. In essence, little changes (the iron law of the oligarchy).
The new order has found a different concept for the diversity that is under pressure. An example is the transition from the unicellular to the multicellular organism that in its unicellular state had to go against the current to gather food and now just waits for the useful resources to come along.

As long as the new plan, model is only present in the mind, the model is scale independent (“a vision or a philosophy”). As soon as one starts making the design (Blue / red / -> make), one will have to fall back on what is available or design and build a lot (the “utopia”) to shape the entire ecology.
Anti-fragility occurs when the imbalance in an Equality Matching structure (resilience) becomes too great and the structure wants to return to its equilibrium.
In such a case, there are three possibilities (1) the parts go back to the original AR (blue) and reorder (counter-revolution) (2) the parts go MP (standardization, red) and are translated into ( some) units or (3) they leave the current ecology and go to a “higher” ecology where they also end up in a new AR.
The picture shows that Resilience (Anti-Fragile) and Fragile are a category and that Agile and Anti-Agile are a category.

Here you have to ask yourself if Anti-Fragile and Resilience are not the same. The first category (Fragile, Anti-Fragile) is a Form where Fragile is a physical form (a glass, matter, solid, “earth”) and Anti-Fragile is an Idea (“air”, film, software, media).

Agile and Anti-Agile are forms of collaboration that control a process. In the first case (Anti-Agile) the process (a streamline) is fixed (standard, earth / ice). The second case (Agile) is very flexible (“water”). All paths from the source flow to the sea.
Relationship Typologies (Chapter 6) - The Cambridge Handbook of Personal  Relationships
The Model of Fiske related to Concepts out of the Social Psychology.

7. Mapping the Fractal Model of Panarchy to Poc and Fiske:

The Cycles of Panarchy are fractal . They move with their own frequency. The scales are connected and Jumps Up (Revolt) and Down (Remember). Revolt looks like a Human Revolution Evolution in Biology and Anti-Fragile (being a state where the system changes and increases its Potential by being able to produce different (re)actions.

Panarchy is controlled by 3 Variables and moves in Time. This means that Panarchy is a 4D-Control feedback system. The variables are called Potential (Up/Down), Resilience (High/Low) and Connectedness (Communion, High/Low). Resilience looks like a Spring.

8. Constructal Law

9. Flow Systems States and Estuaries:

The Ancient States Egypt and Sumer were based on an ecology mostly situated at an Estuary of of a Big River (Nile, Euphrate, Tigris) that ends in a sea.

The States got into big problems when the climate changed and raining stopped, the amount of sweet water went down in combination with the entering of salt water of the sea. This all destroyed the crops.

10.Harbours, the Silk Road and other Places of Exchange of Ideas:

Many old states were situated at an Entrance to the Sea (Harbour) to make Trade and Exchange of Ideas possible. Trade was also facilitated by being at an important node in a international trade route that crossed the Desert (The Silk Road).

The connection points were the point were Ideas, Philosophies and Theories were exchanged. The Harbors facilitated important Creative centers like Alexandria and Venice.

11.About Entrainment:

RandallCollins shows in his book Interacting Ritual Chains that Humans need the Entrainment of Special group Rituals to release Emotional Tensions. Successful rituals create symbols of group membership and pump up individuals with positive emotional energy.


12. Examples of A new Model of the State:

In this Chapter I put the models out of Chapter 1-12 in a special order in which the City or the State plays a central role.

The picture below shows a PoC-model with a pattern of a Moebius Ring.

The Moebius-ring (the number 8) is the model behind Panarchy. An ecology contains many connected 8’s. A connected Ecology could be called a Region.

The model contains the functions that can be found in a (big) city. The States grew out of Cities.

Cities look like Organisms. Organisms cooperate in super-organisms. An Ecology is a Super Organism (comparable to the Ants).

The second picture below the picture below is also a model of a (big) City . It contains the Social Networks described in Chapter 4 (About PoC) in the Center.

It also contains a Linear connected ValueChain I call a Value Cycle or a Value Network.

It also contains a Triangel with a Center that connects the many roles that could be implemented as a Monitor. A Monitor plays the role of the Observer, Consciousness. Its role is to Balance the Four Roles. In my opinion the State (or City) should play this role instead of playing the role of the Controller.

