About Intelligent Design

Thermodynamics, the Science of Heat

Thermodynamics, the Science of Heat, became an important science in the 19th century when physicists started to improve the Steam-Machine. This blog is about a recently discovered law of Thermodynamics called the Constructal Law.

The Constructal Law describes How Intelligent Systems emerge out of the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Heat is Random Motion

According to Thermodynamics the evolution of the universe has been characterized by an on-going transformation from a simple, restricted, highly condensed, homogeneous state to an increasingly complex, widely dispersed, dynamic, multipotent, granular diversity.

Energy moves from Heat to Cold where Heat is Chaos and Cold is Order

Energy always moves from High to Low Temperature. This is the main reason why most of the energy of Earth comes from our Sun.

With help of the Electro-Magnetic radiation of the Sun we call Light, plants, algae and bacteria transform simple molecules into complex organic structures (Biomass = Potential Chemical Energy) and store the energy of the Sun. Bacteria and Fungi brake up these structures, produce heat, reduce the complexity, and close the Cycle.


The Input of the Heat of the Sun has to be compensated by a comparable Output of Radiation otherwise Earth would be burned instantly. The difference between the Input and Output of Energy is transformed into Movements on Earth.

The Earth’s climate is a huge flow system. It circulates air and water from the tropics to the poles and back. These flows develop as air and water move from hot to cold regions, a result of variation in the heating of the Earth’s surface by the sun.

The Earth is not only heated by the Sun. The hot kernel of the Earth is surrounded by a small crust. At certain places on Earth and the Sea the rotating pool of the magma-ocean produces a lot of energy.

The Earth with its solar heat input, heat rejection, and wheels of atmospheric and oceanic circulation, is a heat engine without shaft. Its maximized mechanical power cannot be delivered, but is instead destined to dissipate through air and water friction and other forms of heat loss. It produces maximum power, which it then dissipates at a maximum rate.

The earth is wasting a lot of energy because the transmission of  most of its energy is not contained in a Tube-like-system.

The system maximizes the sum of the work done driving the planetary circulation, and the heat rejected back to space at the cold end of the heat engine.


When the speed of the planetary circulation is low, so are the turbulent losses. As speed increases, up to a certain point the sum of work done (circulation speed) and heat rejected also increasing until the turbulence starts to interfere with the circulation and  actually decrease the total of work done and heat rejected. That is the point, “the edge of turbulence“,  at which the system will naturally run.


Every flow system tries to find the perfect balance between movement and friction.

The biomass on Earth is direct or later (Oil, Gaz, Coal) consumed by all kinds of organisms. In Food-Webs Organisms are consumed by other organisms.

We, the Humans, describe the interaction of the organisms in the Food-Webs as a Struggle for Live, a Survival of the Fittest, but the flow of energy in the food webs could also be seen as an adaptive chain of chemical reactions that are performed in self-moving, self-reproducing chemical factories.

Energy is Potential Movement. The potential energy stored in the biomass on Earth is transformed into circular movement (kinetic energy). During this transformation Heat is produced. Heat is the waste produced by a restrained non-effective movement.

The energy of the Sun produces all kinds of movements on Earth. Examples are river-delta’s, our respiratory system and the weather-system.

Constructal Theory

According to Constructal Theory the generation of design (configuration, patterns, geometry, shape, structure, rhythm) in nature is a physical phenomenon that unites all animate and inanimate systems. Design in Nature always shows itself as systems that flow and improve themselves.  Systems improve themselves because the movement from chaos to order takes many discrete steps.

Flow Systems

Biological organisms are flow systems. River basins are flow systems. A Tree is a flow system. The Traffic System is a flow system. The City of Paris is a flow system. The Financial Market is a flow system. The Internet is a flow system. A Proces-Manager is a flow system.

Turbulence is the result of connected vortexes.
Flow Systems

All these flow systems must be structured (architecturally designed) in such a way that the currents that flow (Life Energy, Water, Air, Electricity, Gaz, People, Cars, Trains, Airplanes, Content, Money) increasingly get to where they need to go. This gives shape and structure to everything that evolves over time.

Flow Systems always remove the Resistance to the Flow themselves.

Constructal Law is formulated as follows: “For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.”.

Resistance to Change

Nature always provides Resistance to Change (Heat, Erosion, Friction) and this resistance is provided by the Systems of the Past. The current Order resists the potential Chaos of Free Moving Energy.

The Paths of Change of our Universe always move in the same way. The pattern looks like a Moebius Ring, the number 8, because this is the only way to cope with the polarity of the movements. In a Moebius Ring two Opposite Cyclic Movements are perfectly United.

A Moebius Ring is a 2D-structure that operates in 3D because it needs a Twist to operate.

Engines and Brakes

According to Constructal Theory the Energy of the Sun creates two types of Systems called Engines and Brakes.

Engines are the most effective and efficient states in the evolution of our Universe. They have found the best way to cope with the resistance that is provided by the Brakes. Brakes are the old systems like trees, forests and natural or constructed dams that slow down the movement so the potential energy can be stored.

If the Energy of the Sun is not stored,  the Self-Reproducing Systems are unable to evolve to a higher level of organization.  If every Resistance would be gone the Flow-Systems would Flow in a Radial Pattern to every Direction possible.


If we remove the Natural Brakes (Forests, River-delta’s) the Expansive Flow-systems will take over control and the Smart Highly Improbable Next Generation Brake Systems, the Organisms would die.

We, the Humans, are here to Resist the Engines that give the Flow-Systems the opportunity to make Everything the Same. Every Thing has to become the Same because the Universe does not discriminate. Every configuration has the same chance to be alive.

Dependent on the type of flow there are standard solutions to the dualities that are provided by the eternal battle between engine (movement) and brake (not-movement).

The standard solution can be calculated using the Laws of Thermodynamics. Tree (or Leaf)-shaped fractal systems are for example the best solution for a One-to-Many (or Many-to-One) Flow. The Flow Systems always converge to these Shapes.

Our Earth is rotating, spinning and moving around our moving Sun. The influx of Energy on every area on Earth is changing all the time.

This means that every Flow-System on Earth has to adapt to the short term and long term changing Energy Input of the Sun.

Resilience: Expanding and Contracting a String

The stability of a Flow-System, the Resistance to Change, is highly dependent on the Resilience of the System.

According to the theory of Panarchy the Resilience of a System is dependent on the Potential and the Connectedness of a System.

In  the Exploitation/Conservation phase of the Adaptive Panarchy-Cycle the Constructal Engines become more efficient (producing more Potential) and Connected. This means that the amount of possible paths in the River-delta of the System is reduced. This amount determinates the resilience of the system.

At the state of maximum production and maximum connection (conservation) the system is spending all its potential at self-reproduction and is highly vulnerable to external disturbances. At a certain moment when a disturbance destroys the majority of the paths the system collapses (release).

The bits and pieces, the components, of the scattered ecology are reassembled sometimes in a different way (reorganization) and the system starts again most of the time on a higher level of organization.

Law of Kleiber

Kleiber's law

Kleiber’s Law is an example of the Constructal Law. It shows the many levels of organization that have occured since the chemical factories of the bacteria started to work together. Kleiber’s Law can be extented to the level of the Community and the City.

The Panarchy Cycle is Self-Similar. It repeats itself on many Scales. The higher the scale the bigger the impact and the slower change takes place.

The Scales are interconnected. A huge disturbance on a lower scale (Revolt) can have an huge impact on a higher scale when both cycles are moving into the Release State.

A Slow moving High Level Cycle can help to restructure a fast moving cycle by providing the template of the way the components were originally assembled (its CommunityDNA) (Remember).

From Classical Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

Constructal Law is a Law of Thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics has evolved into a Statistical Theory called Statistical Mechanics.

To calculate a probability you have to define the Space of all Possibilities of a System, the Phase Space.

When you don’t know what a system will look like it is impossible to calculate the Phase Space.

To calculate the possibilities of Constructal Law you have to imagine the possible constructions of Mother Nature.

Triangle of Pascal

It is possible to play with Probability Theory without knowing the exact Phase Space. In this case you have to look at the probabilities of the probabilities. These probabilities are described by the Triangle of Pascal. Behind the Triangle of Pascal a new Triangular Structure shows itself. This pattern goes on and on until the primary Triangle of Creation, the Holy Trinity, is reached.


The Trinity is a combination of Desire (Mother, Female, Expansion, FLOW), Control (Father, Male, Compression, BRAKE) and the combination of both Expansion AND Compression also called the Void or the Tao. In Physics the Void is called the Vacuum or the Zero-Point-Field.

The Triangular Pattern behind the Triangle of Pascal

The Act of Creation

When we have moved back in time and have reached the state of the Trinity we are very close to the Big Bang.

The Vacuum is the Eternal Flow System of Creation. I

t contains everything that is possible even the impossible, the Empty Set.

The Tao is like a well: 

used but never used up.

It is like the eternal void:

filled with infinite possibilities.

It is hidden but always present.

I don’t know who gave birth to it.

It is older than God.

The Big Bang is a result of the Union of the Opposites (Yin/Yang, Male/Female, Matter/Anti-Matter, Expansion/Compression) that both came out of the Void.

(Tao Te Ching 4)

The Sea of the Nothing

According to Constructal Law every finite-size system must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.

The Tao is the Channel of the Energy of Life.

If Constructal Law is Right we have to give easier access to this Flow. We have to become the River to move to our final destination, the Sea of the Nothing.


A video about Constructal Theory

About the Higgs Field and the Big Bang

Why the Objects in the Universe are of Different Size

About Innovation and Thermodynamic

About Friction

About the Big Freeze

About the Constructal Theory of David Deutsch

The Website about Constructal Theory

An Introduction into Constructal Theory

About Morphology

About Panarchy

About Kleiber’s Law

About Genetic Similarity Theory

About Good Vibrations

The Good (Creation) and the not-Good, the Bad (Destruction),  are two Waves that are moving in Opposite Directions. Together they create interference patterns called Standing Waves.

Standing Waves are Waves that preserve their Form and can be perceived as Material Particles.

If the Good is a Wave Moving with the Clock, the Bad is a Wave Moving Against the Clock.

