About the Heart Chakra

NadisThe term Nadi comes from the Indian word for movement. The approximately 72.000 Nadis comprise a vast network of transport channels of the Force of Life in the Human Body.

The channels connect into 7 Major and 21 Minor Centers, called Chakras (Wheels). The Heart Chakra is in the Middle connecting The Spiritual and the Material World.

The amount of Nadi’s, Minor (21) and Major Centers (7) is not By Accident. The Enfolding of the Universe is based on a Pattern that is governed by the number Three (The Trinity).

The number 22 (21 + the Whole) divided by 7 stands for the number Pi which relates to Square of the Four Forces of the Human (Imagination, Control, Desire and the Emotions) to the Cycle of the Movement of the Force of Life through the Seven Chakra’s.

When the Four Forces are not in Balance the Cycle of the Chakra’s gets out of Balance. This Unbalance of the Chakra’s can be restored when we use the Middle of the Seven Chakra’s, the Heart Chakra.

When We Act out of the Heart the Wheels of the Chakra’s never get out of Balance.

Later in this Blog I will explain You more about the Heart Chakra and the Pattern of the Triangels.

The First Thing I want to do is explain the Relationship between the Old Knowledge of the Chakras and the Recent Knowledge about the Influence of the Electro-Magnetic Field on the Body.

As you will see the Old Scientists knew more than the New Scientists. The only thing that is different is Language. We have to translate Old Mystic Terminology into New Scientific Terminology.

As the Force of Life (Chi, Prana) moves through the Channels, it makes the Wheels of the Chakras Spin. The Chakras are the power stations in our body. They pump Excess Energy out of their environment or Attract energy from other power centres to keep their own cycles running.

There are three major Nadis. The Left-Side Channel Ida (Mind) and the Right-Side Channel Pingala (Body). The Third Major Nadi (Sushumna, the Self) moves inside the Spinal Chord.

The three nadis originate at the Base Chakra at the end of the Spinal Chord, the Filum Terminale, and move up into the Top Chakra right above the Head (the Crown).

Most Scientists consider the Indian theory of the Nadis and the related Chinese theory of the Meridians a very old fashioned theory without any proof in current science.

The most important reason is that nobody is able to explain the Force of Life (Chi, Prana).

The connective tissues in our body contain collagen, which makes up 70% or more of all the proteins of the connective tissues. The collagens in the body comprise a vast network of transport channels of Electro-Magnetic Energy.

CollagenCollagens are rope like liquid crystals that have dielectric and electrical conductive properties that are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields.

The electrical properties of collagen depend on the bound water molecules in and around the collagen’s triple-helix.

If the Nadis and the Meridians are the Collagen Ropes in our body than Chi or Prana could be the Electro-Magnetic (E/M) Force.

According to some scientists the Chi-field is a so called Scalar-Field, a Standing E/M-Wave.

A Standing Wave or a Stationary Wave preserves its Structure or Form in Time. They can be easily observed in Water (Surfing) and Air (Music) but Electro-Magnetic Waves can behave in the same way. We can even visualize the Body as a Standing Wave.

When we imagine the Human Body as a Wave instead of a Particle it becomes much easier to explain a lot of phenomena. The Human seen as a Wave is constantly interacting with many other Waves in the Universe including the Body Waves of the Other Human Beings.

One of the most interesting experimentors with Electro Magnetic Scalar Fields was the weird genius Tesla. He called the Chi-Field Radiant Energy. Our E/M-field is heavily influenced by outside E/M-Fields (Sun, Moon, Power Stations, and Mobile Network) and the E/M-Fields of Other Organisms.

The First Triangel, the Trinity, emerged out of the contradicting rotation of the split of the Void. When the two moving Parts connected they became the first Self, the Creator.

The Creator repeated the same process and the second Triangular Self, the Kernel of the Atom, was born. The Kernels of the Atoms are connected by the Electro-Magnetic Field. Electrons move from Kernel to Kernel.

The Atom repeated the process of Self-Replication. It splitted and combined Itself into the many Physical and Chemical Triangular structures of the Material Universe.

In the complex chemical structures the Electrons are taking care of the communication between all the different parts.

Every step in the Process of Creation is a vibratory center that rotates with a different Frequency in a different Pattern.

triskeleThe First Trinity, a Flat Elliptical Frame, was rotating with a frequency faster than 10-43 second.

The Second Trinity, the Kernel of the Atum, rotates with a lower frequency and follows the path of a 3-dimensional Threefold Moebius Ring, the Triple Helix represented by the Celtic Triskele.

When many Atoms are combined into a Big structure like our Body the Cycle time of One Rotation of the Self slows down. The fastest cycle time in the body is 40 Cycles per Second, the Gamma Wave, the cycle of human consciousness.

The human cycle is entrained to many other outside cycles like the Sun and the Moon Cycle.

If a Full rotation of the Self is not possible the Self splits Itself in many (more or less) independent Sub-Cycles.

One of the most important splits is the split between the Trinity of the Self, the Mind (Up, Sky, Spirit, Left Brain) and the Body (Down, Matter, Earth, Right Brain). This Split is managed by the Ida/Pingala/ Sushumna Nadis.

The Seven Chakras are the result of the Enfolding of two Triangels. These triangels are the enfolding of the primary Triangel also called the Holy Trinity. In this way our universe consists of triangels in triangels in triangels in …At this moment we can determinate 42 levels of enfolding.

The Upper Triangel is the Trinity of the Father, the Spiritual World. The Lower Triangel is the Trinity of the Mother, Atom, the Material World, Earth.

The two Trinities are connected in the Middle by the Heart Chakra. The Middle of the Seven contains the connection to the center of the First Trinity, The Void.

limbicThe Human Brain consists of the Reptile Brain (Body), the Limbic System (the Heart, the Soul) and the Neo-Cortex (Spirit).

The Reptile Brain controls the Triangel of the Atom.It manages instinctual survival behaviors.

The Limbic System, The Heart, is the seat of the Emotions (Attraction, Avoidance).

The last part, the Neo Cortex, is connected to the Upper Triangel. It is responsible for Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Speech.

The Heart Chakra, the Soul, is the connector of the Spiritual Trinity, Mind, and the Material Trinity, the Body. The Heart Chakra is the boundary between the world of multiplicity and the world of unity.

The Heart Chakra is the Grail, the container that holds together the Physical and Spiritual worlds and acts as the transformer between the two.

The Heart Chakra, the Middle of the Seven (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3), the Gate to Heaven, opens the Door to the Seat of Pure Consciousness, the Cosmic Center, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Pleroma, the Void, the Place where inside and outside merge and become one.

HeartChakraWhen the Heart is only connected to the Material World, the Reptile Brain generates Jealousy, Fear and Ambition.

When the Heart is only connected to the Spiritual World, the Mind will create Illusions and leave the Earth. The Human Voice will Utter highly abstract sentences.

When the Heart is connected to the Upside Triangel of Spiritual World AND the Downside Triangel of the Material World, the Mind will give Clarity and the Love of the Spirit will guide the way.

Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard to even take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it. The path without heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing“.

Carlos Castaneda – The Teachings of Don Juan

Go sweep out the chamber of your heart.
Make it ready to be the dwelling place of the Beloved.
When you depart out, He will enter it.
In you, void of yourself, will He display His beauties.

Mahmud Shabistari – Rose Garden of Mystery


The Relationship between the Nadis and Collagen

How the Body acts as an Antenna

About Liquid Crystals

About the Chi-Field

About the Void