The patterns in this model you can seen at the right. They contain a Poc Cycle in a Poc Cycle containing many PoC-cycles that represent Humans.

The term Company (Red)Flow and Sensor represent Activities in the City represented as a Value Cycle. A Value Cycle is a Value Chain that is connected. Flow Systems are related to the rotation of the Earth connected to the Sun Cycle. A City is synchronized to the Day and the Sun Cycle,.

Yellow (Idea, creative)/<-<Red (Sensing, Action) is called Inventive in PoC . Very important is the link Green (Social)<->Blue (Management, Control, Unity, Rules, Systems) ) that contains the term Building Value and the link Blue/Yelow (Inspire). It is the most important process that transforms resources (Value) into a Unity (Capital, Wealth,Potential) that is able to allocate the Creative Power (Spirit). Have a look again at how entrainment is used in combinations with Rituals.

The 3rd Picture shows a bigger picture where Types of Systems are related that are 2fold (Fragile), 4Fold (look like Organisms) and N-Fold (Anti-Fragile). They change in a way we call Evolution.

The interesting part of all the pictures is that they are all created by applying the fractal of PoC on PoC etc.

If The State is an Ecology we have to create a Multi-Layer nested PoC-model or start with a simple model (“a meta-fractal?) and make it more complex by combining more parts in different ways. The lowest level of this system has to be the human. The human is a moving-Ecology of Bacteria and Viruses.

The pictures below are explained in the chapters above.

Pictures come from Chapter 4 (About PoC): Also see this.

This is a PoC-model that shows how a human reacts to a calamity.This model is compatible to the model of Kubler ross.
The same model applied to a City. This model was used in a Smart City -project (called SUS, Smart Urban Space) in the Hague. In the Center we see the Observer.
The four Worldviews are Yellow Unique/ : Playing Games, Green (Social): Cooperate, Blue: Order: Hierarchy is about Power and Red: the Sensory-Moter-part is about Conflict/Competition.
3 Connected Ecologies: : Human part of a Social Network part of a City.
PoC, Panarchy & Fiske combined with Anti-Fragility. An Ecology can be a Region but An Ecology can also be a Human (or an Organism) or lower in the levels we can define until the singularity.

13. How to Design a State:

In this chapter we use the Development Proces-Model of PoC. The Arrows make it possible to create Many Different paths of Change..

Observe that Industry , Science, Market (see Polyani) and Media are part of the Model but that the Cross is not filled This place, the role of the Observer or Monitor could be taken by the Sate or the City.

14: Human Rights and Maslows Pyramid.

The ancient States grew out of Cities that where (re)Created close to the Sea by a group of People with a Bloodline (Kin(g) ) to a Godmade Human.

The “new” states USA (1787) , France (1789, ), Got Rid of their Kings and God and Based their Constitution on the Principle of “Natural Right“,that later inspired the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Human Rights (HR) have a lot in common with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This means that HR have a lot in Common with PoC and therefore with Fiskes theory of Human Relations and Panarchy.

Human Rights are a product of an Utopian Movement that was motivated by many World Wars and Dictators that love to speak to their counterparts in the General Assembly of the UN.

Laws are a symbolic power enforced by the legal system that is enforced by a democracy, the power of the many that have no power against the smart weapons that are designed to give Big Brother its tools to control the minds.

A politics of human rights must transcend judges. History shows that movements relying on judges alone are weak. We need more power and the power can be found in the citizins that are also consumers. They can vote with their wealth but much netter with their Intelect.

15: The US is a Market Society: see Fiske Market Pricing Relationship.

n the past three decades, says Michael Sandel, the US has drifted from a market economy to a market society; it’s fair to say that an American’s experience of shared civic life depends on how much money they have. (Three key examples: access to education, access to justice, political influence.) In a talk and audience discussion, Sandel asks us to think honestly on this question: In our current democracy, is too much for sale?

16. The State as the Monitor of the Political Ecology:

In the following chapters I will create my preferred model of the State. To do this I will use the Building blocks that were created in the previous chapters.

About Alchemy and the Squaring of the Circle:

When thou hast made the Quadrangle Round, Then is all the Secret found”. George Ripley (d.d. 1490).

I believe the State should play the role of Monitor also called Consciousness or Observer.

The monitor is in the Middle is connecting with the different Points of View making sure that the Whole is in Balance.