I believe the Good is moving with the Clock because the words “Right” and “Wrong” were associated with the Right Hand and the Left Hand and the concept “moving” (wringen in Dutch).

In Magic the Left-Hand Path is associated with Black Magic and in many cultures, the Left is associated with Evil.

In China the Rotation with the Clock is called the Generating Cycle and the Rotation Against the Clock the Destructing Cycle.

The Standing Waves of Matter contain the Bad and the Good in a certain proportion. Therefore every part of Nature (including the Humans) contains a piece of the Bad and a piece of the Good. That’s why it is rather difficult to make a distinction between both of them.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”  (Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 239–251)

About the Svara

The idea that our Universe is a Wave goes back a very long time. In Ancient Indian Philosophy, the Wave of the Universe was called the Svara, the Wave of Life.

It is the manifestation of the impression on matter of the Power Which Knows Itself (Atman). The Atman arises out of the Emptyness (Brahman). The Emptiness is a Mystery. It is impossible to Reason about it.

The Svara consists of Five Types of Waves called Tattvas. They represent distinctive Forms and Vibratory Motions and are the five modifications of the Great Breath, Prana, of the Atman. Prana is called Chi in China.

The First Wave that came out of the Atman is called the Âkâsha (Spirit, Egg, Black). After this came the Vâyu (Air, the Circle, Blue), the Tejas (Fire, the Triangle, Red), the Apas (Water, the Crescent of the Moon, Silver) and the Prithivi (Earth, the Square, Yellow).

The Svara has two different States,  the Bright Sun-Breath  and the Dark Moon-Breath. In the first state the Svara expands, away from the Void. In the second state it contracts and moves back to the beginning.
At a certain moment we will experience the spectacular Twist of the Svara. This is the moment when Time will move back and the Apas (Aquarius, Water) will dominate the Fire (Bull) of the Tejas.
The Âkâsha and the other Four States of the Svara are the States of what Western Scientists call the Aether, the Carrier of the Standing Waves of the Universe.

About the Aether

Until the experiments of Michelson and Morley in 1887, every Physicist believed in the existence of the Aether. Everybody was very surprised when the experiments showed that the Aether was moving with a constant speed, the Speed of Light, in both directions of measurement.

Nobody questioned the experiments so a completely new theory had to be created to explain the strange behavior of Light. This new theory was the Relativity Theory of Albert Einstein.

The situation became even stranger when Niels Bohr (and others) invented Quantum Mechanics and showed that Light could be interpreted as a particle, a Photon, and a Wave.

At that time almost nobody understood the Concept of the Standing Wave. A Standing Wave is a Wave that preserves its Form and therefore shows itself as a Particle.

It is now proved that Michelson and Morley made a fatal mistake. The Unification of the Theories of Einstein and Bohr is going on but two foundations of the Theory of Einstein, the non-existence of the Aether and the Constant speed of Light, are gone.

The concept of the Aether, the Svara,  is back and new theories of the Universe based on Standing Waves are produced and verified. These theories are much simpler than the old theories.

What is the Same?

The Ethical Law of Resonance states that “The Same attracts the Same and Repels the Not-the Same“.  The Good attracts the Good and the Bad attracts the Bad but the Good also repels the Bad and the Bad repels the Good.  If we are able to define the Same we are able to define the Good and the Bad.

When you want to find out if some Thing is the same as another Thing you have to define the concept of “the-sameness“.

Everything is different from any other thing when you collect enough different data about both of them. When you ignore every detail everything is the same (A = A). When two objects are literally “the same” we call this relationship an equality (A=B).

The same objects can appear differently when we Look at them differently. In this case a “the sameness” (now called a congruency) appears when we are able to create the same object when we move (translate), rotate or reflect the other object.

To find an independent reference framework for an Observer who is “not moving” and a constant Speed of Light Einstein had to abstract from Translation, Rotation, Reflection and Movement (Speed and Acceleration). Einstein’s friend Minkowski solved his problem by creating a new type of “curved” space now called Minkowski Space.

The Ancient Scientists of India not only abstracted the Aether from the Eyes like Einstein did. They abstracted the Aether from the other Four Senses too.

Every Tattva represents another Sense Organ and a related Wave pattern. The interesting point is that the Waves of the Tattva of the Eyes, the Light Waves, the Tejas, behave, exactly the way the current scientists describe.

The current Scientists ignore the fact that Humans observe their Environment with their Five Senses. The ancient Scientists not only detected five types of Waves. They also found a way to combine the Five Wave-Types into one Wave Model.

In general, Objects are “the same” when we are able to find a Structure-Preserving, isomorphic, transformation (F) from Object A to Object B. F(A)=B and G(B)= A and FG=Identity. With the help of an Isomorphic Transformation, you are able to map a structure A to another structure B  and move back to the same structure A.

Every Isomorphic transformation can be seen as a “specialized Organ“, that  “looks” at Reality in its own way.

The mathematical field of Topology is concerned with the “the sameness” of objects that are Expanded and Compressed. Topology represents the Organ of the Emotions. With this organ, we are able to research the effects of the Great Breath of the Prana.

About the Great Breath

With the help of isomorphic  “topological” transformations, it is possible to make the huge Diversity of Forms in our Universe the Same. It is even possible to compress every structure in our Universe into one structure, the structure of the Void.

In this case, there are a few topological possibilities depending on the dimensions of space. In two dimensions we can choose out of the Point and the Circle, a Closed Line. In higher dimensions, strange twisted structures appear such as the Moebius Ring and the Klein Bottle.

If the Universe is compressed into a Rotating Circle,  The One who is in the Centre always Returns on Itself.  The Universe is expanding and compressing until Eternity. At a certain time even after a huge expansion the Power of Creation is able to “Knows Itself”. This concept is called the Cyclic Universe.

If the Universe is compressed into a point, called a singularity, we live in a “Big Bang-universe“, the standard cosmological model, which will expand into Eternity.

It will be clear that the structure in the beginning determines the way the Waves of the Universe expand.

If the Universe is Closed in Itself the Outbound Waves of the Beginning will meet the Inbound Waves of the Utmost Boundary and will create Interference Patterns that look like Standing Waves.

When the Universe was small the Interference Patterns came up almost immediately. When the Universe expanded it took more time to Close the Loop.

If the Universe is a Closed System, the Waves of the Past and the Waves of the Future will meet in the Now.  At every moment in Time, we are able to look into a possible Future and a possible Past.

At every moment in Time we can Change the Past and the Future if we are able to start a Powerful Negative (Destructive, Bad) or Positive  (Creative, Good) Wave of our Own.

According to the Ancient Scientists the Forces of the Tattvas at a certain Level of Enfolding represented Consciouss Beings (Angels, Devils) who could be Called to help to influence the Standing Waves of Matter.

In the strange terminology of Quantum Mechanics, this state is called a Quantum Superposition and the union of the waves is called Quantum Entanglement. Quantum Entanglement moves with a speed much higher than the Speed of Light.

Sometimes the fragmented Tones of the Universe unite into one Symphony when the Strings of the many Violins of the Individual Standing Waves are in Tune.

We are able to change the Past and the Future when we are in Tune with the Waves of the Universe.

About the  Number Five

The symbol of the number Zero (“0”) looks like an Egg, the Âkâsha. The Âkâsha represents Space.

The name “zero” comes from the Arabic صفر, şafira, “it was empty” and the Sanskrit śūnya “void” or “empty”. The 0, Space, was Empty, Ø, before it was created.

According to many creation myths the beginning of this world,  Non-Being, Ø, the Empty Set, expanded into an Egg, 0.

The Egg started to Rotate (Air, Vayu, Movement) and was splitted into the Duality (-1,1), the Crescent of the Moon (Apas), the In-Between-Moon or Half Moon (1/2).

The negative part of the Duality started to move in the Opposite Direction. At that moment the Good (Creation) and the Bad (Destruction) were created.

The Apas are the force of Contraction (Control), the Opposite of the Tejas, Fire (Desire), the Force of Expansion. The Apas want to bring the System back to the Void.

In the Beginning, the Good (Fire) was much stronger than the Bad (Water). Therefore the Universe started to Expand.

The Trinity, the Triangel (Tejas, Fire), contains three numbers (-1, 0, +1). When the first Trinity was created the Force of Fire and Desire, the Tejas, started to Expand the Trinity into more Trinities. The production of Trinities in Trinities is a Fractal Pattern (“So Above, So Below“).

The first two Triangels, the Triangel of the Trinity of the Mind of the Atman and the Trinity of the Material World, are combined into a Square (Prithivi, Earth). The Prithivi is seen as the Force of Resistance, the Opposite of Âkâsha, Space.

The Prithivi, the Square of the Four Forces, the Human,  resists the movement back to the Void. The main reason is that the connection between the Spiritual World and the Material World is very strong.

The Spirit of the Human, situated in the Heart Chakra,  needs Matter to create all the possible combinations of the Becoming Trinities to Experience the Fullness of Being.

The number Five can be found in the Middle of the oldest Magical Square on Earth, the Lo Shu Square. The Lo Shu Square was given to Emperor Yu the Great after the Great Flood (3117 BC) by a Turtle, the symbol of the Star System Orion.

About the Magic Square of Lo Shu

The Lo Shu Magic Square contains the numbers 1-9 (3×3). In every direction they add up to a total of 15 (3×5).

The Magic Square Constraints the Expansion of the Force of Fire and makes it possible that the Cycle moves back to the zero, the Void, the Mystery.


When we subtract all the numbers in the Magic Square with the number 5,  the Zero of the Egg of the Âkâsha appears in the Middle.

The transformed Magic Square shows an interesting symmetry.

On the six “crosses” the same negative and positive Tattvas are found. The Four Tattvas are Balanced in the o, Space, the Âkâsha.

On the straight lines, two symmetric patterns emerge ((-1,4,-3) and (1,2,-3)) again both positive and negative. In these patterns the 4 balances the 1 and the 3 and the 2 balance the 3 and the 1.

When we follow the Numbers of the Square from -4 to +4, the Sheng Cycle appears.

About the Sheng Cycle

The Sheng Cycle not only contains the Cycle of the Five Tattvas. It also contains Five Triangels in which One Tattvas Balances Two other Tattvas.