The monitor is without Judgement. Its only task is to Communicate.

When you look at Paths of Change you will see the big problem that arises when everybody enforces his own Personal View on the World.

It wil lead to a Permanent Conflict in which certain parts Dominate other parts for a while claiming they are the Truth.

Every Point of View claims it has its own Right but blocks the view on the Whole for the others.

Without a view on the whole the parts become a whole leading to an explosion of Complexity.

Our body contains organs but the organs are not the controller of the Body.

Our Brain is not a computer that contains software-programs that are triggered by the sensors of the senses.

the Parts react to the signals of all the Other Parts.

The monitor collects and distributes these signals.

We are a Bodyfield that synchronizes with other fields.

The Hero Path
The Monomyth of Joseph Canpbell

When we look at the Path of the Hero (PoH, also called the monomyth) that was rediscovered by Joseph Campbell we learn that the adventure of life starts with a Calling (Event) to go on a Quest.

In this Quest we use the practises and talents we have aquired in our life.

During the Quest we meet a lot of Helpers (Community) that are motivated by the Quest. At a certain point we have to make a Choice (Priotize) where to go and find the Insight we need to go on.

This Insight is shared with the Community.

An Insight is a view of the inside. Our inside is a Body . Our Body is the Temple we live in.

The PoH is a combination of 2 triangels, the Analytic Cycle and the Value Cycle that share the connection between Vision & Practice called Invention.

The Quest proves what all the Alchemists knew when they had found the Stone that brings Eternal Life.

When the Alchemist closes the circle of the Four Worldviews the alchemist discovers that History repeats itself all the time.

When the monitor does not move all the Stages of the Cycle will appear time after time stage after stage until the cycle returns to the Moment of Conception.

a Natural Ecology stores the Seeds of its creation in a sacred Groove in the Woods, a Spiritual Ecology stores its Intelectual Seeds in the Collective Unconsciousness or in its Holy Books or in the Myths and Stories that are Retold (“Retelling = Reounting) all the time.

17: About the Acupuncture of the State.

Worldviews and Meridians.

Acupuncture is part of the Chinese Medical (TCM) Tradition and the Indian Medical Tradition called Ayurveda.

The Chinese use Five Elements (Organs) related to the WOrldviews of PoC. Ayurveda uses the same Elements now called Tatvas .

The energy nodes are called Chakra‘s or Meridians. Meridians are paths through which the Life-Energy known as qi” f(or Prana) flows. Qi is the Electro-Magnetic-field that is caused by Moving Electrons in our blood.

The Chinese/Indian-system of medicine was known all over the world including the West. In the west the art of medicine was practiced by the Guild of the Barbers and Medical Doctors trained at the University. They used a Medical Theory that was based on Analogy (the Four Humors ).

The BloodLetting Points
The Bloodletting points of the Barbers correspond with the acupuncture points.
Tattva - Wikipedia
Tatvas. Spirit black egg
Tejas – Fire red equilateral triangle
Vayu – Air blue circle
Apas – Water half circle / silver crescent Prithvi (Earth tattva) – symbolized by a yellow square.
Kim Veltman’s researched the development of World Cultures by looking at the development of Alphabets.This video is part of a long playlist. Yesterday I discovered that Kim Veltman died recently 1-4-2020. Kim shows that World Culture was already there 100.000 BC and there was a lively contact with all the cultures (also in the US) by Ship and Silk Roads.

Kim Veltman shows that the many cultures on earth use the same building blocks for already > 120.000 years. The building blocks were rearranged in different orders but on the deepest level they stayed the same. He also shows that old-myths are old histories that bring us back to the beginning. This beginning was paradise and paradise was a place where humans were confronted with many dilemma’s that have not changed because our body is not changed.

World map showing the sacred sites, energy points, major chakras and major vortexes of the world.
ABout The Acupuncture Points of the Earth.
Ayurveda versus Chinese Medicine | AcuPro Academy | Acupuncture Online  Courses
The Artashastra: The Indian Art of War and Politics. The primal task of the King is to distribute Wealth.
About Ancient Indian knowledge about Strategy given to US Strategists of the Army.

The Mandate of Heaven.

The Emperor is in Control until he Fails.

The Mandate of Heaven is a cyclic concept originating in the Zhou Dynasty from before 1000 B.C. which determines whether the emperor is sufficiently virtuous to rule.