The number Five is the same as the Number Zero when we accept that there are Two Structures (or Two Universes). One structure rotates in the Positive Domain, The Sun, and one in the Negative Domain, The Moon.

The Square represents the Four Force of Nature who are the Four Combinations of the Two Forces of the Duality, Compression and Expansion, Yin and Yang, the Apas and the Tejas, Fire and Water, Control and Desire.

The Sheng Cycle is the major Cycle in Chinese Philosophy. It was used to explain and control the many levels of existence (State, Family, Environment, Body,..).

The Sheng Cycle moves in two directions, With the Clock (Generating, +1) and Against the Clock (Destructing, -1).

When we combine the two Cycles a 9(3×3)-fold Twisted Moebius Ring is created with the Earth in the Middle. This Cycle is represented by the Symbol of Infinity (). This Cycle is comparable to the Tree of Life, the Jewish Sephiroth, and the Ancient Egyptian Pesedjet (the Nine).

In the Bright (positive) Part of the Moebius Ring, we are in the Sun-State, Life. In the Dark (negative) Part we experience the Moon-State , Death, the Underworld (Our Twin Universe), the place where the Souls exist when they Die.

Now it becomes very clear what the Ancient Indian Scientist meant with the Dark Moon-State of the Svara. When the Wave of Life moves back to the Center, the Void, Death will become Life  (“the Death will be raised“), Time will Reverse, the Universe will Compress and the Good will become the Bad.

About Harmonics

In 1931 the US Department of Commerce assigned Edward Dewey the task of discovering the cause and underlying dynamics of the Great Depression. The US Government created a special institute the Foundation for the Study of Economic Cycles. The Institute contains a huge database of the times-series of almost every Cycle there is.

The most interesting observation of Edward Dewey is that Cycles restore themselves all the time and are influenced by other Cycles. The Cycles Resonate.

Ray Tomes, a statistical mathematician, started to do research on the time series of the Institute. He confirmed the Insights of Dewey but with the much more powerful tools of his time, he was able to dig a lot deeper into data.

Tomes detected a relationship between the Cycles and Music, the Âkâsha. Tomes also developed a  method to find the basic structure behind the Waves of the many Cycles.

Tomes found one Basic Standing Wave that generates other waves by producing Overtones. Tomes rediscovered the Svara and could also explain why the “numbers” behind the Svara are the way they are.

The explanation can be found in the so-called Highly Composite Numbers (HCN). The HCN is “social” numbers with many divisors. They represent the major “harmonic” connectors in the Universe. The HCN are the opposite of the “lonely” Prime Numbers who only contain themselves.

The structure behind the HCN is self-referential and is based on the numbers 2, 3, and 5.

About the Cyclic Universe of Paul Steinhardt

Paul Steinhardt has created a new theory about the Universe based on the Four Forces of the Square and the Void in the Center. In his theory the Universe is Cyclic. It is expanding and contracting.

The expansion of the Universe ends when the Two Major Structures (-1,1) in the Universe, called Membranes or Branes, are in Balance with the Center, the Void (0).

The two Branes are higher dimensional flat surfaces that are in parallel. The Left and the Right Brains split into many similar Cell-like Structures. We live in one of the Cells of the Cyclic Universe.

When the Universe expands the constraints of the Flat Surface (the Lo Shu Square) create a huge tension and the flat surfaces start to Ripple. The Ripples are waves that are closed in themselves (loops).

When you use your imagination you can see that the Cyclic Universe of Paul Steinhardt has a lot in common with the ancient theories of India and China with only one difference.

In the Ancient theories, the creator of the Universe was “Aware of Itself” in the new theories Awareness is a Feed-Back-Loop, a Cycle.

About Ancient Spirituality and Modern Science

This blog started with the Ancient Spiritual Indian Concept of the Svara, the Wave of Life. It ends with the Modern Material Cyclical Universe of Paul Steinhardt.

In between, I have tried to show that the old theories of The Self-Aware Universe and the new theories of the Endless Feed-Back Loops in Our Universe have a lot in common.

The Ancient Spiritual Scientists developed a Theory of Everything based on the principle of the Fractal Universe (“So Above, So Below“).

If the Universe is a Fractal Structure,  the only thing the Modern Sciences have to do is to find the Right Level of Observation (Cells, Body, Family/Group, Culture, State, Earth, ..) of the Fractal Expansion of our Universe and the Same Laws will appear again and again.

About the Good, the Bad, and the Nothing

If the Good and the Bad are Standing Waves that move With the Clock and Against the Clock it will be much easier to determine what is right and what is Wrong (Left).

With the Clock moves With the Flow. It generates new structures until the Limits of the Universe are reached.

Against the Clock moves Against the Flow. It destructs new structures until the Limits of the Universe are reached.

The Bad wants to Control Everything. It Fears the Good and the Future.

The Bad does not (want to )understand that The Good and the Bad are moving to the same Destination, The Nothing.

The Good gives us Joy, Pleasure, and Excitement.

The Bad moves Back in Time. It wants to restore what was already there. Its final aim is the Zero, Empty Space.

The Good moves Forwards in Time. It creates new Perspectives about a Bright New Future. Its final aim is Every Thing, the Many, Infinite Space filled with an Infinite Amount of Forms.

The Bad and the Good move Back and Forth around an Unknowable Center, the Nothing, that makes Every Thing possible.

Some day the One and the Infinite will merge, into the Impossible. When this happens the Nothing will return for a very short  (1/∞) moment.


About the History of the Laws of Nature (The Website of Milo Wolff. It contains everything you want to know about the history of the concept of the Standing Wave).

Why Matter is a Standing Wave

About the Svara (This Website contains a (big) Complete Book written in 1894 about the Ancient Theory of the Svara.  A Must Read, when you want to understand Ancient Physics).

About the Harmonic Theory of Ray Tomes

About the Good, the Bad and the Nothing

Sometimes You want to do the Good Thing and the result is a Bad Thing.

Sometimes You start an Activity with a Good Intention but the Activity runs completely Out of Hand because You were unable to Predict all the effects.

Sometimes you discover that you have started a Chain of Activities with a good intention and the Result of the Chain is Bad.

Good and Bad are Context Dependent.

Look at this little Story:

A Chinese farmer awoke one morning to find a horse grazing in one of his fields. Since nobody came to claim the horse, the farmer used it to plow his uncultivated land. “What a good this horse is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer. Soon after, the farmer’s 18-year-old son was riding the horse when it shied at a snake. The youth fell off and broke his leg. “What an evil this is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer. Soon after, the warlord’s agents combed the village, conscripting young men for his army. Because of his broken leg, the farmer’s son was not taken. “What a good this is for you,” said his neighbor. “We’ll see,” said the farmer.

About the Golden Rule of Ethics

The big problem is that we attach a Value to the Intentions or the Consequences of an Activity and this Value has just two Names named: “Good” or “Bad“.

When the E-Valuation is “Good” we Feel Good. When the E-Valuation is “Bad” we feel Anger, Sadness, Guilty, Depressed or Worse. The Names of the Evaluation trigger the Emotions Deeply.

Most of the time we feel Guilty without any need to feel Guilty because we are not in Control of Everything that Happens.

The Ego, our Identity, is not able to stand the Lack of Control it has on the Outside World.

Humans need the “Illusion of Control” to sustain their Identity. Deep within they don’t want to believe that Other Human Beings or the Forces of Nature (“the Acts of God“) are also Active Agents.

The Science that is trying to define the Good and the Bad is called Ethics.

Ethics is the Philosophical Study of  “the Moral Value of Human Conduct and of the Rules and Principles that ought to govern it” or “the principles concerning the distinction between Right and Wrong or Good and Bad Behavior’

The most important Rule of Ethics is the so called Golden Rule : ” We should do to others what we would want others to do to us” or “do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you“.

The Golden Rule of Empathy and Forgiving is the most important Ethical Rule in many Cultures all around the World.

The Golden Rule uses the Principle of Self-Reference. Something is Applied on Itself.

When we apply the Principle of Self-Reference to the Bad, we move into the Domain of Lady Justice.

About Justice and Revenge

When Bad People don’t want to use the Good Golden Rule some cultures use the Rule “An Eye for an Eye” (Revenge) to do Justice to the Bad Ones. When you do Bad to a Person, the Bad Behavior is Applied to Yourself. “Eye for an eye” is used to make Bad People Aware of the Good Golden Rule.

The interesting point is that the combination of the Golden Rule and the “Eye for an Eye“-Rule  (called Tit-for-Tat) is the best way to solve the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma, a Chain of Conflicts.

Strangely enough The Good (now called Cooperation)  is Accomplished when you just Imitate the Behavior of the Others.

There is One (fatal) Exception to the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat. If you want to operate On Your Own and You think You don’t need the Others to Survive the best Way to Operate is to Betray Every Body. Bad Behavior provides you with a Huge Economic Win but also with a  Huge Social Loss.

When you Betray the others, You have To Protect Yourself for the Revenge of the Others.

To Compensate your Social Loss You have to Buy the Others (Lawyers, Mercanaries, ) or (worse) you have to Force the Others with Violence to Cooperate with You.  In the first Case you lose a lot of Money and in the last case the Amount of Revenge increases exponentially.

To Survive you always have to Balance the Social (“the Other“) and the Economic (“the Ego“). The “easy way’ is to do the Good and the “difficult way” is to do the Bad.

Cooperation is a highly Effective and Efficient Method to accomplish the Good for Your Self and the Others because Good Behavior attracts Good Behavior and Bad Behavior attracts  Bad Behavior.

About the Seven Virtues.

To do Good or to do Justice you have to Apply the Same to the Same because The Same Attracts the Same.

The Same not only Attracts the Same. The Same Repels the Not-the-Same.

The Same Law:  “Look-A-Likes Like Each Other and Repel the Organisms that are not looking alike” (called Genetic Similarity Theory) also explains Evolution. This rule was detected by Charles Darwin when he wanted to explain the huge amount of Cooperation in Nature.

When you Apply the Same to the Same (Self-Reference) it generates a Fractal Structure in which the Same Structure Repeats Itself on Every Level (“As Above, So Below“).

It Looks Like there is a Universal Moral Law that explains  Behavior on Every Level of the Universe.

Some Scientists believe the Moral Laws are Eternal Truths. This believe has a long History that goes back to Ancient Rome (Cicero), Ancient Greece (Plato, Socrate) and Ancient Egypt (Ma’at).

During the Renaissance (“Rebirth“) the Moral Principles of Rome, Greece, and Egypt were reborn and transformed into Moral Systems based on the Four (Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude) or the Seven Virtues (The Four Virtues & Faith, Hope and Love).

When you understand and apply the Universal Moral Laws you use the Virtue of Prudence (Wisdom, Knowledge).  To Apply the Golden Lesson you need to have Courage and a Strong Will, the Virtue of Fortitude. When you keep the three Virtues (Wisdom, Justice and Will) in the right Balance you are practising the virtue of Temperance.

They last three virtues are derived out of the First Letter to the Corinthians written by Paul:

“If I speak in the tonguesof men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”.

About the Temperance of Ma’at

Ma’at (later  named Sophia ) was one of the (3×3) Nine Egyptian Neteru . She represented the Virtues of Truth, Balance, Justice, and Order. Just like Lady Justice she uses a Scale.

The dead person’s Heart was placed on the scale, balanced by the Feather of Ma’at. If the Heart weighed the same as the Feather of Ma’at, the deceased was allowed to go on to the Eternal Afterlife and gained Immortality (Heaven).

If the deceased had been found not to have followed the concept of Ma’at during his life (if he had lied or cheated or killed or revenged) his heart was devoured by a demon and he died the final death and was Reincarnated (Hell).

The Human,  the Talking Baboon,  had to start all over again to Learn and Apply the most important Golden Lesson of the Universe.

The way of Ma’at was to Act out of the Center of Conscioussness, the Heart. Acting out of the Heart is called the Virtue of Love.

Ma’at was also the God of Balance, Rythm and the Cycles. The Good and the not-Good moved the Cycles of the Universe.

The Good and the not-Good came out of the Same Source, the Void, the Sekhem, the Source of Infinite Potential and Love.

About the Trinity of the Mind

In the Eastern (Gnostic, Egyptian, Indian, African, Mystic) Believe System the Good and the Bad are both created by the Demiurg (or the Logos, “In the beginning was the Word and Word was God“) one of the Creations of the Void. The Void exists outside our Level of Existence. The Void is a Mystery.

The Good and the not-Good, the Bad, are Complementary Opponents. Their Union is the Whole. They Share the Void, the Empty Set. The Empty Set contains Everything that is Impossible.

The Good and the Bad Move the Cycles of the Universe. They represent the E-Motions (Expansion (Desire, Creation) and Contraction (Control, Destruction)) of the Void.

The Good and the Bad Cooperate by Competing to bring the Lonely Souls back to the Void.

The Good, the Creator, and the Bad, the Destructor, are Two Faces of the Same Entity, the Spiritual Trinity, who came out of the Nothing.

The connection with the Void can be found in the Middle (the Golden Mean) of the Body, the Heart, the Link between the Triangel of the Material World (the Body) and the Triangel of the Spiritual World (The Mind).

The Heart, the connection with the Void,  is the Seat of Consciousness. It is also the Seat of the Emotions (Soul).

When the Heart Weights like a Feather, the Upper (Mind) and the Lower Trinity (the Body) connected by the Emotions are in Balance.

The Bad and the Good are Attractors. When the Attraction becomes too High you get Addicted to the Bad or the Good. A huge Expansion is compensated by a huge Contraction to Balance the Cycle. When you want to avoid the Pain of Contraction you have to Balance your Life.

The Two Triangels with the Heart in the Middle are the Same As the Seven Chakra’s (2×3+1) and the Seven Virtues of the Renaissance.

The Seven Chakra’s together with the Spiritual Trinity are Similar to the Tree of Life, The Egyptian Pesedjet/Neteru and the Jewish Sephirot (3×3+1).

About the Trinity of the Body

When Body and Mind are in Balance, the Ideas of the Spiritual Trinity are received by the Trinity of the Mind and are Implemented by the Trinity of the Material Body in the Material World (Earth).

When the Mind is not connected to the Body and the Spirit, the Ideas become Abstractions (only Words) or the Impulses of the Desire of the Body Takes over Control.

When the Mind is not connected to the Spirit Innovation stops and Old Ideas (the Seeds) Repeat Themselves All the Time. The Human becomes a Machine Caught in the Wheel of the Good and the Bad.

The One, the Spiritual Trinity, who is The Void, the Good (the Creator) and the Bad (the Destructor), uses the Strategy of Tit-for-Tat, the Trickster.

The Trinity Imitates the Behavior of the Humans or We the Humans Copy their Behavior (“We are made in the Image of God“)!

The One wants to make the Humans Aware of the Fact that the only way to Survive the Infinite Chain of Conflicts (Dilemma’s, Contradictions), which is Life, is to Cooperate (Live out of the Heart) with the Infinite Potential, the God of Love.

About Destruction

The Golden Rule of Ethics tries to avoid the Negative Emotions, the Emotions of Loss. It wants to Create a situation were Everybody is Happy.

The Golden Rule of Ethics helps a lot to Evaluate our Intentions and the Consequences of our Intentions but the effect of our Collective Actions on the Bigger Structures is almost Unpredictable.

It would help a lot if we could Expand our View from the Emotional Human Other to “all the Other Life-Forms” that are in Existence.

In this case we have to Understand the Effects of our Behavior on the Negative Emotions of the Bacteria, the Plants, the Animals, Earth and even the Universe.

It is not clear if our Emphatic System is able to Imagine the Inner World of the other Life Forms.

If the Act of Destruction is felt the same by all these Organisms it will be simply impossible to Live.

We have to Destroy Others to stay Alive.

The Universe Destroys to Stay Alive.

The Destruction of the Old is needed to Create the New.

At this moment we are confronted with a World-Wide Crisis on many Levels of Existence. The Collective Behavior of the Human Race is Destroying our Environment.

The Collective Desire to Create and Expand has reached the Limits of the System we Live in.

It is almost impossible to Control this Expansion. The Control Systems have also reached their Limits.

The Two Complementary Forces, The Good and the Bad, Expansion and Contraction, Desire and Control,  have both reached their Outer Limits.

If they both reach the Limits the Expanding Balloon of our Outer Universe will Explode in Itself (Implode) and move through the Void to another State. There is Simply no Space Left to Expand.

If this happens the Expansion of the Outer World will be Transformed into an Expansion of the Inner World.

The Big Bang, the Big Explosion, the Sublime Act of Creation, will Repeat itself and the Big Implosion will Create a New Universe.

About Not-Acting

Wu Wei (Not Acting, Acting without Effort) is an important concept of Taoism.

When you want to apply this concept you have to Know Everything There is to Know about the Cycles and the Forces of Nature. Wu Wei is only possible when you have aquired the Knowledge and the Wisdom of Ma’at/Sophia.

Most of the Time the Power of the Cycle is so Strong that it is impossible for Us to influence the Flow of Time.

Sometimes on a Rare Moment on a Special Place the Cycles can be Influenced.

Only at that Special Magic Moment the Human is able to do the Good or the Bad.

At all the other Moments History Takes its Course. The Good and Bad Forces, the Acts of God, Act without our Consent on the Higher Levels of Our Universe. It is a Waste of Time and Energy to Oppose these Forces.

Most of the Time we are Pushed by the Forces of Nature. We Act without Effort.

In Ancients Times the Forces were called Gods, Angels or Devils. At this moment we Name these Forces with Different Names (Gravity, the Strong and Weak Force and the Electro-Magnetic Force) but the Effect of the Forces on our Field of Existence stays the Same.

At a Magic Moment Everything, even the Impossible, is Possible. At such a moment we are “in Tune with”  the Empty Set, the Void, the Sekhem, the Tao, the Field, the Love, the Mystery, the Unspoken.

The Emotions of Loss are created when we Lose Something.

If you Own Nothing You have Nothing to Lose.

If you Expect Nothing, Every Thing will Happen.

When people see things as beautiful,
ugliness is created.
When people see things as good,
evil is created.

Being and non-being produce each other.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low oppose each other.
Fore and aft follow each other.

Therefore the Master
can act without doing anything
and teach without saying a word.
Things come her way and she does not stop them;
things leave and she lets them go.
She has without possessing,
and acts without any expectations.
When her work is done, she takes no credit.
That is why it will last forever.

(Tao Te Ching,  Chapter II)


About Game Theory and Ethics

About Cybernetics and Ethics

About Social Balance Theory

About the Logic of Creation

The Way the Universe was Created has generated an ongoing discussion for more than 6000 years. In this Blog I give you a way to solve this problem with the use of Logic.

When we use Logic you will see that the concept of Creation out of Nothing leads to a Strange Contradiction.

This Contradiction looks a lot like the Zero-Point-Field of Quantum Mechanics.

The theory of Quantum Mechanics is a Statistical Theory. Statistical Theories are an approximation of a Theory.

Behind this approximation lies a hidden structure called the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is an expansion of the first Creation, the split of the Void.

Perhaps the most important conclusion of this blog is that what most people call the Spiritual World is really the Material World which can be explained by Mathematics and Physics.

The only part of our Universe that is truly Spiritual and is without any Duality lies outside our Universe. This Part, The Void,  prevents Our Universe for Total Annihilation.

To describe the process of Creation out of Nothing we have to define the Void (Ø) and the Whole (○). The Void is the Empty Set. The Empty Set is a Set with Zero Members. An example is the Set of months with more than 31 days. In this case the Empty Set is the result of an impossible selection.

The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.

It is hidden but always present.
I don’t know who gave birth to it.
It is older than God.

The empty set is not the same thing as nothing. It is a set with nothing inside it. In Logic there is no concept that describes “nothing”. We have to assume that there was something in the Beginning and that something is the Empty Set.

The Empty Set contains everything that is impossible.

In the Beginning an impossible selection was not possible because there was nothing to select from. This means that in the Beginning the Empty Set was the only Set in the Universe.