The Zhou People worshiped a supreme deity, Tian, the name means “sky” and in English means “Heaven.”

tThe mandate is based on four principles:
1. The right to rule is granted by Heaven
2. There is only Heaven therefore there can only be one ruler
3. The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler
4. The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty.

The mandate is still believed by a majority of the people of China. This means that even the tribe of the Communist Party and its leader (a new type of Emperor) has to obey the rules.

The four pillars of the Mandate of Heaven demand that if the Emperor fails to fulfil his obligations to the people, then his Mandate and right to be ruler is over.

“Heaven” sends signs when the ruler’s day are done.

Disasters of nature such as floods, drought, famine and disease are signs that the Ruling Dynasty has lost Heaven’s Mandate to rule, and those happenings justify the people’s right to rebel against them under the four principles of the Mandate.

In centuries past, these signs from Heaven led to uprisings – 49 times in Chinese history – and a new Ruling Dynasty came to power, often from within the ranks of those who rebelled.


Plan of the Ritual complex built by emperor Wang Mang (AD 9) as a reconstruction of the Ming Tang of antiquity. The Four Directions as Doors and in the Middle the Central Building are an implementation of the Sheng Cycle in the Central City of the State. It shows the fractal nature of the state.

In ancient China the Emperor was responsible for the Balance/Harmony of the State. To balance the State the Emperor used the Sheng Cycle implemented in the practice of Sun Tzu.

This Practise can be used in Foreign Policy with the aim of Avoiding Conflicts (Diplomacy) but also in Fighting a War (Strategy). The chinese ruler used the strategy of Tit-for-Tat (Copying the behavior of the opponent).

A very small deviance of what was seen as not normal (a Rooster laying an egg) was seen as an indication that the Balance of the State was gone. It was the signal that big disasters were at hand.

At that moment the Emperor had to Balance the State by performing rituals and by taking action for instance by replacing the Governor of a Province where the imbalance took place.

The rituals of the Emperor focused the attention of the Citizens and this energy changed the course of the state.

The Emperor was responsible for Foreign Trade. Foreign Trade was necessary to introduce new ideas and technology and to find alleys.

Acupuncture: Diagnose & Treatment.

The Center is part of Triangel (Winter (Possibility), Summer (Practice)). This Triangel is the path of Invention (idea->action) in PoC. Communion looks like Yin and Agency looks like Yang. The Sheng-Cycle is a Fractal-cycle. It is applicable at the level of the Emperor and the state and the level of the body and on all the levels you find the same “tools” to diagnose and to cure..

The generating  cycle, , is a 1->1 relationship of nourishment and Support of one element by another. In the same way that a Mother nourishes her child, so does each of the elements nourish its “Child” element.

A Mother/Child-relationship is what we would call a Causal Relation in a predestinated order that is a Cycle.

The order is the order of the Sun Cycle in which order the seasons are also called organs.

The organs have a relationship with what we call the organs in the body but they are not matter but an Energy Pattern comparable with the Energy-patterns One Mae Who talks about in this blog.

The Controlling Cycle represents relationships which prevent any given element from becoming overwhelming or too powerful in relation to the system as a whole.

In terms of our family-relationships metaphor, it is the “grandmother” that exerts this healthy control over the “grandchild” element

In the West we name the Grandmother-relation a Feed-Forward of Feed-Backward-Relation.

For an explanation of Acupuncture-read this blog. (1): Acupuncture(theory) (2) diagnosis(theory).

For years, I have watched my patients,

The diagnosis is done at the Pulse. This is the place where all the Elements (Points of View)/Organs) get together. By pressing softly at the left or the right pulse a “Pattern” is felt that feels like a wave.

The pattern of the wave is an indication of the Harmony of the Body and the places where balancing is needed. Pressing simulates an Event. The “system” reacts with a reaction to an event.

The same happens when we create a very small Electro Magnetic Field . This event stimulates the Immune-System of the Body. The E/M-field is the Force of Life (Chi).

We could implement the same system by creating a monitor that samples data that represent the World-Views.

China and India are examples of cultures that used their knowledge and experience to manage society. They believed in Cycles and Harmony. The last Emperor was taken by the Mandate of Heaven and had to surrender to the new rulers of the communist party.

This is the end of this blog. In the last chapter (18) I will summarize and introduce a new step in my research.