In the beginning the only thing that was possible was the impossible.

The Void is the Opposite of the Whole. To define the Void and the Whole we have to make use of a Distinction.

A Distinction is something that divides a Set into Two parts, X and its Opposite not-X (Yin/Yang).

A Set  that is divided into Two Parts Suddenly contains Four parts A, not-A, the Division and the Set itself (the Whole): Yin, Yang, Yin AND Yang (Division), Yin OR Yang (Whole).

The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 42).

X and not-X have only the Void in common. When we bring the two sets together they become Nothing just like the combination of Matter and Anti-Matter results in the Annihilation of Both Parts and the production of a Photon (“Light”) and Kinetic Energy (Movement). To avoid annihilation Matter and Anti-Matter have to Stay Apart.

When you Fuse the two parts X and not-X the Whole appears again. In the Beginning there was Nothing to Fuse and the commonality of the Empty Set with its Opposite, the Not-Empty Set, the Whole, was the Empty Set. In the Beginning the Whole was the Empty Set because there was only the Empty Set.

All is possible when emptiness is possible.
Nothing is possible when emptiness is impossible.

Nagarjuna, Chapter 24 verse 14 of the Mūlamadhyamakakārikā

In Logic the commonality of two sets is represented by the term “and”. The fusion of two sets is represented by the term “or”. The not is represented by the symbol “~”. Using these Symbols we can write down the “laws of Logic” as follows:

Ø = ~○

X and ~X = Ø

X or ~X = ○

At the beginning of the beginning, even nothing did not exist (Chuang-tse)

At the Beginning the Universe was the Void and the Void was the Whole.

This implies the following:

Ø and ~ Ø = Ø

Ø or ~ Ø = ○

Ø = ~ Ø

Form is no other than emptiness; emptiness no other than form (Diamond Sutra)

The First Distinction in the Universe is the Choice between Distinction (~ Ø) or Non-Distinction (Ø). The Choice between the two is the Whole (Ø or ~ Ø = ○). Non-distinction is the state of Union of Every Thing in the Universe. The Union of Every Thing is No Thing at all.

There is in reality neither truth nor error, neither yes nor no, nor any distinction whatsoever, since all — including contraries — is One (Chuang-tse)

The One. . .is there before every oneness amid multiplicity, before every part and whole, before the definite and indefinite, before the limited and the unlimited. It is there defining all things that have being, defining being itself. . .It is there beyond the one itself, defining this one. (Dionysius)

The One transcends all antithesis, rises above all relation, is pure from all duality (Proclus)

Everything is of the nature of no thing (Parmenides)

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. The named is the mother of ten thousand things. These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness. Darkness within darkness. The gate to all mystery (Lao Tzu)

In the Beginning when the Laws of Logic, the Logos, came into existence two Empty Sets were produced, the Empty Set and its Opposite, the Not-Empty Set. In the Beginning the Void was not the Void.

In the Beginning the Void has Negated Itself. This Negation started the Proces of Creation out of Nothing.

By Negation itself the Void created a deep Passionate longing to move back to the Sea of the Nothing.

The One is a Negation of Negations (Meister Eckhart)

The not-Void has a choice (Ø or ~ Ø). One choice is to merge with the Void (Ø and ~ Ø) and return back into Emptiness. The other choice is to avoid Annihilation. In this case the not-Void, ~ Ø, has to stay apart from the Void, Ø. Therefore the Not-Void, ~Ø, has to Move Away from the Void, Ø.

When this happened The Not-Void transformed from the State of Being into the state of Becoming and started to Rotate and Expand in a Spiraling motion. The Moving Void, the Second Distinction, Expanding Space, was created. When the Second Distinction was created the Void came to Rest but to keep the Balance of the Void, Not-Expanding, Compressing Space, Ø and ~ Ø, came into Existence too.

Expansion (The Strong Force) has to be compensated by Compression (Gravity) to bring the Universe back to the Void. The amount of Time this will take is dependent on the Power, the Potential, of the not-Void when it was disconnected from the Void. When the Potential of the disconnection is small, the Void and the Non-Void will merge soon and start a new process of disconnection to solve their Eternal Contradiction.

Expanding Space (Ø or ~ Ø ) and ~ Expanding Space(Ø or ~ Ø) = Ø

Gravity and The Strong Force  = Ø

Gravity or The Strong Force = ~ Ø

The whole process of logical reasoning from the Void to Space/Time is based on a Contradiction that occurs when we define what happens when Logic (Consciousness, the Two, the Self and the Observer of the Self) came into existence (“In the beginning was the Logos“) and the Void was the Whole.

When we look at the current theory of creation called the Big Bang Theory we find the same contradiction formulated in a different way.

In the theory of the Big Bang the Void that is the Whole is called a Gravitational Singularity (GS). A GS is a situation where the current laws of Physics break down because one of the variables moves to Infinity. When such a contradiction happens scientists know there is something wrong with their theory.

In the Big Bang Theory, the Universe is compressed (moved back in Time) into an extremely small space, a point, a singularity, and is therefore infinitely hot.

The Void that was the Whole, Empty Space, is extremely cold (0 degrees Kelvin). This condition is called the Zero-Point-Field. It is the State of the Universe that was there before the Big Bang.

According to Quantum Mechanics, the Zero-Point-Field, the Vacuum State, is not truly empty. It contains fleeting electromagnetic waves and particles that pop into and out of existence. It is not strange to define this popping up of No-Thing by the statement: ~ Ø = Ø (Sometimes there is nothing and sometimes there is not nothing).

The only thing we have to look for is the reason why the State of Rest of the Zero Point Field was disturbed. The answer of this question is simple: “It just happens“. A statistical fluctuation can be very small or very big.

In the Beginning the Quantum Fluctuations of the Zero Point Field, the Phoenix,  generated a huge Fluctuation represented by a “Cosmic Orgasm (Shiva and Shakti made Love)” and a real particle, a Photon (“In the Beginning was the Light“), came into existence. This Single Photon, One Wave of Light, bouncing against the expanding walls of the Universe, was enough to Create the Whole Universe.

Quantum Fluctuation is a Statistical Theory. Statistal Theories don’t explain the Universe. They are an approximation of a deeper structure we still don’t know. The ancient scientists used a metaphor out of Nature to explain this deeper structure. This metaphor was called the Tree of Life.

When we use Logic, the first step in Creation generates a Trinity. This Trinity consists of Gravitation (Expansion), the Strong Force (Compression) and the Void, the Empty Set. The concept of the Trinity with different names comes back in every Ancient Religion.

The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 42).

The first Trinity is the Top of a structure called the Tree of Life. This structure can be found in almost every Ancient Culture.

The Tree of Life consists of Nine Concepts with the Void (10=0)  at the top. The Nine Concepts of the Tree of Life are created by Multiplying the Trinity by the Trinity (3×3 =9 + the Void = 10 = 0).

The duality (-1,1) is represented by two Trinities (-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3) with the Void in the Middle. In this case the Pattern of Seven appears.

The real enfolding  is created when we apply the Trinity to the Trinity. In this case the sequence becomes 1, 1, 4 (1+ 3×1), 13 (1+3×4), 43 (4+3×13), the Bronze Mean.

Every number in this sequence represents an important Stage in the enfolding of our Universe and has its own Mystical Meaning (The Void, The Duality, the Four Forces, The Zodiac (with the Sun in the Center), The Sri Yantra (The Kingdom)).

The fractal patterns moves deeper and deeper into the Material World, father away from the Beginning, the Void. At this moment our Universe contains fourty-two levels.

At some point (43) the pattern of enfolding will finally reach the Kingdom and the pattern will reverse and moves back to the Void. From that moment  we will move backwards in Time.

When you apply the Trinity to the Trinity you use a principle that is called Self-Reference. In modern mathematics this principle is called a Fractal and the theory associated with Fractals is called Chaos Theory. Fractals play a very important role in the new String Theories of the Universe.

It is possible to generate the many levels of the Universe out of one Fractal Pattern, the Trinity. In modern Physics one of the candidates for the Fractal Pattern of the Universe is the Sierpinski Triangel. This fractal pattern generates the well known Mystical Geometries and is based on Trinities.

Physics and Mystics show that Our Universe and every part of it (including the Human Being) are part of the first Trinity that came out of the non-Void, the negation of the Empty Set that came into Being.

If the Void and the Trinity are concepts that represents the concept of God, we are all part of the enfolding structure, God, the Not-Void.

One part of God, the “Real Void“, the Mystery (Brahman), is not part of our Universe. It stays outside to prevent total annihilation of Every Thing.

We cannot understand The Mystery because we cannot Reason, don’t have a Distinction, about the Beginning of the Beginning. It lies Outside our System of Understanding called Logic. The only thing that is left for us is to Experience and Keep Silent.

Gravity is the root of lightness; stillness, the ruler of movement (Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 26).

The Void is also the power that Attracts every part of our Universe. The farther away we expand from the Void the stronger the Strong Force becomes. At a certain point in Time this force will force us to Move Back. When this happens the Compression of the Universe, back to the Void, cannot be stopped. When we move Back, Time will be Reversed.

In the End the Spiral of Enfolding will be Closed in Itself and the not-Void will merge with the Void. At that moment the State of Stillness of the Zero Point Field will be restored waiting for a new Fluctuation to occur. The Universe is Breathing. It is recreated time after time until the Void and the Non-Void finally fuse into the Nothing, the Mystery.

“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; then will ye enter into the kingdom.”

(Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).

When we look at the Logic of Creation we can see that the only part of Our Universe that is Truly Spiritual is the Void. The Not-Void and all its expansions are part of the Material World (Maya) that can be explained by Mathematics and Physics.

The Void, the Infinite Potential with Infinite Possibilities, lies Outside our System of Reasoning and is Nameless, Formless and not Dividable. It is truly One.

We are Nothing but a Rare Fluctuation of the One, who is the Void.