18. The end


The State is at the End of its Lifecycle:


It started with isolated Hunter Gatherers that lived in Paradise.

They became a Tribe that settled down in a Proto-City.

The Bronze Age

Amazon Tribes Gather To Make Resistance Plan To Protect Their AmazonThe Yaminawá people in Brazil

When the Climate Changed the Tribes moved to the Caves.

Cappadocia, Turkey
In the caves the Humans discovered Total Darkness, the Light of the Imagination and translated Pictures into Sounds.

Using mainly red pigments and sometimes black, groups of animals, hand stencils, engravings, dots, discs and geometric designs are depicted in the cave paintings.

The proto-settlements turned into cities. One of the oldest is Jericho.

archaeologists have unearthed the remains of 20 successive settlements in Jericho, dating back 11,000 years.

The cities became City-states and because of the Distribution of Labor (mostly by Slaves) they were able to feed big Armies .

The Leaders of the settled tribes turned themselves into Gods and became Kin-g.

The city-states close to the Sea and the Silk-roads became Rich and Powerful and expanded into Countries.

The kin-gs united the City-States and The State was Born.

The Kin-gs became Pope or Emperor. All the time their Magical attributes and Supporters (the Tribes) did not change until the Slaves killed the Kin’gs.

Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne
Charlemagne united most of Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire, and spurred the Carolingian Renaissance. Sometimes called the ‘Father of Europe’.

File:Anonymous - Prise de la Bastille.jpg
The French Revolution ended the Power of the Kin’gs and of their Gods and created the concept of the Cooperative.

The Enlightment.

The Roots of Rationalism can be found in the Enlightment.

In the 18th century Rational Man, not God, got into the Centre.

The Scientists and Philosophers of the Enlightment were obsessed by Objectivity and Perfection.

In their view, Objectivity and Perfection can only be accomplished by controlling the subjective parts, the Emotions and the Imagination of the Human Being.

The subjective parts are part of the Body and the Body is Impulsive and Illusionary. The Warm Chaotic Sensual Body detracts the Cold Analytic Brain.

The Rationalists created the Corporations, the Mass Production System and the Mass Media. Every structure in the rational ecology is designed to perform its own Specialized task.

The Mass Media create the Demand for the Products that the Mass Production Systems have to deliver.

The Rationalists put the Brains at the Top of the Hierarchy of the Corporations and the Brain in the Operating System of the Computer.

They eliminated the Craftsman and the Laborers and replaced them with the Perfect always Obedient Objective Human, the Robot.

Rationalism is turning every local Diversity into a global Monoculture. Everything can be Quantified and Everything, even Life itself, can be Engineered (Bio-Engineering).

The Big Problems Earth is facing can be solved by new Technology and Enough Capital to Invest.

It is just a matter of Time and the totally Engineered World will be a Fact of Life. If Earth cannot be saved we will simply move into Space and find another Place to Live.

The Ecology of the State:

In this blog I try to show that we have to believe in Self-Regulation which means that the first step to create the State of the Future is to de-Regulate.

Self-regulation is A State without a Government (Anarchy) or ““an inclusive, universal system of governance in which all may participate meaningfully.” This could be a State as a Cooperative.

The theory of PanAnarchy. is “a conceptual framework to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systems.”

Panarchy explains Ecologies by using a Taoistic view on the world. An ecology has a Yin and a Yang side or in terms of PoC it combines Agency (Yang, Unity, Order) and Communion (Yin, Cooperation). This order is a observed or Emergent order not an enforced order.

This order could result out of an Entrained System,

The four stages of the Adaptive Cycle are  analogous to Birth, Growth, Maturation, Death and Renewal and have Three properties that determine the dynamic characteristics of each cycle:

  • (1) Potential sets the limits to what is Possible
  • (2) Connectedness determines the degree to which a system can control its own destiny through Internal controls, as distinct from being influenced by External variables
  • (3) Resilience determines how Vulnerable a system is to unexpected disturbances.

A new Research-project.

The model below is a result of the research of Alan Fiske. See chapter 6. It relates the four geometries with four Social Relationshipsmodels of Fiske.

I have created a new blog for this chapter push here to go on.

The Geometry of the State as a Fusion of Anti-Fragility Panarchy and PoC.

This chapter is now a new blog.

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