About the Mathematics of Distinctions of Spencer Brown

About Boundaries

About Boundary Mathematics

About the Tree of Life

About the Void and Atman

About the Seven (3-1-3) and the Nine (3×3)

About the Holy Trinity in Mathematics

How to create Mathematics out of the Void

Why Quantum Fluctuation could have created the Universe

How the Universe was created out of one Photon

About (Software) Quality

When I attended the University of Leiden Software-Development was in its infancy. In 1969 just a few people were programming for the simple reason that the amount of computers was very low. It took a lot of time (many weeks), intelligence and perseverance to create a small working software-program.

At that time the effect of a software-program on other people was very low. Software-programs were used by the programmers themselves to solve their own problems.

When User-Interfaces, Databases and Telecommunication appeared it became possible to create software for Many Non-Programmers, Users. The software-systems got bigger and programmers had to cooperate with other programmers.

When the step from One-to-Many was made in the process of software-development and exploitation, Software-Quality became a very important issue.

What is Software?

A Software-program is a sequence of sentences written in a computer-language. When you speak and write you use a natural language. When you write a computer program you use an artificial, designed, language.

The difference between natural and artificial languages is small. Esperanto is a constructed language that became a natural language. Perhaps all the natural languages were constructed in the past.

Software programs are very detailed prescriptions of something a computer has to do. The specifications of a software-program are written in a natural language (Pseudo-Code, Use-Case).

To create Software we have to transform Natural Language into Structured Language. The big problem is that Natural Language is a Rich Language. It not only contains Structural components but is also contains Emotional (Values), Imaginative ((Visual) Metaphors) and Sensual Components (Facts). The most expressive human language is Speech.

In this case the Tonality of the Voice and the Body Language also contains a lot of information about the Sender. When you want to create Software you have to remove the Emotional, Imaginative and Sensual components out of Human Language.

What is Quality?

According to the International Standards Organization (ISO), Quality is “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements“. According to the ISO the quality of a software-program is the degree in which the software-coding is in agreement with its specification.

Because a specification is written in natural language, Quality has to do with the precision of the transformation of one language (the natural) to another language (the constructed).

According to Six Sigma Quality is the number of defects of an implementation of the specification of the software.

Another view on Quality is called Fitness for Use. It is this case Quality is “what the Customer wants” or “What the Customer is willing to pay for“.

If you look carefully at all the Views on Quality, the Four World Views of Will McWhinney appear.

Six Sigma is the Sensory View on Quality (Facts), ISO is the Unity View on Software (Procedures, Laws, Rules) and Fitness for Use is the Social View on Quality (Stakeholders).

The last worldview of McWhinney, the Mythic, the View of the Artist, is represented by the Aesthetical view on Quality. Something is of high quality when it is Beautiful.

The Four Perspectives of McWhinney look at something we name “Quality”. We can specify the concept “Quality” by combining the Four definitions or we can try to find out what is behind “the Four Views on Quality”.

The Architect Christopher Alexander wrote many books about Quality. Interesting enough he named the “Quality” behind the Four Perspectives the “Quality without a Name“. Later in his life he defined this Quality, the “Force of Life“.

What Happened?

In the beginning of software-development the Artists, the Mythics, created software. Creating high quality software was a craft and a real challenge. To create, a programmer had to overcome a high resistance.

The “creative” programmers solved many problems and shared their solutions. Software-development changed from an Art into a Practice. The Many Different Practices were Standardized and United into one Method. The Method made it possible for many people to “learn the trade of programming”.

When an Art turns into a Method, the Aesthetic, the Quality that Has No Name, Life Itself, disappears. The Controller, Quality Management (ISO), has tried to solve this problem and has given many names to the Quality without a Name. Many Aspects of Software Quality are now standardized and programmed into software.


It is impossible to Program the Social Emotions and the Mythic Imagination.


Software developers don’t use Methods and Standards because deep within they are Artists. The big difference is that they don’t solve their own problems anymore. They solve the problems of the users that are interviewed by the designers.


The Users don’t want the Designers to tell the Programmers to create something they want to create themselves (the Not-Invented Here Syndrome). They also don’t know what the programmers, instructed by the designers will create, so they wait until the programmers are finished and tell them that they want something else.

What Went Wrong?

The first Computer, the Analytical Engine of Charles Babbage, contained four parts called the Mill (the Central Processing Unit, the Operating System), the Store (the database), the Reader, and the Printer. The Analytical Engine and his successors were based on the Concept of the Factory.

In a Factory the Users, the Workers, The Slaves, have to do what the Masters, the Programmers, tell them to do.The Scientists modeled successful programmers but they forgot to model one thing, the Context. At the time the old fashioned programming artists were active, software was made to support the programmer himself. The programmer was the User of his Own software-program.

At this moment the Factory is an “old-fashioned” concept. In the Fifties the Slaves started to transform into Individuals but the Factory-Computer and the Practices of the Old Fashioned Programmers were not abandoned.

To cope with the rising power of the Individual the old methods were adopted but the old paradigm of the Slave was not removed. The Slave became a Stakeholder but his main role is to act Emotionally. He has the power to “Like or to Dislike” or “To Buy or not to Buy”.

The big Mistake was to believe that it is possible to program Individuals.

What To Do?

The Four Worldviews of Quality Move Around Life Itself.

According to Mikhail Bakhtin Life Itself is destroyed by the Process of Coding (“A code is a deliberately established, killed context“).

When you want to make software you have to keep Life Alive.

The Paradigm-Shift you have to make is not very difficult. Individual Programmers want to make Software for Themselves so Individual Users want to Do the Same!

At this moment the Computer is not a tool to manage a factory anymore. It has become a Personal tool.

It is not very difficult to give individuals that Play the Role of Employee tools to Solve their own Problems.

When they have solved their own problems they will Share the Solutions with other users.

If this happens their activities will change from an Individual Act of Creation into a Shared Practice.

If People Share their Problems and Solutions, their Joy and their Sorrow, they Experience the Spirit,  the Force of Life, the Quality that has no Name.


How to Analyze a Context

About the Human Measure

About the Autistic Computer

About the Worldviews of Will McWhinney

About Christopher Alexander

About Computer Languages

About Mikhail Bahtin

About Ontologies

About Model Driven Software Development

About the Illusion of Cooperation

About the Analytic Engine of Charles Babbage

About the Analytic Engine of Thomas Fowler

About Human Scale Tools

About Old-Fashioned Programming

How to Cure Diseases with the Power of the Mind

Our universe contains an unseen fifth force called the Aether. Aether is the carrier of something that was called the Force of Live in old Civilizations. The concept of the Aether was part of Science until Albert Einstein introduced the General Relativity Theory. At that time the Aether was abandoned and Space became Empty.

In reality Space contains something that could be used to cure diseases and to generate an unlimited amount of Energy. The consequences of the new and old theory of the Aether are violating almost everything we believe in Western Society.

Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr (Quantum Mechanics) have been in conflict all their lifes. Bohr believed in Statistics and Coincedence. Einstein believed in Fundamental Laws and Geometry (“God is Geometer”, “God is not throwing dice“).

Einstein was a Jew and although he was not religious deep in his hart he believed in a Creating Power. Bohr was more inclined to the Chinese Philosophy of the Tao. Niels Bohr adopted the the yin-yang symbol as his family coat of arms after a trip to China in the 1930s as he felt it symbolized the concept of wave-particle complementarity.

Until now scientists are looking for the unifying Theory of Everything. One of the most interesting candidates is String Theory. Behind String Theory is the Beta Function representing a multidimensional string.

The String is producing the Music of the Spheres (Pythagoras, Egypt). Behind every Theory of Physics we can find an old Religious System.

The man and woman in the street are incapable of understanding their physical environment. All they know is that Science has proved that the Universe was created by a Big Bang. They have found a completely Mechanical Explanation of the Universe. The Scientists are trying to prove that we don’t need a Self Aware Consciousness to explain our Reality.

Everybody is Religious in some way. The main reason is that we all are going to die and almost nobody believes everything ends at that moment. Many people have experienced religious moments and they are looking for an explanation.

At this moment Science is destroying Religion but Science is also proving many things the Religions of the World were explaining a long time ago. It looks like there is a Shared Religion behind all the Religions of the World.

They centainly share the belief in a Self Aware Consciousness that created Every Thing. There are many Scientists (like Capra, The Tao of Physics) who are trying to unite Science and one of the Religions of the World. Their number is growing.

We are in a stage of the Cycle where Religion is becoming more important to many people. We have to find a Union between Science and Religion and the Union is really not difficult to find. If we don’t find a Union the man and woman in the street will be without a long term perspective. They will be litterrally lost in (empty) space.

The old Aether Theory suggested a very simple model of the Universe. Every Force is a Stage of the Aether and the Aether operates on many Levels.

The Universe started with a Consciousness that was Aware of itself. The Self-Aware Consciousness unfolded itself at lower levels. At every Level the same structure is visible. The Universe is a self-referential system, a Fractal. We are One and we are Different.

Experiments in Physics have shown a huge influence of the Observer of the Experiment. In the Medical Field this is called the Placebo Effect. The Consciousness of the Human has a strange influence on his physical environment including his material Body.

If the Universe is a Self-Reference it is not strange to believe that a Consciousness is involved on Every Level. It also implies that our Cells (a lower part of the unfolding) are Conscious.

Science has very big problems with the Role of the Conscioussness in the Universe. The Idea of something that could be called God is frightening because in the Western Culture God is a Strict Father. He is punishing his children when they are not obeying his Laws. We are Sinners. The idea of a Nurturing Mother taking care of her children has completely disappeared.

The believe that Everything in the Universe is conscious has many more implications. When we eat, Somebody has killed Something that has a lot in common with Us. We don’t want to become aware of this fact because when this is true we are bothered by our Empathy. We don’t want to be responsible for killing something that Looks like Us.

Soldiers are killing Human Beings but they are doing this because The Enemy is Bad and we are the Good Ones. We always find a very intelligent explanation to get rid of the thought that we are doing something the Strict Father called God is forbidding. We are not responsible. They are! But sadly enough the Strict Father is aware of everything. There is no place to hide.

The only thing we can do is to deny the Strict Father. We are not religious and we are able to explain everything without the need of a Strict Father. Science is helping us to Blind the Strict Father. Science is doing this to create a highly complex system, a Veil no one can penetrate.

Our Bodies are Chemical Factories and Electro-Magnetic Structures (Fields). They are also influenced by our Consciousness and the Consciousness of Others on Our Level and on a Higher Level.

At this moment we ignore the Field and the Mind completely. We are also ignoring the Force that is Aware of itself. We don’t believe in her Love and Care. We want to solve our own problems and we are capable of doing this because the Intelligent People that are Scientists just need a little more time and money.

Plasma Cosmology shows the big influence of the Electro-Magnetic Field in the Universe. Epigenetics shows the influence of the Mind and The Field on our Body. Our Believe Systems are managing our Body.

Electro-Magnetic Therapy (or Energy Therapy or Radionics or Orgone Therapy or Psionics or..) is according to the current state of Medical Science a fraud. It has a positive influence on some of the patients and it fails with many others.

If you look at the influence of the Mind on the Body and you know that many sick people are convinced they are sick and can only be cured by an intervention in the Chemical Factory of the Body you can easily understand why this is happening. They really don’t believe the Field is able to cure and what they believe will happen.

We are proving what we don’t want to prove and we don’t want to believe what we are proving because when we become aware of the impact of the prove our believe system falls apart.

We don’t want to believe that we are able to cure ourselves because we want to feel alone in the Universe. We are left alone by our Strict Father who promised so much and nothing came through of his promises. We really don’t like Him at all.

We are desperately looking for our Nurturing Mother who was unable to do what she wanted to do. She was restricted by her Strict Husband.

Our Nurturing Mother, the Force of Life, The Aether, is everywhere available but we are making so much noise that we don’t hear her voice.

She is able to cure and to give unlimited energy but we really don’t want that.

We want to be the Victims of The Strict Father.

We want to keep on suffering because suffering really feels good because it feels bad.

We love to punish ourselves so we can believe that the Strict Father is doing this to punish us for the Sins we are really committing.

We are very strange organisms.


About Epigenetics and Cancer

About Epigenetics and the effect of Electro-Magnetic Fields on the Body

About Epigenetics and Aging

About the Chinese Domino Game and the Magic Square of Lo Shu

Old Games always contain a Mystical meaning. They contain a Code. Over and over again the same Code is implemented in many games.  This blog is about the Chinese Domino Game.

The Old Chinese Masters made a distinction between the Square and the Circle. The Square was related to Human Creativity (Playing the Infinite Game of Life). The Circle was related to the Cycle and the Spiraling Spiral, the Fundamental Laws of the Universe.

The meeting of the Square, The Game,  and the Circle, Fate, generates Luck, Coincidence or Synchronicity.

The Chinese Domino Game Set is created by a throw of two six-sided dices. There are therefore 21 unique patterns. The 22nd pattern , the whole, closes the circle.

A tile is divided into two suits called Military and Civilian. The Civilian tiles are the Upper Triangle in the Matrix generated by the 36(6X6) throws of the dice. We find the same division in the Old version of Chess. The Civilian tiles are named and ranked according to their Level (Heaven, Earth, Human).

Each civilian tile has a Chinese name : The 6-6 is tin (天 heaven), 1-1 is dei (地 earth), 4-4 is yan (人 man), 1-3 is ngo (鵝 goose or 和 harmony), 5-5 is mui (梅 mei, flower).

The six symmetrical tiles (1-1, 2-2, ..) are the Basic Powers in the Universe (Earth, HuMan, Fire (Growth), Heaven, Center,..). The other Tiles are Connectors between the Powers and the Levels.

Chinese language is a Pictorial language. The Pictures are related to Sounds (morphemes). The oldest version of Chinese consisted of only Four Tones. The meaning of the language is highly Context-Dependent.

Numbers are also Context-Dependent. You have to know the modulus to understand what a number means. In the West we are accustomed to the use of 10. The number 13 means 10+3. In the “Old Days” other numbers where used.

When we move back to the Domino-Game we see that the base-number is 6. 1-3 (meaning Harmony) is really 6+3=9 in our notation based on 10.

A Magic Square is combination of numbers where the numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same constant. One of the oldest Magic Squares is the Lo Shu Square. It was given after the Great Deluge to the Mythical Emperor Lo Shu by a Magical Turtle. The Turtle is the Symbol of the Star System Orion.

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

The Lo Shu Square is a Code. If you follow the “numbers” 1-9 a Pattern emerges called the (generating) Sheng Cycle. When the numbers are added the number 15 (3X5) appears. The number 15 represents Three Times the Center which again indicates that there are Three levels. The three levels enfold into 7 levels when we apply the movement, the Spin, of the Cycle (Left-Handed, Right Handed).

The Left-Handed cycle is called the Destructive Woe Cycle. The Generating Cycle is voided by the Destructing Cycle (-1 + 1 = 0). The number 7 is 2X3+1 (-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3).

The division of the numbers 22 and 7 generates an approximation of the number pi, the Squaring of the Circle. It binds the Game of Life (Square) to the Laws of the Universe (Circle).

The 5 represents the Center and is called the Force of Life (Chi). Chi was called Ether in the West and Prana in India. Ether is called the Vacuum in Modern Physics.

The Magic Square is a representation of a Topological Structure called the Moebius Ring. The Ring is a Cyclic Structure without a Boundary. The Ring is the Basic Fractal pattern. The Universe is a Closed Self-Referencial structure, a Spiraling Spiral. The Ring enfolds in a Ring and the Enfolding is a Ring.

The Magic Square can be expanded to the 64 (8X8, the Checker Board) hexagrams of the I Tjing.

In the Game of Chess the Pawns are moved along the lines of The I Tjing. They create a Pattern just like the Game of Domino creates a pattern.

Both Games were played by Four Players, The Four Forces. The Games are a simulation of Life (or Earth or the Universe).

The Magic Square is also the basic pattern behind Acupuncture, Feng Shui and Astrology. The Magic Square Forces the Forces to Cooperate. They have to stay within the Limits of 15, the Upwards Spiral.

To move back to the Center (The Void) they travel back by the Downward Spiral. The Up/Downward Spiral is the basic Fractal Pattern of the Universe.

Again we move back to the game of Domino.

The Domino Stones can be seen as Numbers with a base 6, Characters with a meaning (1-3 (=9, the end state) means Goose and Harmony), Sounds, Colors and connectors in the Magic Square. In this case there is a relationship to the Human Body, The Living Context (Feng Shui), The Planets and the Galaxy.

The 21 unique throws of the two six-sided dices can be rewritten in a combination of two Lo Shu 3×3 Magic Squares in which one square is the negative of the other and the zero is in the middle ((-1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3) x (1,2,3)). It represents a combination of a left- and righ hand turn of the Cheng Cycle.

The Old Masters believed in a self-referential Universe. The “Fractal” pattern repeates itself on every Level. At this moment Scientists start to believe the same.

The Magic Square was given to mankind after the Great Deluce by a Mythical Entity, Half Man, Half Serpent. He came from an old civilization that was situated in MU. His Knowledge came from the Star System Orion (The Turtle).

The Egyptian name of this Magical Entity is Thoht, Tehuti or Djehuti. The Greek named him Hermes “Three Times Great” (Trismegistus) which relates him to the number 15 (3X5) of the Magical Square. Thoth was the keeper of the Secrets of Osiris (The Planet Sirius). Thoth was the Moon-God and is represented in old paintings as ibis-headed with the disc and crescent of the Moon. Hermus Trismegustus inspired the Magicians in the Middle Ages (John Dee) and new “mystical” groups like the Rosecrusians and the Free Masons.

Thoth came to Earth to teach mankind. He made all kinds of calculations about the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth. When he was finished he returned to Heaven (Orion?). When Earth is in a huge crisis he will come back. His knowledge and calculations were put into the Sacred Books of the Temple put unto 36535 scrolls that were enclosed in the Hall of Records. The Keys of Thoth were put into a Calendar. The Egyptian calendar was based on the Moon Cycle. They synchronized the Moon Cycle with the Cycle of Sirius. Sirius in the star system Orion rose every 365 days. The Egyptian Year started when Sirius appeared (June 21th).

Thoth came from Sirius (Al Shira, The Shining One). Interesting enough all the other Serpent-Kings came from the same Star System. All the Serpent Kings created Pyramids (even in China!) and the Pyramids are a “Simulator” of the Orion System.

Thoth will Return. We will be warned about the Rebirth of Thoth when something happens with Sirius. In a Hopi Myth Sirius is called the Blue Kachina. When the Blue Kachine drops its mask (or veal) the Fifth World will appear.

Let us move back to the Game of Domino.

Vladimir Pakhomov wrote a book called the Message to the Unborn. He used the Game of Domino to encrypt the Code behind the Code. The book contains more than 500 pages to explain his theory.

When he placed the Chinese Domino game in a Magic Square of Lo Shu and used the Orion System as the Central Code the code behind the code showed itself.

He named his book Message to the Unborn because he shows that our Ancestors from the Stars not only gave us a warning. They also gave us Tools to Save Mankind. The Tools are Magical Incantations (Tones and Sounds). Perhaps it is Very Easy to Save Mankind!


About Mehen, the Spiral Game

About Thoth

About the African History of Ancient Egypt

About the Djed-Pillar, the Egyptian Serpent

About the Nine Spiritual Bodies of Egypt

About Egyptian Physics

About Heliopolis, the Ancient University of Egypt

About Free Will and Free Choice

melting clocksThe Causal, Linear, chain of Time as a Flow is an Illusion.
We are Moving in a Network of Events with each “event”, having its own measure of location, and its own measure of time, with reference to other events.
We are living in a Universe where every point in Space is represented by an Event.
We are always in the Now. Past and Future are a construction of our internal Calculation Engine (the Cerebral Cortex).
The Universe is also equipped with a memory and the memory of the Universe is Moved By the Potential Energy of the Vacuum. Because the Universe also contains the Material world Every Thing is conscious.

dali willWe, the Humans, are “more conscious” than the Universe because we have a faculty called a Will.

The Will of the Human Being makes him (or her) very different from every thing else in the Universe. We are able to Want Something.

We are able to Strive for Something (a Goal). The rest of the Universes is governed by Rules, the Laws of Nature.

The first problem we encounter is that experiments show that an Intention (an act of the Will) is not created in what psychologists call the Consciousness. An Intention starts in the Unconsciousness (also called The Emotions).

This problem can be easily solved by accepting that the Unconsciousness is more conscious than the Consciousness.

What are The Emotions Striving for?

Love, Unity, Harmony.

Strange this is same thing the Universe is “striving for”. In the terminology of the Universe Love, Harmony and Unity are called Symmetry. We share the same strivings as the Universe.

Dali deadPerhaps we are different because we Live. The Universe (Matter) is dead.

We are capable to be aware of the environment, to adapt to the environment, to manipulate and to move in our environment.

We also have the ability to have “offspring”.

Of course we are not able to fully understand what environment the Universe sees. The quantum potential of the Vacuum, the Zero-Point-Field, contains influences from many other Universes.

Universes are aware of other Universes in the Multi-Verse. It shows all the other aspects of Life also. It is born (Big Bang) and it dies (Big Crunch) and it even produces off-spring.

So are we Created or are we Creating?

Do we have a Free Wil?

The answer is NO.

We are created by the Universe and behave like the Universe. We are an enfolding of the Universe just like our cells are an enfolding and Galaxies are an enfolding. All of them are “look alikes”.

We behave in the same way. If we look outside we see the same as we look inside. The Universe and Human Beings are Self-Referential!

dali-galatea_of_the_spheresIn our context we have a Free Choice (not free Will) to travel one of the many (246 * 320 * 59 * 76 * 112 * 133 * 17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31 * 41 * 47 * 59 * 71) paths the Universe has made available for us to explore. 

A “Thing” is conscious if It contains a Memory. Without a Memory there is nothing to compare. When there is nothing to compare Every Thing Is (=) and Every Thing is just One (1).

The Universe would be One and completely unaware of itself. It would not exist.

So to be conscious we have to “Make a Difference”.

We (Humans and Organisms) are “Moving Memories” and Our Memories are “Moved by Events”.

About Muddling Through

A parliament is a Place where People Talk (Parler, French). There are many places where people talk. They talk at home, in a café, at their work. People talk everywhere.

Most of the time people talk to find out what they are talking about.]]><![CDATA[

In a Parliament people talk about the Actions of Government.

In the Netherlands 150 elected people talk with one person of the Government. Because 150 people are unable to talk with one person most of them listen, sleep or are away. Only when they have to vote and the vote is important they are there. They are also there when they are on Television.

The 150 people are divided in 75+N en 75-N. N is >1 and gives them a majority. The 75-N are called the Opposition. It is their task to ask nasty questions. There are many small parties and to create a majority many parties are involved.

To create a majority many parties have to compromise. The effect of this compromise is that nobody is doing what he really wants to do. To do what they really want to do they use the complexity of the government system. Actions are hidden behind a huge wall of marketing fog.

The Opposition hopes that one day a representative of Government (called a Minister) will make a mistake and they can send him away.

When N+1 people of the others also disagree all the Executives have to leave. If this happens they try to find 75+N people and take over the management of Government.

What are they talking about? They talk about Laws, Plans and the Performance of the Government.

About the 5 P’s

I defined a Cycle-based Approach based on the 5 P’s Possibility, Plan, Performance, Protection and Potential.

The 5 P’s are related to the 5 (!) Seasons and other Cyclic models. The People in Parliament are Playing a Game and according to Will McWhinney they are playing The Analytic Game. The Analytic Game can be played in two ways called Make (Plans are implemented in Reality (Performance)) and Test (The Performance is compared with the Plans).

Outside the Government others are playing other Games like the Game of the Market (Performance vs Potential) or the Game of Politics (Plan vs Potential).

I have to tell you that I am in favor of the Infinite Game. The purpose of the Infinite Game is to continue Playing the Game of Life. The Game of the Market, the Analytical Game and the Political Games are Finite Games. Somebody Wins and many Loose.

When you want to play the Analytical Game and you are in Opposition you have to play the Game of Testing. Testing is a very well developed Game in Western Society. To Test you have to know more about the Method. A Method is ‘a Way of working”. In Government you HAVE TO (!!! A RULE) use a Method called Prince2

When you are using Prince2 it is rather simple to Oppose. The Project is equipped with a Quality System and the Quality System is there to Avoid and Report Exceptions. The exceptions could be discussed in Parliament. This never happens.

The big secret is that almost nobody in Government is using Prince2. Government is not applying its own Rules. It is unable to apply his own rules because The Bureaucracy is not a Project Management System it is a Political System.

Every Minister is controlling a Department and the Departments of the Government are highly overlapping. They fight and most of the time the Minister is unable to understand what is happening behind the Scene. Because of the Fight of the many Departments Projects Fail. Not only the Departments are overlapping. There are also many overlaps with local Authorities and of course the other Games that are played (The Market).

When everything is overlapping you know it is a waste of time to apply a Project Management approach. It is not Practical. You use a part of the method or (better) your Experience. Using something that Suits Your Purpose was called “Muddling Through” by Charles Edward Lindblom (The Science of Muddling Through, 1959).

“Muddling Through” is a “Method” where you try to Find Your Way through the Ever Changing Landscape of Many projects. Step by Step you move through the Mud where projects are suddenly started and suddenly stopped. Where priorities are set and suddenly change. Where money is provided and suddenly is gone. In the Mud you are able to move two steps ahead. Later you have to move one step back. When the result is one step ahead you are happy. When the result is one step back you smile and start all over again. Sometimes a Miracle happens and a project is successfull.

Because the Bureaucracy is not using Prince2 many of the Projects in Government FAIL. Parliament is accustomed to this. When Projects Fail the Minister is often not aware of the real reasons. In Parliament he tells the Story his Department has written for him.

The Representatives in Parliament know this. When you are part of the 75+N you Protect the Executive. When you are part of the 75-N it is easy to attack the Executive but you know that it want help at all because the Executive is Protected.

Parliament was created in the Trias Politica to be a Counterforce to the Executive Power representing the People. In reality the 75+N are a representative of the Executive. Only the Minority represents the People and they are without any Power. Even the Majority is without Power because they are unable to manage the “Muddling Through”.

It is not difficult to see why the People that Elected the members of Parliament to control the Executive Power don’t believe in the System.

I want to tell you my secret. I also don’t believe in a Project Management Approach. It only works when You have Total Control. You have Total Control when Everybody is Supporting You. This happens when everybody believes in a Common Enemy (or Friend). When you use the Method of the Common Enemy and convince people that when you don’t fight the Common Enemy you are a Coward you have a lot in common with a Fascist. They created common Enemies. Democracy was created to avoid this.

Big Changes need the Support of the Majority of the People but at this moment the Wheel of Time is in the State of Individuality. This is the real reason why there is such a big overlap. Everybody wants to do it on his Own Way.

Individuality shows itself in two ways Egoism and Holism, trying to find the Whole again.

Politicians could start to focus on the Whole instead of the Detail.

They could stop protecting the Minister and help him.

They could also stop to ask Nasty Questions when they already know the Answers.

Dialogue is about finding out what you are really talking about.


Why Civilians are Not Computers

MontesquieuMontesquieu tried to balance the Power of the State. He defined three functions called the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.

He based this model on the British constitutional system, in which he perceived a separation of powers among the Monarch, Parliament, and the Courts of Law.

In a Democracy the Parliament represents the People. It is chosen by an Election. Out of the Parliament the Executive Power is chosen by a Majority of the Votes.

At this moment the Executive Power is not one Person, the King. The real executive power is the Bureacracy. Since the times of  Montesquieu the Real Government has grown out of proportion. It is practising a very special approach called Muddling Through.

When you work yourself through the Mudd of Politics you move along with the Centers of Power that are now Moving all the Time. Muddling Through is an approach that is wasting a lot of time,  energy and money and the practical result is most of the time not visible.

The model of the Trias Politica was mainly created to protect the Legal System. At that time is was “without power” and was highly needed to keep the total System in Balance. At this moment the Legal System is too Powerful and Highly Inefficient. We have to create a new balance.

At the Time of Montesquieu the People were without Power. The Parliament was a representation of the Elite. This Elite controlled the People. At this moment a new Elite is controlling parliament but it is not representating the People.

The people are Individualists that want to go their own way. Every  new law is frustrating their efforts to accomplisch something with other Individualists.   The Old Democratic System is dying but the System is unable to define a new System that is more suited to the current Spirit of Time.

The Old System is also unable to use Network Technology to Unite the Individualists into Groups that work for the benifit of the Whole. The Cybernetic Cooperation could be the answer.  

Second and Third Order Cybernetics contains all the answers to solve the Problems but the people in the Political Mud are very busy to keep their Positions and don’t spend much time to look at the facts.

To keep the System in Balance Laws are formulated based on a Law of General Principles, The Foundation Law (GrondWet in Dutch). Every new Law has to obey this Law.

The Trias Politica was formulated around 1700 in the Era of Enlightenment. After 300 years it is still implemented in Government.

Since the Enlightment the Science of Defining and Maintaining Laws has transformed itself in First and Second Order Cybernetics.

Everybody knows Democracy is not functioning any more. It looks like nobody is able to agree that it is based on a Theory that is proved to be Wrong. When People try to discuss Democracy they are almost all the time attacked mostly by the People that are Part of the System. They believe there is no alternative to the current System.

Although it is impossible to manage a Country with a Software System it would help them to understand what is wrong with the Law.

If they would have developed a Software System to manage the Country they would have found out that they needed something else.

It could be possible that they would have made the move from First Order Cybernetics to Second Order Cybernetics (or Higher).

What is Wrong?

The answer is simple.

When I Tell you to do Something and You don’t understand what I am telling You, You are unable to do what I told You.

If I tell You to do something and You understand what I am telling You but You don’t want to do it or you are not able to do it you don’t do what I told You.

The Government is Executing a Computer Program without Using a Computer.

The Laws are just Words and they are not Logical.

So if the Government would implement its Laws in a Computer the Computer Would Stop Immediately.

Is it possible to formulate Rules that Control the State that can be executed by a Computer?

Of Course. Why not?

Will it work?



Civilians are not Computers.

They are Organisms.


About the Human Measure

About Organisms

About the Legal System